Travelled to:
1 × France
1 × Italy
1 × South Korea
1 × USA
Collaborated with:
G.Borriello G.Wang W.Gong R.Kastner B.E.Birnbaum A.D.Flaxman A.R.Karlin T.Perrier N.Dell R.J.Anderson J.Kinuthia J.Unger G.John-Stewart N.Lesh T.S.Parikh C.Sims W.Maokla M.Chemba Y.Hamisi D.Schellenberg M.Mitchell
Talks about:
use (2) interview (1) pregnant (1) identifi (1) communic (1) behavior (1) resourc (1) pediatr (1) dualiti (1) countri (1)
Person: Brian DeRenzi
DBLP: DeRenzi:Brian
Contributed to:
Wrote 4 papers:
- CHI-2015-PerrierDDAKUJ #communication #human-computer #hybrid #women
- Engaging Pregnant Women in Kenya with a Hybrid Computer-Human SMS Communication System (TP, ND, BD, RJA, JK, JU, GJS), pp. 1429–1438.
- CHI-2013-BirnbaumBFDK #behaviour #identification #using
- Using behavioral data to identify interviewer fabrication in surveys (BEB, GB, ADF, BD, ARK), pp. 2911–2920.
- CHI-2008-DeRenziLPSMCHSMB #health #named
- E-imci: improving pediatric health care in low-income countries (BD, NL, TSP, CS, WM, MC, YH, DS, MM, GB), pp. 753–762.
- DAC-2006-WangGDK #design #optimisation #using
- Design space exploration using time and resource duality with the ant colony optimization (GW, WG, BD, RK), pp. 451–454.