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Travelled to:
1 × Australia
1 × Belgium
1 × Canada
1 × Denmark
1 × France
1 × Hungary
1 × Japan
1 × Spain
1 × Sweden
1 × The Netherlands
2 × Brazil
2 × India
2 × Ireland
2 × Italy
20 × USA
4 × Germany
Collaborated with:
Y.Yu J.Kramer S.M.Easterbrook R.C.Laney L.Pasquale T.T.Tun D.C.Ince M.Jackson V.Gervasi M.Salehie I.Omoronyia S.Robertson A.Russo R.Crook A.N.D.Roeck A.Willis A.Finkelstein A.K.Bandara B.A.Price L.Cavallaro L.Lin A.Hunter H.Yang W.Zhao A.S.d.Garcez L.Barroca D.Bush W.G.Griswold K.Thomas C.Tsigkanos C.Ghezzi J.D.Moffett L.Rapanotti J.G.Hall V.N.L.Franqueira C.B.Haley C.Menghi R.Ali X.Peng P.Sawyer A.Nhlabatsi B.Best J.Jürjens A.Lozano M.Wermelinger M.Salifu U.Leonhardt D.Alrajeh R.V.Borges L.C.Lamb A.Mahfouz F.Chantree D.T.Haley H.C.Sharp J.Taylor R.Miller T.Menzies S.Waugh C.Mancini Y.Rogers A.N.Joinson L.Jedrzejczyk B.Chen R.Wieringa A.Tedeschi D.M.Gabbay G.Doherty C.Solís W.Maalej W.Qian X.P.0001 J.S.0001 P.H.M.Maia L.Vieira M.Chagas A.Zisman J.Gu T.H.Tan J.Sun T.Coe Y.Rafiq L.Dickens M.Yang A.Stuart M.Levine G.Calikli
Talks about:
requir (33) engin (12) secur (11) adapt (11) specif (9) problem (7) system (6) use (6) privaci (5) languag (5)

♂ Person: Bashar Nuseibeh

DBLP DBLP: Nuseibeh:Bashar

Facilitated 3 volumes:

ICSE 2005Ed
ICSE 2005PrCh
ASE 1998PrCh

Contributed to:

ICSE 20152015
ICSE 20142014
RE 20142014
ICSE 20132013
RE 20132013
ASE 20122012
FSE 20122012
RE 20122012
SPLC 20122012
ASE 20112011
CHI 20112011
ESEC/FSE 20112011
ICSE 20112011
RE 20112011
ASE 20102010
CHI 20102010
RE 20102010
RE 20092009
REFSQ 20092009
EDOC 20082008
RE 20082008
ICSE 20072007
MSR 20072007
RE 20072007
RE 20062006
ICSE 20052005
RE 20052005
RE 20042004
ICSE 20032003
RE 20032003
ICLP 20022002
RE 20022002
REFSQ 20022003
ASE 20012001
ICSE — Future of SE Track 20002000
ICRE 20002000
RE 19991999
ICRE 19981998
ICSE 19971997
RE 19971997
ICSE 19951995
RE 19951995
ESEC 19931993
ICSE 19931993
ASE 20162016
ASE 20172017
ESEC/FSE 20172017
ASE 20192019

Wrote 62 papers:

