Travelled to:
1 × Estonia
1 × Finland
1 × France
1 × Germany
1 × Italy
1 × Luxembourg
1 × Spain
2 × Canada
2 × USA
3 × United Kingdom
Collaborated with:
F.Bouquet Y.Ledru L.d.Bousquet B.Legeard J.Julliand P.Héam K.C.Castillos S.Taha A.D.Kermadec I.Enderlin A.Giorgetti R.Tissot J.Couchot M.Utting T.Triki J.Botella R.Kheddam J.Levrey A.B.Othman P.Bué F.Allouti J.Groslambert B.Kanso S.Ville E.Rose G.Vega
Talks about:
test (17) base (8) generat (6) specif (6) use (5) jml (5) properti (4) model (4) coverag (3) symbol (3)
Person: Frédéric Dadeau
DBLP: Dadeau:Fr=eacute=d=eacute=ric
Contributed to:
Wrote 19 papers:
- ICST-2013-DadeauCLTVBT #evaluation #generative #testing
- Test Generation and Evaluation from High-Level Properties for Common Criteria Evaluations — The TASCCC Testing Tool (FD, KCC, YL, TT, GV, JB, ST), pp. 431–438.
- IFM-2013-CastillosDJKT #composition #semantics
- A Compositional Automata-Based Semantics for Property Patterns (KCC, FD, JJ, BK, ST), pp. 316–330.
- FASE-2012-TrikiLBDB #combinator #modelling #testing
- Model-Based Filtering of Combinatorial Test Suites (TT, YL, LdB, FD, JB), pp. 439–454.
- ICST-2012-EnderlinDGB #grammarware #php #testing #using
- Grammar-Based Testing Using Realistic Domains in PHP (IE, FD, AG, FB), pp. 509–518.
- ICST-2011-DadeauHK #generative #protocol #security #testing
- Mutation-Based Test Generation from Security Protocols in HLPSL (FD, PCH, RK), pp. 240–248.
- ICTSS-2011-CastillosDJT #modelling #ocl #testing #uml
- Measuring Test Properties Coverage for Evaluating UML/OCL Model-Based Tests (KCC, FD, JJ, ST), pp. 32–47.
- ICTSS-2011-EnderlinDGO #contract #named #php #specification #testing
- Praspel: A Specification Language for Contract-Based Testing in PHP (IE, FD, AG, ABO), pp. 64–79.
- SEFM-2010-KermadecDB #modelling #quality
- Assessing the Quality of B Models (ADK, FD, FB), pp. 83–90.
- TAP-2010-BueDKB #abstraction #behaviour #using
- Building a Test-Ready Abstraction of a Behavioral Model Using CLP (PCB, FD, ADK, FB), pp. 167–182.
- MBT-2009-DadeauLH #automaton #generative #on the #random #testing #using
- On the Use of Uniform Random Generation of Automata for Testing (FD, JL, PCH), pp. 37–51.
- MBT-2009-DadeauT #animation #named #testing
- jSynoPSys — A Scenario-Based Testing Tool based on the Symbolic Animation of B Machines (FD, RT), pp. 117–132.
- ASE-2007-LedruDBVR #combinator #explosion #generative
- Mastering combinatorial explosion with the tobias-2 test generator (YL, FD, LdB, SV, ER), pp. 535–536.
- IFM-2007-CouchotD #specification
- Guiding the Correction of Parameterized Specifications (JFC, FD), pp. 176–194.
- MBT-2007-DadeauLB #java #ml #specification #testing #using
- Measuring a Java Test Suite Coverage Using JML Specifications (FD, YL, LdB), pp. 21–32.
- MBT-2007-LedruBDA #case study #proving
- A Case Study in Matching Test and Proof Coverage (YL, LdB, FD, FA), pp. 73–84.
- FATES-RV-2006-BouquetDGJ #generative #safety #testing
- Safety Property Driven Test Generation from (FB, FD, JG, JJ), pp. 225–239.
- FM-2006-BouquetDL #automation #bound #generative #ml #specification #testing
- Automated Boundary Test Generation from JML Specifications (FB, FD, BL), pp. 428–443.
- FM-2005-BouquetDLU #animation #ml #specification
- Symbolic Animation of JML Specifications (FB, FD, BL, MU), pp. 75–90.
- TACAS-2005-BouquetDLU #ml #named #specification #using
- JML-Testing-Tools: A Symbolic Animator for JML Specifications Using CLP (FB, FD, BL, MU), pp. 551–556.