Travelled to:
1 × China
1 × USA
3 × Canada
Collaborated with:
S.Bakhshi E.F.Churchill N.Diakopoulos P.Kanuparthy E.Gilbert J.Yew L.Kennedy J.J.Kaye M.McCuistion R.Gulotta
Talks about:
funni (2) face (2) understand (1) sentiment (1) microblog (1) instagram (1) character (1) twitter (1) persist (1) perform (1)
Person: David A. Shamma
DBLP: Shamma:David_A=
Contributed to:
Wrote 6 papers:
- CSCW-2015-BakhshiKS #comprehension #online #question
- Understanding Online Reviews: Funny, Cool or Useful? (SB, PK, DAS), pp. 1270–1276.
- CHI-2014-BakhshiSG
- Faces engage us: photos with faces attract more likes and comments on Instagram (SB, DAS, EG), pp. 965–974.
- CHI-2014-KayeMGS
- Money talks: tracking personal finances (JJK, MM, RG, DAS), pp. 521–530.
- CHI-2011-YewSC #categorisation #social #video
- Knowing funny: genre perception and categorization in social video sharing (JY, DAS, EFC), pp. 297–306.
- CSCW-2011-ShammaKC #microblog #modelling #persistent
- Peaks and persistence: modeling the shape of microblog conversations (DAS, LK, EFC), pp. 355–358.
- CHI-2010-DiakopoulosS #performance #sentiment #twitter
- Characterizing debate performance via aggregated twitter sentiment (ND, DAS), pp. 1195–1198.