Travelled to:
1 × China
7 × USA
Collaborated with:
O.Frieder J.Parker M.Stommel G.Bal G.Agam R.F.Rosin J.J.Soo R.Cathey M.J.Amir T.Chen J.Feeney G.Fox S.Ranka B.Wilhelm F.Yu
Talks about:
document (5) degrad (4) enhanc (3) imag (3) automat (2) comput (2) binar (2) microprogram (1) unsupervis (1) curriculum (1)
Person: Gideon Frieder
DBLP: Frieder:Gideon
Contributed to:
Wrote 8 papers:
- DRR-2014-ParkerFF #documentation #heuristic #image #robust #using
- Robust binarization of degraded document images using heuristics (JP, OF, GF), p. ?–12.
- ICDAR-2013-ParkerFF #automation #documentation #image
- Automatic Enhancement and Binarization of Degraded Document Images (JP, OF, GF), pp. 210–214.
- ICDAR-2011-StommelF #automation #documentation #estimation #parametricity
- Automatic Estimation of the Legibility of Binarised Historic Documents for Unsupervised Parameter Tuning (MS, GF), pp. 104–108.
- CIKM-2008-SooCFAF
- Yizkor books: a voice for the silent past (JJS, RC, OF, MJA, GF), pp. 1337–1338.
- DRR-2008-BalAFF #documentation #generative #interactive
- Interactive degraded document enhancement and ground truth generation (GB, GA, OF, GF), p. 68150.
- DRR-2007-AgamBFF #documentation #image
- Degraded document image enhancement (GA, GB, GF, OF).
- HPDC-1993-ChenFFFRWY #distributed #interface #programming #prototype #scalability
- A Low-Latency Programming Interface and a Prototype Switch for Scalable High-Performance Distributed Computing (TC, JF, GF, GF, SR, BW, FKY), pp. 160–168.
- DAC-1972-RosinF #education
- The role of microprogramming in the computer science curriculum (RFR, GF), pp. 282–285.