Travelled to:
1 × Austria
1 × Belgium
1 × Denmark
1 × Germany
1 × India
1 × Korea
1 × Singapore
1 × Switzerland
2 × Canada
2 × France
2 × Portugal
3 × China
3 × Italy
8 × USA
Collaborated with:
G.Guerrini E.Ferrari A.Kundu R.V.Nehme E.A.Rundensteiner D.Montesi A.Cuzzocrea R.Ferrini A.K.Elmagarmid M.L.Damiani I.Merlo S.Jajodia P.Samarati B.Catania C.Bettini J.Byun N.Li D.Cuadra P.Martínez B.Carminati A.Perego S.Salerno B.Shidlovsky W.Kim J.F.Garza L.M.Haas B.G.Lindsay M.Nabeel N.Shang J.Zage H.Lim K.Works A.Bhargav-Spantzel A.C.Squicciarini M.Young D.Yao Y.Koglin R.Tamassia M.Scannapieco I.Figotin J.Fan H.Luo M.Hacid M.A.Hammad W.G.Aref M.Mesiti V.S.Subrahmanian X.S.Wang S.Choenni H.M.Blanken T.Chang C.Dai G.Ghinita P.Mazzoleni S.Valtolina S.Franzoni P.Mussio Q.Wang T.Yu J.Lobo K.Irwin S.Christodoulakis J.Vanderbroek J.Li T.Li S.Wan Y.Wang M.P.Papa
Talks about:
object (9) data (9) access (8) databas (7) system (7) privaci (6) control (6) approach (5) secur (5) base (5)
Person: Elisa Bertino
DBLP: Bertino:Elisa
Facilitated 1 volumes:
Contributed to:
Wrote 35 papers:
- SAC-2010-CuzzocreaB #distributed #framework #multi #privacy #xml
- A secure multiparty computation privacy preserving OLAP framework over distributed XML data (AC, EB), pp. 1666–1673.
- SIGMOD-2010-NabeelSZB #named #privacy
- Mask: a system for privacy-preserving policy-based access to published content (MN, NS, JZ, EB), pp. 1239–1242.
- ICEIS-ISAS-2009-FerriniB #approach #policy
- A Comprehensive Approach for Solving Policy Heterogeneity (RF, EB), pp. 63–68.
- SIGMOD-2009-NehmeLBR #approach #data type #named #privacy #security #towards
- StreamShield: a stream-centric approach towards security and privacy in data stream environments (RVN, HSL, EB, EAR), pp. 1027–1030.
- VLDB-2009-DaiGBBL #analysis #interactive #named
- TIAMAT: a Tool for Interactive Analysis of Microdata Anonymization Techniques (CD, GG, EB, JWB, NL), pp. 1618–1621.
- VLDB-2009-NehmeRB #realtime
- Tagging Stream Data for Rich Real-Time Services (RVN, EAR, EB), pp. 73–84.
- VLDB-2009-NehmeWRB #multi #query
- Query Mesh: Multi-Route Query Processing Technology (RVN, KW, EAR, EB), pp. 1530–1533.
- VLDB-2008-KunduB #data type
- Structural signatures for tree data structures (AK, EB), pp. 138–150.
- HIMI-IIE-2007-Bhargav-SpantzelSYB #privacy #requirements
- Privacy Requirements in Identity Management Solutions (ABS, ACS, MY, EB), pp. 694–702.
- SAC-2007-YaoKBT #distributed #security #web
- Decentralized authorization and data security in web content delivery (DY, YK, EB, RT), pp. 1654–1661.
- SIGMOD-2007-ScannapiecoFBE #privacy
- Privacy preserving schema and data matching (MS, IF, EB, AKE), pp. 653–664.
- VLDB-2007-WangYLLBIB #correctness #data access #database #fine-grained #on the #relational
- On the Correctness Criteria of Fine-Grained Access Control in Relational Databases (QW, TY, NL, JL, EB, KI, JWB), pp. 555–566.
