Travelled to:
1 × Austria
1 × China
1 × Cyprus
1 × Denmark
1 × Germany
1 × Hungary
1 × Italy
1 × Korea
1 × Poland
1 × Spain
2 × France
4 × USA
Collaborated with:
P.W.O'Hearn H.Yang C.Calcagno J.Berdine B.Cook M.J.Parkinson R.L.Petersen ∅ I.Filipovic R.Grigore J.Brotherston N.Tzevelekos R.J.Dias J.C.Seco J.Lourenço A.Chawdhary D.Naudziuniene M.Botincan M.Dodds O.Lee T.Wies
Talks about:
shape (7) analysi (6) verif (4) java (4) program (3) composit (2) system (2) memori (2) analys (2) abduct (2)
Person: Dino Distefano
DBLP: Distefano:Dino
Contributed to:
Wrote 16 papers:
- TACAS-2013-GrigoreDPT #automaton #runtime #verification
- Runtime Verification Based on Register Automata (RG, DD, RLP, NT), pp. 260–276.
- ECOOP-2012-DiasDSL #java #memory management #source code #transaction #verification
- Verification of Snapshot Isolation in Transactional Memory Java Programs (RJD, DD, JCS, JL), pp. 640–664.
- SAS-2012-Distefano
- A Voyage to the Deep-Heap (DD), p. 3.
- CADE-2011-BrotherstonDP #automation #logic #proving
- Automated Cyclic Entailment Proofs in Separation Logic (JB, DD, RLP), pp. 131–146.
- ESEC-FSE-2011-NaudziunieneBDDGP #automation #ide #java #named #source code #verification
- jStar-eclipse: an IDE for automated verification of Java programs (DN, MB, DD, MD, RG, MJP), pp. 428–431.
- FASE-2010-DistefanoF #detection #java #memory management
- Memory Leaks Detection in Java by Bi-abductive Inference (DD, IF), pp. 278–292.
- POPL-2009-CalcagnoDOY #analysis #composition
- Compositional shape analysis by means of bi-abduction (CC, DD, PWO, HY), pp. 289–300.
- CAV-2008-YangLBCCDO #analysis #scalability
- Scalable Shape Analysis for Systems Code (HY, OL, JB, CC, BC, DD, PWO), pp. 385–398.
- LOPSTR-2008-CalcagnoDOY
- Space Invading Systems Code (CC, DD, PWO, HY), pp. 1–3.
- OOPSLA-2008-DistefanoP #java #named #towards #verification
- jStar: towards practical verification for java (DD, MJP), pp. 213–226.
- CAV-2007-BerdineCCDOWY #analysis #data type
- Shape Analysis for Composite Data Structures (JB, CC, BC, DD, PWO, TW, HY), pp. 178–192.
- POPL-2007-BerdineCCDO #analysis
- Variance analyses from invariance analyses (JB, AC, BC, DD, PWO), pp. 211–224.
- SAS-2007-CalcagnoDOY #analysis
- Footprint Analysis: A Shape Analysis That Discovers Preconditions (CC, DD, PWO, HY), pp. 402–418.
- CAV-2006-BerdineCDO #automation #proving #source code #termination
- Automatic Termination Proofs for Programs with Shape-Shifting Heaps (JB, BC, DD, PWO), pp. 386–400.
- SAS-2006-CalcagnoDOY #abstraction #pointer #reachability
- Beyond Reachability: Shape Abstraction in the Presence of Pointer Arithmetic (CC, DD, PWO, HY), pp. 182–203.
- TACAS-2006-DistefanoOY #analysis #logic
- A Local Shape Analysis Based on Separation Logic (DD, PWO, HY), pp. 287–302.