Travelled to:
1 × Canada
1 × France
1 × Japan
1 × The Netherlands
1 × United Kingdom
13 × USA
2 × Germany
Collaborated with:
∅ P.Zave B.Nuseibeh J.G.Hall L.Rapanotti R.C.Laney H.Lowe L.Lin D.C.Ince L.Barroca C.A.Gunter E.L.Gunter T.T.Tun Y.Yu J.D.Moffett M.C.Shekaran D.Garlan N.R.Mead C.Potts H.B.Reubenstein J.Z.Lavi A.K.Agrawala R.J.A.Buhr K.Jackson B.Lang
Talks about:
softwar (10) problem (8) requir (8) engin (7) system (5) frame (5) descript (4) specif (4) use (4) architectur (3)
Person: Michael Jackson
DBLP: Jackson:Michael
Contributed to:
Wrote 30 papers:
- RE-2009-TunJLNY #problem #using
- Are Your Lights Off? Using Problem Frames to Diagnose System Failures (TTT, MJ, RCL, BN, YY), pp. 343–348.
- SEFM-2007-HallRJ #framework #problem #re-engineering
- Problem Oriented Software Engineering: A design-theoretic framework for software engineering (JGH, LR, MJ), pp. 15–24.
- SEFM-2007-Jackson #re-engineering
- Specialising in Software Engineering (MJ), p. 3.
- ICSE-2005-JacksonZ #question
- Where do you go when you’re through the turnstile? (MJ, PZ), p. 44.
- RE-2004-LaneyBJN #problem #requirements #using
- Composing Requirements Using Problem Frames (RCL, LB, MJ, BN), pp. 122–131.
- RE-2004-LinNIJ #bound #problem #security #using
- Using Abuse Frames to Bound the Scope of Security Problems (LL, BN, DCI, MJ), pp. 354–355.
- RE-2004-RapanottiHJN #architecture #composition #problem
- Architecture-driven Problem Decomposition (LR, JGH, MJ, BN), pp. 80–89.
- RE-2003-LinNIJM #requirements #security
- Introducing Abuse Frames for Analysing Security Requirements (LL, BN, DCI, MJ, JDM), pp. 371–372.
- RE-2002-HallJLNR #architecture #problem #requirements #using
- Relating Software Requirements and Architectures Using Problem Frames (JGH, MJ, RCL, BN, LR), pp. 137–144.
- UML-2002-Jackson #development
- Descriptions in Software Development (MJ), p. 1.
- RE-2001-Jackson
- Formalism and Informality in RE (MJ), p. 269.
- CADE-2000-JacksonL #interactive #proving
- System Description: Interactive Proof Critics in XBarnacle (MJ, HL), pp. 502–506.
- ICRE-2000-GunterGJZ #requirements
- A Reference Model for Requirements and Specifications-Extended Abstract (CAG, ELG, MJ, PZ), p. 189.
- FM-v1-1999-Jackson
- The Role of Formalism in Method (MJ), p. 56.
- CSEET-1997-Jackson #education #re-engineering
- A Missing Element in Software Engineering Education (MJ), pp. 2–3.
- RE-1997-ZaveJ #complexity #requirements
- Requirements for Telecommunications Services: An Attack on Complexity (PZ, MJ), pp. 106–117.
- FSE-1996-Jackson #problem
- Problems, Methods, and Structures (MJ), p. 1.
- ICSE-1995-Jackson
- The World and the Machine (MJ), pp. 283–292.
- ICSE-1995-JacksonZ #requirements #specification
- Deriving Specifications from Requirements: An Example (MJ, PZ), pp. 15–24.
- RE-1995-Jackson #development #problem #requirements
- Problems and requirements (software development) (MJ), pp. 2–9.
- ICRE-1994-ShekaranGJMPR #architecture #requirements
- The role of software architecture in requirements engineering (MCS, DG, MJ, NRM, CP, HBR), pp. 239–245.
- RE-1993-JacksonZ
- Domain descriptions (MJ, PZ), pp. 56–64.
- SEI-1991-LaviABJJL
- Computer Based Systems Engineering Workshop (JZL, AKA, RJAB, KJ, MJ, BL), pp. 149–163.
- ICSE-1989-Jackson #re-engineering #roadmap
- Software Engineering for Business DP: Looking Back and Looking Forward (MJ), p. 135.
- ICSE-1989-Jackson2000 #development
- Software Development in the Year 2000 (MJ), p. 257.
- ICSE-1978-Jackson #information management #modelling
- Information Systems: Modelling, Sequencing and Transformations (MJ), pp. 72–81.
- VDME-1991-Jackson
- Description is our Business (MJ), pp. 1–8.
- VDME-1991-ZaveJ #specification
- Techniques for Partial Specification and Specification of Switching Systems (PZ, MJ), pp. 511–525.