Travelled to:
1 × France
1 × Turkey
4 × USA
Collaborated with:
G.Muller L.Gidra J.Sopena M.Shapiro F.Ogel B.Folliot K.Attouchi A.Bottaro F.David J.Lawall N.Nguyen N.Palix S.Saha C.Calvès J.L.Lawall
Talks about:
collector (2) garbag (2) dynam (2) numa (2) big (2) multicor (1) support (1) section (1) scalabl (1) reflect (1)
Person: Gaël Thomas
DBLP: Thomas:Ga=euml=l
Contributed to:
Wrote 6 papers:
- ASPLOS-2015-Gidra0SSN #big data #garbage collection #named
- NumaGiC: a Garbage Collector for Big Data on Big NUMA Machines (LG, GT, JS, MS, NN), pp. 661–673.
- CBSE-2014-Attouchi0BM #execution #memory management #monitoring #multitenancy
- Memory monitoring in a multi-tenant OSGi execution environment (KA, GT, AB, GM), pp. 107–116.
- OOPSLA-2014-DavidTLM #profiling
- Continuously measuring critical section pressure with the free-lunch profiler (FD, GT, JL, GM), pp. 291–307.
- ASPLOS-2013-Gidra0SS #case study #garbage collection #multi #scalability
- A study of the scalability of stop-the-world garbage collectors on multicores (LG, GT, JS, MS), pp. 229–240.
- ASPLOS-2011-PalixTSCLM #fault #linux #years after
- Faults in linux: ten years later (NP, GT, SS, CC, JLL, GM), pp. 305–318.
- SAC-2005-OgelTF #aspect-oriented #compilation #performance
- Supporting efficient dynamic aspects through reflection and dynamic compilation (FO, GT, BF), pp. 1351–1356.