ICSE-v2-2015-TsigkanosPGN #adaptation #cyber-physical #named #security
Ariadne: Topology Aware Adaptive Security for Cyber-Physical Systems (CT, LP, CG, BN), pp. 729–732.
ICSE-2014-ChenPYNZ #adaptation #generative #incremental #model transformation #runtime #self
Self-adaptation through incremental generative model transformations at runtime (BC, XP, YY, BN, WZ), pp. 676–687.
ICSE-2014-ThomasBPN #mobile #privacy #requirements
Distilling privacy requirements for mobile applications (KT, AKB, BAP, BN), pp. 871–882.
RE-2014-TsigkanosPMGN #adaptation #requirements #runtime #security
Engineering topology aware adaptive security: Preventing requirements violations at runtime (CT, LP, CM, CG, BN), pp. 203–212.
ICSE-2013-OmoronyiaCSPN #adaptation #privacy #requirements
Engineering adaptive privacy: on the role of privacy awareness requirements (IO, LC, MS, LP, BN), pp. 632–641.
RE-2013-PasqualeYSCTN #adaptation #forensics
Requirements-driven adaptive digital forensics (LP, YY, MS, LC, TTT, BN), pp. 340–341.
ASE-2012-OmoronyiaPSCDN #adaptation #named #privacy
Caprice: a tool for engineering adaptive privacy (IO, LP, MS, LC, GD, BN), pp. 354–357.
FSE-2012-PasqualeMSCON #adaptation #named #security
SecuriTAS: a tool for engineering adaptive security (LP, CM, MS, LC, IO, BN), p. 19.
RE-2012-SalehiePOAN #adaptation #runtime #security
Requirements-driven adaptive security: Protecting variable assets at runtime (MS, LP, IO, RA, BN), pp. 111–120.
RE-2012-TunBPYHON #mobile #privacy #requirements
Privacy arguments: Analysing selective disclosure requirements for mobile applications (TTT, AKB, BAP, YY, CBH, IO, BN), pp. 131–140.
RE-2012-YangRGWN #automation #detection #natural language #nondeterminism #requirements
Speculative requirements: Automatic detection of uncertainty in natural language requirements (HY, ANDR, VG, AW, BN), pp. 11–20.
The thin line between products (BN), p. 2.
ASE-2011-YuTN #detection #source code #specification
Specifying and detecting meaningful changes in programs (YY, TTT, BN), pp. 273–282.
CHI-2011-ManciniRTJPBJN #product line
In the best families: tracking and relationships (CM, YR, KT, ANJ, BAP, AKB, LJ, BN), pp. 2419–2428.
ESEC-FSE-2011-AliSSONM #monitoring #social
Social sensing: when users become monitors (RA, CS, MS, IO, BN, WM), pp. 476–479.
ICSE-2011-BorgesGLN #adaptation #evolution #learning #requirements #specification
Learning to adapt requirements specifications of evolving systems (RVB, ASdG, LCL, BN), pp. 856–859.
RE-2011-FranqueiraTYWN #security
Risk and argument: A risk-based argumentation method for practical security (VNLF, TTT, YY, RW, BN), pp. 239–248.
RE-2011-SawyerGN #information management #requirements
Unknown knowns: Tacit knowledge in requirements engineering (PS, VG, BN), p. 329.
RE-2011-YuTTFN #named
OpenArgue: Supporting argumentation to evolve secure software systems (YY, TTT, AT, VNLF, BN), pp. 351–352.
ASE-2010-YangWRN #automation #coordination #detection #natural language #requirements
Automatic detection of nocuous coordination ambiguities in natural language requirements (HY, AW, ANDR, BN), pp. 53–62.
CHI-2010-ManciniRBCJJPTN #named
Contravision: exploring users’ reactions to futuristic technology (CM, YR, AKB, TC, LJ, ANJ, BAP, KT, BN), pp. 153–162.
RE-2010-YangRGWN #ambiguity #analysis #natural language #requirements
Extending Nocuous Ambiguity Analysis for Anaphora in Natural Language Requirements (HY, ANDR, VG, AW, BN), pp. 25–34.
RE-2009-TunJLNY #problem #using
Are Your Lights Off? Using Problem Frames to Diagnose System Failures (TTT, MJ, RCL, BN, YY), pp. 343–348.
REFSQ-2009-TunYLN #approach #identification #interactive #problem
Early Identification of Problem Interactions: A Tool-Supported Approach (TTT, YY, RCL, BN), pp. 74–88.
EDOC-2008-MahfouzBLN #dependence
Customizing Choreography: Deriving Conversations from Organizational Dependencies (AM, LB, RCL, BN), pp. 181–190.
RE-2008-NhlabatsiLN #specification
Building Contingencies into Specifications (AN, RCL, BN), pp. 333–334.
ICSE-2007-BestJN #distributed #information management #modelling #security #using
Model-Based Security Engineering of Distributed Information Systems Using UMLsec (BB, JJ, BN), pp. 581–590.
MSR-2007-LozanoWN #empirical
Evaluating the Harmfulness of Cloning: A Change Based Experiment (AL, MW, BN), p. 18.
RE-2007-SalifuYN #monitoring #problem #specification
Specifying Monitoring and Switching Problems in Context (MS, YY, BN), pp. 211–220.
RE-2006-BushN #requirements #research
Requirements Engineering Research in Some Future Worlds: An Exercise in Scenario Planning (DB, BN), p. 324.
RE-2006-ChantreeNRW #identification #natural language #requirements
Identifying Nocuous Ambiguities in Natural Language Requirements (FC, BN, ANDR, AW), pp. 56–65.
