Travelled to:
1 × Hungary
1 × Italy
3 × USA
Collaborated with:
M.Dodds M.J.Parkinson D.Babic A.F.Donaldson S.Jagannathan D.Naudziuniene D.Distefano R.Grigore
Talks about:
asynchron (2) memori (2) oper (2) synchron (1) multicor (1) resourc (1) program (1) automat (1) symbol (1) specif (1)
Person: Matko Botincan
DBLP: Botincan:Matko
Contributed to:
Wrote 5 papers:
- POPL-2013-BotincanB #learning #specification
- Sigma*: symbolic learning of input-output specifications (MB, DB), pp. 443–456.
- POPL-2012-BotincanDJ #abduction
- Resource-sensitive synchronization inference by abduction (MB, MD, SJ), pp. 309–322.
- ASE-2011-BotincanDDP #manycore #memory management
- Safe asynchronous multicore memory operations (MB, MD, AFD, MJP), pp. 153–162.
- ESEC-FSE-2011-NaudziunieneBDDGP #automation #ide #java #named #source code #verification
- jStar-eclipse: an IDE for automated verification of Java programs (DN, MB, DD, MD, RG, MJP), pp. 428–431.
- PPoPP-2011-BotincanDDP #automation #memory management #proving #safety
- Automatic safety proofs for asynchronous memory operations (MB, MD, AFD, MJP), pp. 313–314.