Travelled to:
1 × Austria
1 × Brazil
1 × Canada
1 × Singapore
1 × Vietnam
2 × Czech Republic
2 × Denmark
2 × Finland
2 × Portugal
2 × Switzerland
3 × Hungary
3 × Spain
3 × USA
4 × Italy
4 × United Kingdom
6 × France
7 × Germany
Collaborated with:
L.Hamann M.Kuhlmann M.Richters F.Hilken ∅ A.Vallecillo F.Büttner R.Kollmann R.Wille P.Niemann L.Burgueño J.Cabot D.Dang J.Brüning O.Hofrichter O.Radfelder B.Henderson-Sellers H.Ehrich A.Lindow M.Soeken R.Drechsler H.Bauerdick F.Gutsche J.Bohling U.W.Lipeck A.Kästner B.Selic M.Sedlmeier L.Vidács J.Xu J.Zhang S.Kuske H.Kreowski M.Wimmer J.Bézivin F.Jouault I.Kurtev N.Vlachantonis R.Herzig G.Denker S.Conrad
Talks about:
model (29) uml (26) ocl (22) transform (17) base (9) diagram (8) use (8) constraint (6) metamodel (6) object (5)
♂ Person: Martin Gogolla
DBLP: Gogolla:Martin
Facilitated 31 volumes:
Contributed to:
Wrote 57 papers:
- AMT-2015-HilkenBGV #development #modelling #using
- Iterative Development of Transformation Models by Using Classifying Terms (FH, LB, MG, AV), pp. 1–6.
- DATE-2015-NiemannHGW #formal method #generative #modelling
- Assisted generation of frame conditions for formal models (PN, FH, MG, RW), pp. 309–312.
- MoDELS-2015-GogollaVBH #model transformation #testing
- Employing classifying terms for testing model transformations (MG, AV, LB, FH), pp. 312–321.
- MoDELS-2015-NiemannHGW #contract
- Extracting frame conditions from operation contracts (PN, FH, MG, RW), pp. 266–275.
- TAP-2015-GogollaHHS #case study #consistency #experience #ocl #uml
- Checking UML and OCL Model Consistency: An Experience Report on a Middle-Sized Case Study (MG, LH, FH, MS), pp. 129–136.
- AMT-2014-GogollaHH #dynamic analysis #modelling #ocl #on the #uml
- On Static and Dynamic Analysis of UML and OCL Transformation Models (MG, LH, FH), pp. 24–33.
- ICMT-2014-HilkenHG #modelling #ocl #uml
- Transformation of UML and OCL Models into Filmstrip Models (FH, LH, MG), pp. 170–185.
- TAP-2014-HilkenNGW #behaviour #comparison #modelling #ocl #uml #verification
- Filmstripping and Unrolling: A Comparison of Verification Approaches for UML and OCL Behavioral Models (FH, PN, MG, RW), pp. 99–116.
- DATE-2013-WilleGSKD #modelling #towards #verification
- Towards a generic verification methodology for system models (RW, MG, MS, MK, RD), pp. 1193–1196.
- ECMFA-2013-Gogolla #constraints #modelling #ocl
- Employing the Object Constraint Language in Model-Based Engineering (MG), pp. 1–2.
- MoDELS-2013-HamannG #concept #metamodelling #semantics #uml
- Endogenous Metamodeling Semantics for Structural UML 2 Concepts (LH, MG), pp. 488–504.
- TAP-2013-GogollaBC #analysis #benchmark #metric #ocl #tool support #uml
- Initiating a Benchmark for UML and OCL Analysis Tools (MG, FB, JC), pp. 115–132.
- CSMR-2012-HamannVGK #monitoring #runtime
- Abstract Runtime Monitoring with USE (LH, LV, MG, MK), pp. 549–552.
- ECMFA-2012-HamannHG #monitoring #ocl #protocol #runtime #state machine
- OCL-Based Runtime Monitoring of Applications with Protocol State Machines (LH, OH, MG), pp. 384–399.
