Travelled to:
1 × Korea
1 × Taiwan
Collaborated with:
Y.Lee S.Park W.Y.Han H.Kim J.Lee Y.J.Park W.K.Chung
Talks about:
method (3) use (2) fingerprint (1) trajectori (1) framework (1) teleoper (1) particl (1) paramet (1) manipul (1) generat (1)
Person: Byungjae Park
DBLP: Park:Byungjae
Contributed to:
Wrote 3 papers:
- CASE-2014-LeePP #locality #using
- Coarse-to-fine robot localization method using radio fingerprint and Particle Filter (YCL, BP, SP), pp. 290–296.
- CASE-2014-ParkLH #generative #performance #using
- Trajectory generation method using Bézier spiral curves for high-speed on-road autonomous vehicles (BP, YCL, WYH), pp. 927–932.
- CASE-2012-KimPLPC #estimation #framework #parametricity
- A parameter estimation method for the bilateral teleoperation framework for an O2 lance manipulator (HK, BP, JL, YJP, WKC), pp. 564–568.