Travelled to:
1 × France
1 × Spain
2 × Germany
2 × Italy
2 × United Kingdom
Collaborated with:
M.Gogolla P.Niemann R.Wille L.Hamann L.Burgueño A.Vallecillo M.Sedlmeier
Talks about:
model (11) transform (6) uml (6) ocl (5) classifi (3) verif (3) term (3) filmstrip (2) condit (2) frame (2)
Person: Frank Hilken
DBLP: Hilken:Frank
Contributed to:
Wrote 11 papers:
- AMT-2015-HilkenBGV #development #modelling #using
- Iterative Development of Transformation Models by Using Classifying Terms (FH, LB, MG, AV), pp. 1–6.
- DATE-2015-NiemannHGW #formal method #generative #modelling
- Assisted generation of frame conditions for formal models (PN, FH, MG, RW), pp. 309–312.
- MoDELS-2015-GogollaVBH #model transformation #testing
- Employing classifying terms for testing model transformations (MG, AV, LB, FH), pp. 312–321.
- MoDELS-2015-NiemannHGW #contract
- Extracting frame conditions from operation contracts (PN, FH, MG, RW), pp. 266–275.
- TAP-2015-GogollaHHS #case study #consistency #experience #ocl #uml
- Checking UML and OCL Model Consistency: An Experience Report on a Middle-Sized Case Study (MG, LH, FH, MS), pp. 129–136.
- AMT-2014-GogollaHH #dynamic analysis #modelling #ocl #on the #uml
- On Static and Dynamic Analysis of UML and OCL Transformation Models (MG, LH, FH), pp. 24–33.
- ICMT-2014-HilkenHG #modelling #ocl #uml
- Transformation of UML and OCL Models into Filmstrip Models (FH, LH, MG), pp. 170–185.
- TAP-2014-HilkenNGW #behaviour #comparison #modelling #ocl #uml #verification
- Filmstripping and Unrolling: A Comparison of Verification Approaches for UML and OCL Behavioral Models (FH, PN, MG, RW), pp. 99–116.
- ICMT-2015-HilkenNGW #concept #modelling #ocl #uml #validation #verification
- From UML/OCL to Base Models: Transformation Concepts for Generic Validation and Verification (FH, PN, MG, RW), pp. 149–165.
- ECMFA-2017-GogollaHNW #diagrams #independence #uml #verification
- Formulating Model Verification Tasks Prover-Independently as UML Diagrams (MG, FH, PN, RW), pp. 232–247.
- ICMT-2017-BurguenoHVG #modelling #testing #using
- Testing Transformation Models Using Classifying Terms (LB, FH, AV, MG), pp. 69–85.