- ECMFA-2012-KuhlmannG #modelling #ocl #representation #satisfiability #uml #validation
- Strengthening SAT-Based Validation of UML/OCL Models by Representing Collections as Relations (MK, MG), pp. 32–48.
- ICMT-2012-VallecilloG #model transformation #type system #using
- Typing Model Transformations Using Tracts (AV, MG), pp. 56–71.
- MoDELS-2012-HamannHG #behaviour #modelling #ocl #on the
- On Integrating Structure and Behavior Modeling with OCL (LH, OH, MG), pp. 235–251.
- MoDELS-2012-KuhlmannG #logic #ocl #relational #uml
- From UML and OCL to Relational Logic and Back (MK, MG), pp. 415–431.
- SFM-2012-CabotG #constraints #ocl
- Object Constraint Language (OCL): A Definitive Guide (JC, MG), pp. 58–90.
- SFM-2012-VallecilloGBWH #model transformation #specification #testing
- Formal Specification and Testing of Model Transformations (AV, MG, LB, MW, LH), pp. 399–437.
- TAP-2012-BruningGHK #debugging #modelling #ocl #uml
- Evaluating and Debugging OCL Expressions in UML Models (JB, MG, LH, MK), pp. 156–162.
- BX-2011-Gogolla #metamodelling
- Direction Neutral Language Transformation with Metamodels (MG), p. 57.
- ECMFA-2011-GogollaV #model transformation #testing
- Tractable Model Transformation Testing (MG, AV), pp. 221–235.
- EDOC-2011-BruningG #execution #metamodelling #modelling #uml #workflow
- UML Metamodel-based Workflow Modeling and Execution (JB, MG), pp. 97–106.
- GT-VMT-2011-GogollaHXZ #visual notation
- Exploring (Meta-)Model Snapshots by Combining Visual and Textual Techniques (MG, LH, JX, JZ).
- TOOLS-EUROPE-2011-KuhlmannHG #modelling #ocl #satisfiability #validation
- Extensive Validation of OCL Models by Integrating SAT Solving into USE (MK, LH, MG), pp. 290–306.
- DATE-2010-SoekenWKGD #modelling #ocl #satisfiability #uml #using #verification
- Verifying UML/OCL models using Boolean satisfiability (MS, RW, MK, MG, RD), pp. 1341–1344.
- TAP-2010-GogollaHK #automation #independence #invariant #ocl #proving #testing #visualisation
- Proving and Visualizing OCL Invariant Independence by Automatically Generated Test Cases (MG, LH, MK), pp. 38–54.
- SEFM-2009-DangG #graph #metamodelling #modelling #precise
- Precise Model-Driven Transformations Based on Graphs and Metamodels (DHD, MG), pp. 307–316.
- TAP-2009-GogollaKH #consistency #independence #modelling #ocl #uml
- Consistency, Independence and Consequences in UML and OCL Models (MG, MK, LH), pp. 90–104.
- MoDELS-2008-GogollaKB #benchmark #metric #ocl #performance
- A Benchmark for OCL Engine Accuracy, Determinateness, and Efficiency (MG, MK, FB), pp. 446–459.
- AGTIVE-2007-GogollaBD #graph transformation #ocl #using
- From Graph Transformation to OCL Using USE (MG, FB, DHD), pp. 585–586.
- ICGT-2006-ButtnerG #graph transformation #sequence
- Realizing Graph Transformations by Pre- and Postconditions and Command Sequences (FB, MG), pp. 398–413.
- MoDELS-2006-BezivinBGJKL #exclamation #model transformation #modelling
- Model Transformations? Transformation Models! (JB, FB, MG, FJ, IK, AL), pp. 440–453.
- AdaEurope-2004-Gogolla #formal method #problem
- Benefits and Problems of Formal Methods (MG), pp. 1–15.
