Travelled to:
1 × Finland
1 × Greece
1 × Italy
1 × Poland
1 × Portugal
1 × Switzerland
1 × Taiwan
Collaborated with:
S.Dustdar F.Skopik H.Psaier V.Hudlet R.Khazankin R.Gombotz M.Treiber C.Scherling
Talks about:
servic (3) interact (2) pattern (2) system (2) orient (2) hoc (2) ad (2) trustworthi (1) crowdcomput (1) crowdsourc (1)
Person: Daniel Schall
DBLP: Schall:Daniel
Contributed to:
Wrote 9 papers:
- CAiSE-2012-KhazankinSD #crowdsourcing #predict
- Predicting QoS in Scheduled Crowdsourcing (RK, DS, SD), pp. 460–472.
- SAC-2012-TreiberSDS #ad hoc #mobile #twitter #workflow
- Creating mobile ad hoc workflows with Twitter (MT, DS, SD, CS), pp. 1998–2000.
- EDOC-2011-PsaierSSD #resource management
- Resource and Agreement Management in Dynamic Crowdcomputing Environments (HP, FS, DS, SD), pp. 193–202.
- SAC-2011-SchallSPD #community
- Bridging socially-enhanced virtual communities (DS, FS, HP, SD), pp. 792–799.
- SAC-2011-SkopikSPD #adaptation
- Adaptive provisioning of human expertise in service-oriented systems (FS, DS, HP, SD), pp. 1568–1575.
- SIGMOD-2011-SchallH #clustering #energy #named
- WattDB: an energy-proportional cluster of wimpy nodes (DS, VH), pp. 1229–1232.
- PDP-2010-SkopikSD #enterprise #interactive #network #scalability
- Trusted Interaction Patterns in Large-scale Enterprise Service Networks (FS, DS, SD), pp. 367–374.
- SAC-2010-SkopikSD #interactive
- Trustworthy interaction balancing in mixed service-oriented systems (FS, DS, SD), pp. 799–806.
- ICEIS-SAIC-2007-SchallGD #ad hoc #collaboration
- Pattern-Based Collaboration in Ad-Hoc Teams Through Message Annotation (DS, RG, SD), pp. 84–91.