Travelled to:
1 × France
1 × Germany
1 × Italy
1 × Japan
1 × USA
1 × United Kingdom
Collaborated with:
B.Nuseibeh R.Crook L.Lin M.J.Shepperd ∅ M.Jackson J.D.Moffett
Talks about:
requir (4) secur (3) polici (2) metric (2) access (2) model (2) frame (2) engin (2) role (2) abus (2)
Person: Darrel C. Ince
DBLP: Ince:Darrel_C=
Contributed to:
Wrote 7 papers:
- RE-2005-CrookIN #modelling #on the #policy
- On Modelling Access Policies: Relating Roles to their Organisational Context (RC, DCI, BN), pp. 157–166.
- RE-2004-LinNIJ #bound #problem #security #using
- Using Abuse Frames to Bound the Scope of Security Problems (LL, BN, DCI, MJ), pp. 354–355.
- RE-2003-LinNIJM #requirements #security
- Introducing Abuse Frames for Analysing Security Requirements (LL, BN, DCI, MJ, JDM), pp. 371–372.
- RE-2002-CrookILN #anti #requirements #security
- Security Requirements Engineering: When Anti-Requirements Hit the Fan (RC, DCI, LL, BN), pp. 203–205.
- REFSQ-J-2002-CrookIN03 #modelling #policy #requirements #using
- Modelling access policies using roles in requirements engineering (RC, DCI, BN), pp. 979–991.
- ESEC-1991-ShepperdI #algebra #metric #validation
- Algebraic Validation of software Metrics (MJS, DCI), pp. 343–363.
- ESEC-1989-Ince #analysis #data flow #design #empirical #metric
- Martin J. Shepperd: An Empirical and Theoretical Analysis of an Information Flow-Based System Design Metric (DCI), pp. 86–99.