Travelled to:
4 × USA
Collaborated with:
B.W.Kernighan G.Persky ∅ T.A.Weber D.N.Deutsch
Talks about:
circuit (4) algorithm (3) layout (2) electr (2) placement (1) dimension (1) arithmet (1) polycel (1) optimum (1) channel (1)
Person: Daniel G. Schweikert
DBLP: Schweikert:Daniel_G=
Facilitated 1 volumes:
Contributed to:
Wrote 5 papers:
- DAC-1976-PerskyDS #automation #design #named
- LTX — a system for the directed automatic design of LSI circuits (GP, DND, DGS), pp. 399–407.
- DAC-1976-Schweikert #2d #algorithm #layout
- A 2-dimensional placement algorithm for the layout of electrical circuits (DGS), pp. 408–416.
- DAC-1974-WeberS #algorithm #integer
- An integer arithmetic path expansion algorithm (TAW, DGS), pp. 62–69.
- DAC-1973-KernighanSP #algorithm
- An optimum channel-routing algorithm for polycell layouts of integrated circuits (BWK, DGS, GP), pp. 50–59.
- DAC-1972-SchweikertK #clustering
- A proper model for the partitioning of electrical circuits (DGS, BWK), pp. 57–62.