Travelled to:
1 × Cyprus
1 × France
1 × Germany
Collaborated with:
V.D.Florio R.Lauwereins F.Catthoor C.Yang M.Truyens W.Rosseel A.Clematis V.Gianuzzi M.Leeman M.Leeman T.V.Achteren S.Graeber M.Jayapala T.V.Aa F.Barat H.Corporaal P.O.d.Beeck C.Ghez E.Brockmeyer M.Miranda R.Belmans O.Botti F.Cassinari S.Donatelli A.Bobbio A.Klein H.Kufner E.M.Thurner E.Verhulst
Talks about:
fault (6) toler (5) implement (4) softwar (4) parallel (3) applic (3) data (3) approach (2) schedul (2) program (2)
Person: Geert Deconinck
DBLP: Deconinck:Geert
Contributed to:
Wrote 11 papers:
- SAC-2004-JayapalaABDCC #energy #optimisation #scheduling
- L0 buffer energy optimization through scheduling and exploration (MJ, TVA, FB, GD, FC, HC), pp. 905–906.
- DATE-2003-BeeckGBMCD #data transformation #implementation #power management #realtime
- Background Data Organisation for the Low-Power Implementation in Real-Time of a Digital Audio Broadcast Receiver on a SIMD Processor (POdB, CG, EB, MM, FC, GD), pp. 11144–11145.
- PDP-2003-LeemanLFD #flexibility #library #parallel #source code
- A Flexible Library for Dependable Master-Worker Parallel Programs (ML, ML, VDF, GD), pp. 299–307.
- DATE-2002-AchterenDCL #reuse
- Data Reuse Exploration Techniques for Loop-Dominated Application (TVA, GD, FC, RL), pp. 428–435.
- PDP-2002-YangD #fault tolerance #multi #scheduling
- A Fault-Tolerant Reservation-Based Strategy for Scheduling Aperiodic Tasks in Multiprocessor Systems (CY, GD), pp. 319–326.
- PDP-2001-FlorioDL #approach #fault tolerance
- The Recovery Language Approach for Software-Implemented Fault Tolerance (VDF, GD, RL), p. 418–?.
- PDP-2001-FlorioDLG #design #implementation
- Design and Implementation of a Data Stabilizing Software Tool (VDF, GD, RL, SG), pp. 50–56.
- PDP-2000-BottiFDLCDBKKTV #approach #fault tolerance #reuse
- The TIRAN approach to reusing software implemented fault tolerance (OB, VDF, GD, RL, FC, SD, AB, AK, HK, EMT, EV), pp. 325–332.
- PDP-1999-DeconinckTFRLB #embedded #fault tolerance #framework #parallel
- A framework backbone for software fault tolerance in embedded parallel applications (GD, MT, VDF, WR, RL, RB), pp. 189–195.
- PDP-1998-ClematisDG #flexibility #library
- A flexible state-saving library for message-passin gsystems (AC, GD, VG), pp. 335–341.
- PDP-1998-FlorioDTRL #distributed #embedded #fault tolerance #hypermedia #injection #monitoring #parallel #source code
- A hypermedia distributed application for monitoring and fault-injection in embedded fault-tolerant parallel programs (VDF, GD, MT, WR, RL), pp. 349–355.