- EDOC-2006-KunduB #using #xml
- Secure Dissemination of XML Content Using Structure-based Routing (AK, EB), pp. 153–164.
- SAC-2006-DamianiB #architecture #data access
- Architectural issues for a location-aware role-based access control system (MLD, EB), pp. 1184–1185.
- SEKE-2006-MazzoleniVFMB #image #towards #using
- Towards a contextualized access to the cultural heritage world using 360 Panoramic Images (PM, SV, SF, PM, EB), pp. 416–419.
- CAiSE-2005-BertinoCM #approach #multi #representation
- An Object-Relational Approach to the Representation of Multi-granular Spatio-Temporal Data (EB, DC, PM), pp. 119–134.
- CIKM-2005-CarminatiFB #xml
- Securing XML data in third-party distribution systems (BC, EF, EB), pp. 99–106.
- CIKM-2005-FanLHB #approach #novel #privacy #video
- A novel approach for privacy-preserving video sharing (JF, HL, MSH, EB), pp. 609–616.
- ECDL-2002-BertinoFP #data access #library #prototype #web
- An Access Control System for Digital Libraries and the Web: The MaX Prototype Demonstration (EB, EF, AP), pp. 656–657.
- CIKM-2000-BertinoHAE #data access #database #video
- An Access Control Model for Video Database Systems (EB, MAH, WGA, AKE), pp. 336–343.
- ECOOP-1999-BertinoGMM #approach
- An Approach to Classify Semi-structured Objects (EB, GG, IM, MM), pp. 416–440.
- ECOOP-1998-BertinoFGM
- Extending the ODMG Object Model with Time (EB, EF, GG, IM), pp. 41–66.
- OOPSLA-1998-BertinoG
- Extending the ODMG Object Model with Composite Objects (EB, GG), pp. 259–270.
- SIGMOD-1997-JajodiaSSB #data access #framework #multi #policy
- A Unified Framework for Enforcing Multiple Access Control Policies (SJ, PS, VSS, EB), pp. 474–485.
- PODS-1996-BertinoC #database #static analysis
- Static Analysis of Intensional Databases in U-Datalog (EB, BC), pp. 202–212.
- VLDB-1996-BertinoBFS #data access #database #reasoning
- Supporting Periodic Authorizations and Temporal Reasoning in Database Access Control (EB, CB, EF, PS), pp. 472–483.
- CIKM-1995-BertinoSS
- Enhanced Nested-Inherited Index for OODBMS (EB, SS, BS), pp. 58–65.
- ECOOP-1995-BertinoG #multi
- Objects with Multiple Most Specific Classes (EB, GG), pp. 102–126.
- SIGMOD-1995-BettiniWBJ #database #evaluation #query #semantics
- Semantic Assumptions and Query Evaluation in Temporal Databases (CB, XSW, EB, SJ), pp. 257–268.
- ECOOP-1994-BertinoGM #database #deduction
- Deductive Object Databases (EB, GG, DM), pp. 213–235.
- TOOLS-EUROPE-1994-ChoenniBBC #database #object-oriented
- Index Configurations in Object-Oriented Databases (SC, EB, HMB, TC), pp. 119–133.
- CIKM-1993-MontesiB #constraints #query #transaction
- Queries, Constraints, Updates and Transactions Within a Logic-Based Language (DM, EB), pp. 500–506.
- SIGMOD-1989-KimBG
- Composite Objects Revisted (WK, EB, JFG), pp. 337–347.
- VLDB-1984-ChristodoulakisVLLWWPB #development #information management #multi
- Development of a Multimedia Information System for an Office Environment (SC, JV, JL, TL, SW, YW, MPP, EB), pp. 261–271.
- VLDB-1983-BertinoHL #database #distributed
- View Management in Distributed Data Base Systems (EB, LMH, BGL), pp. 376–378.