ICSE-2005-GriswoldN #research
Introduction to Research Papers (WGG, BN), p. 48.
RE-2005-CrookIN #modelling #on the #policy
On Modelling Access Policies: Relating Roles to their Organisational Context (RC, DCI, BN), pp. 157–166.
RE-2004-HaleyLMN #requirements #security #trust
The Effect of Trust Assumptions on the Elaboration of Security Requirements (CBH, RCL, JDM, BN), pp. 102–111.
RE-2004-HaleyNST #categorisation #learning #requirements
The Conundrum of Categorising Requirements: Managing Requirements for Learning on the Move (DTH, BN, HCS, JT), pp. 309–314.
RE-2004-LaneyBJN #problem #requirements #using
Composing Requirements Using Problem Frames (RCL, LB, MJ, BN), pp. 122–131.
RE-2004-LinNIJ #bound #problem #security #using
Using Abuse Frames to Bound the Scope of Security Problems (LL, BN, DCI, MJ), pp. 354–355.
RE-2004-RapanottiHJN #architecture #composition #problem
Architecture-driven Problem Decomposition (LR, JGH, MJ, BN), pp. 80–89.
ICSE-2003-NuseibehKF #exclamation #named
ViewPoints: meaningful relationships are difficult! (BN, JK, AF), pp. 676–683.
RE-2003-LinNIJM #requirements #security
Introducing Abuse Frames for Analysing Security Requirements (LL, BN, DCI, MJ, JDM), pp. 371–372.
ICLP-2002-RussoMNK #abduction #approach #requirements #specification
An Abductive Approach for Analysing Event-Based Requirements Specifications (AR, RM, BN, JK), pp. 22–37.
RE-2002-CrookILN #anti #requirements #security
Security Requirements Engineering: When Anti-Requirements Hit the Fan (RC, DCI, LL, BN), pp. 203–205.
RE-2002-HallJLNR #architecture #problem #requirements #using
Relating Software Requirements and Architectures Using Problem Frames (JGH, MJ, RCL, BN, LR), pp. 137–144.
REFSQ-J-2002-CrookIN03 #modelling #policy #requirements #using
Modelling access policies using roles in requirements engineering (RC, DCI, BN), pp. 979–991.
ASE-2001-GarcezRNK #requirements #specification
An Analysis-Revision Cycle to Evolve Requirements Specifications (ASdG, AR, BN, JK), pp. 354–358.
FoSE-2000-NuseibehE #requirements #roadmap
Requirements engineering: a roadmap (BN, SME), pp. 35–46.
ICRE-2000-GervasiN #case study #lightweight #natural language #requirements #validation
Lightweight Validation of Natural Language Requirements: A Case Study (VG, BN), pp. 140–149.
RE-1999-Easterbrook #how #multi #question
How Multi-Disciplinary Is RE (really)? (SME, BN), p. 33–?.
RE-1999-MenziesENW #empirical #multi #reasoning #requirements
An Empirical Investigation of Multiple Viewpoint Reasoning in Requirements Engineering (TM, SME, BN, SW), p. 100–?.
ICRE-1998-RussoNK #case study #consistency #nondeterminism #requirements #specification
Restructuring Requirements Specifications For Managing Inconsistency And Change: A Case Study (AR, BN, JK), p. 51–?.
ICSE-1997-NuseibehR #requirements
Making Requirements Measurable (BN, SR), pp. 647–648.
RE-1997-HunterN #consistency #specification
Analyzing Inconsistent Specifications (AH, BN), pp. 78–86.
RE-1997-NuseibehR #requirements
Making Requirements Measurable (BN, SR), p. 262.
ICSE-1995-LeonhardtKN #development #distributed #multi #process
Decentralised Process Enactment in a Multi-Perspective Development Environment (UL, JK, BN), pp. 255–264.
RE-1995-EasterbrookN #consistency #evolution #nondeterminism #specification
Managing inconsistencies in an evolving specification (SME, BN), pp. 48–55.
ESEC-1993-FinkelsteinGHKN #consistency #multi #nondeterminism #specification
Inconsistency Handling in Multi-Perspective Specifications (AF, DMG, AH, JK, BN), pp. 84–99.
ICSE-1993-NuseibehKF #multi #requirements #specification
Expressing the Relationships Between Multiple Views in Requirements Specification (BN, JK, AF), pp. 187–196.
ASE-2016-PengGT0YNZ #composition #crowdsourcing #mobile #named
CrowdService: serving the individuals through mobile crowdsourcing and service composition (XP, JG, THT, JS, YY, BN, WZ), pp. 214–219.
ASE-2017-QianP0YNZ #collaboration #composition #social
O2O service composition with social collaboration (WQ, XP0, JS0, YY, BN, WZ), pp. 451–461.
ASE-2017-RafiqDRBYSLCPN #adaptation #learning #network #online #re-engineering #social
Learning to share: engineering adaptive decision-support for online social networks (YR, LD, AR, AKB, MY, AS, ML, GC, BAP, BN), pp. 280–285.
ESEC-FSE-2017-AlrajehPN #forensics #on the #requirements
On evidence preservation requirements for forensic-ready systems (DA, LP, BN), pp. 559–569.
ASE-2019-MaiaVCYZN #adaptation #component
Cautious Adaptation of Defiant Components (PHMM, LV, MC, YY, AZ, BN), pp. 974–985.

Bibliography of Software Language Engineering in Generated Hypertext (BibSLEIGH) is created and maintained by Dr. Vadim Zaytsev.
Hosted as a part of SLEBOK on GitHub.