- SEKE-2004-ButtnerRLG #visitor
- Digging into the Visitor Pattern (FB, OR, AL, MG), pp. 135–141.
- UML-2004-BauerdickGG #case study #detection #experience #ocl #uml
- Detecting OCL Traps in the UML 2.0 Superstructure: An Experience Report (HB, MG, FG), pp. 188–196.
- UML-2003-GogollaBR #automation #generative #modelling #ocl #uml #validation
- Validation of UML and OCL Models by Automatic Snapshot Generation (MG, JB, MR), pp. 265–279.
- CSMR-2002-KollmannG #diagrams #representation #uml
- Metric-Based Selective Representation of UML Diagrams (RK, MG), pp. 89–98.
- IFM-2002-KuskeGKK #diagrams #graph transformation #semantics #uml
- An Integrated Semantics for UML Class, Object and State Diagrams Based on Graph Transformation (SK, MG, RK, HJK), pp. 11–28.
- UML-2002-GogollaH #analysis #metamodelling #uml
- Analysis of UML Stereotypes within the UML Metamodel (MG, BHS), pp. 84–99.
- CSMR-2001-KollmannG #behaviour #collaboration #diagrams #uml
- Capturing Dynamic Program Behaviour with UML Collaboration Diagrams (RK, MG), pp. 58–67.
- WCRE-2001-KollmannG #design #uml
- Application of UML Associations and Their Adornments in Design Recovery (RK, MG), p. 81–?.
- UML-2000-RichtersG #constraints #modelling #ocl #uml #validation
- Validating UML Models and OCL Constraints (MR, MG), pp. 265–277.
- UML-1999-GogollaRR #3d #animation #diagrams #towards #uml
- Towards Three-Dimensional Animation of UML Diagrams (MG, OR, MR), pp. 489–502.
- UML-1999-RichtersG #metamodelling #ocl
- A Metamodel for OCL (MR, MG), pp. 156–171.
- UML-1998-GogollaR #diagrams #uml
- Transformation Rules for UML Class Diagrams (MG, MR), pp. 92–106.
- UML-1997-GogollaR #constraints #on the #query #uml
- On Constraints and Queries in UML (MG, MR), pp. 109–121.
- CAiSE-1993-VlachantonisHGDCE #approach #information management #reliability #towards
- Towards Reliable Information Systems: The KorSo Approach (NV, RH, MG, GD, SC, HDE), pp. 463–482.
- VLDB-1984-EhrichLG #constraints #database #semantics #specification
- Specification, Semantics, and Enforcement of Dynamic Database Constraints (HDE, UWL, MG), pp. 301–308.
- ICMT-2015-HilkenNGW #concept #modelling #ocl #uml #validation #verification
- From UML/OCL to Base Models: Transformation Concepts for Generic Validation and Verification (FH, PN, MG, RW), pp. 149–165.
- ECMFA-2017-GogollaHNW #diagrams #independence #uml #verification
- Formulating Model Verification Tasks Prover-Independently as UML Diagrams (MG, FH, PN, RW), pp. 232–247.
- ICMT-2017-BurguenoHVG #modelling #testing #using
- Testing Transformation Models Using Classifying Terms (LB, FH, AV, MG), pp. 69–85.
- MoDELS-2018-KastnerGS #diagrams
- From (Imperfect) Object Diagrams to (Imperfect) Class Diagrams: New Ideas and Vision Paper (AK, MG, BS), pp. 13–22.
- CAAP-1987-Gogolla #algebra #fault #on the #parametricity #specification
- On Parametric Algebraic Specifications with Clean Error Handling (MG), pp. 81–95.
- CAAP-1989-Gogolla #algebra #approach #constraints
- Algebraization and Integrity Constraints for an Extended Entity-Relationship Approach (MG), pp. 259–274.
- TAPSOFT-1997-RichtersG #persistent #specification
- A Web-based Animator for Object Specifications in a Persistent Environment (MR, MG), pp. 867–870.