114 papers:
DAC-2015-CuiWCZNP #energy #grid #smarttech- Optimal control of PEVs for energy cost minimization and frequency regulation in the smart grid accounting for battery state-of-health degradation (TC, YW, SC, QZ, SN, MP), p. 6.
ICALP-v1-2015-FaonioNV- Mind Your Coins: Fully Leakage-Resilient Signatures with Graceful Degradation (AF, JBN, DV), pp. 456–468.
KDD-2015-UlanovaYCJKZ #performance #physics #profiling- Efficient Long-Term Degradation Profiling in Time Series for Complex Physical Systems (LU, TY, HC, GJ, EJK, KZ), pp. 2167–2176.
OOPSLA-2015-BrutschyFTP #named #resource management- ShamDroid: gracefully degrading functionality in the presence of limited resource access (LB, PF, OT, MP), pp. 316–331.
SAC-2015-FontineleSSNM #network #physics #problem- A solution to the MCSP problem considering physical layer degradations in transparent optical networks (AF, IS, ACBS, JMN, FM), pp. 662–664.
DAC-2014-ChenWLWSC #design #monitoring #scalability- Critical Path Monitor Enabled Dynamic Voltage Scaling for Graceful Degradation in Sub-Threshold Designs (YGC, TW, KYL, WYW, YS, SCC), p. 6.
DAC-2014-WangX #on the #performance #simulation- On the Simulation of NBTI-Induced Performance Degradation Considering Arbitrary Temperature and Voltage Variations (TW, QX), p. 6.
DATE-2014-WangLXCP #energy #hybrid- Minimizing state-of-health degradation in hybrid electrical energy storage systems with arbitrary source and load profiles (YW, XL, QX, NC, MP), pp. 1–4.
DRR-2014-ParkerFF #documentation #heuristic #image #robust #using- Robust binarization of degraded document images using heuristics (JP, OF, GF), p. ?–12.
ICPR-2014-BiswasBC #approach #documentation #image- A Global-to-Local Approach to Binarization of Degraded Document Images (BB, UB, BBC), pp. 3008–3013.
KEOD-2014-OkohRMRH #component #development #ontology- Development of an Ontology for Aerospace Engine Components Degradation in Service (CO, RR, JM, LR, AH), pp. 108–119.
DATE-2013-GielenM #modelling #probability #simulation- Stochastic degradation modeling and simulation for analog integrated circuits in nanometer CMOS (GGEG, EM), pp. 326–331.
ICDAR-2013-FilhoM #physics- Degraded Digit Restoration Based on Physical Forces (ANGLF, CABM), pp. 195–199.
ICDAR-2013-HedjamC #documentation #estimation #image #multi #representation- Ground-Truth Estimation in Multispectral Representation Space: Application to Degraded Document Image Binarization (RH, MC), pp. 190–194.
ICDAR-2013-HollausGS #documentation #image #multi- Enhancement of Multispectral Images of Degraded Documents by Employing Spatial Information (FH, MG, RS), pp. 145–149.
ICDAR-2013-ParkerFF #automation #documentation #image- Automatic Enhancement and Binarization of Degraded Document Images (JP, OF, GF), pp. 210–214.
ICDAR-2013-ShiSG #documentation #framework #image #modelling- A Model Based Framework for Table Processing in Degraded Document Images (ZS, SS, VG), pp. 963–967.
ICDAR-2013-SuTLDT #classification #documentation #image #learning #representation- Self Learning Classification for Degraded Document Images by Sparse Representation (BS, ST, SL, TAD, CLT), pp. 155–159.
CASE-2012-ZhuSZZ #assessment #kernel #multi- A novelty degradation assessment method for equipment based on multi-kernel SVDD (YZ, YS, XZ, YZ), pp. 753–756.
DAC-2012-BhardwajCR #adaptation #algorithm #towards- Towards graceful aging degradation in NoCs through an adaptive routing algorithm (KB, KC, SR), pp. 382–391.
DRR-2012-Rowley-BrookeK #documentation- Bleed-through removal in degraded documents (RRB, ACK).
CSMR-2012-BertranAGCS #architecture #identification #on the- On the Relevance of Code Anomalies for Identifying Architecture Degradation Symptoms (IMB, RA, AG, CC, AvS), pp. 277–286.
ICPR-2012-KieuVJDM #documentation #image- A character degradation model for grayscale ancient document images (VCK, MV, NJ, JPD, RM), pp. 685–688.
ICPR-2012-MakaremiA #image #invariant #recognition- Generalized ordinary moment based blur invariant descriptors for face recognition with degraded images (IM, MA), pp. 3648–3651.
ICPR-2012-SuLT #documentation #framework #image #learning #markov #random #using- A learning framework for degraded document image binarization using Markov Random Field (BS, SL, CLT), pp. 3200–3203.
DATE-2011-ChandraA- Analytical model for SRAM dynamic write-ability degradation due to gate oxide breakdown (VC, RCA), pp. 1172–1175.
ICDAR-2011-LeBS #documentation #image #using- Ternary Entropy-Based Binarization of Degraded Document Images Using Morphological Operators (THNL, TDB, CYS), pp. 114–118.
ICDAR-2011-ShiSG #documentation #image- Image Enhancement for Degraded Binary Document Images (ZS, SS, VG), pp. 895–899.
ICDAR-2011-SilvaL #automation #documentation #recognition- An Automatic Method for Enhancing Character Recognition in Degraded Historical Documents (GPeS, RDL), pp. 553–557.
ICSM-2011-MirakhorliC #architecture #information management #maintenance #modelling #traceability #using- Using tactic traceability information models to reduce the risk of architectural degradation during system maintenance (MM, JCH), pp. 123–132.
SIGIR-2011-DingGIKN #quality- Indexing strategies for graceful degradation of search quality (SD, SG, SI, KK, AN), pp. 575–584.
SIGIR-2011-ThomasJH #quality #what- What deliberately degrading search quality tells us about discount functions (PT, TJ, DH), pp. 1107–1108.
ASE-2010-CoorayMRK #configuration management #reliability- RESISTing reliability degradation through proactive reconfiguration (DC, SM, RR, DK), pp. 83–92.
DATE-2010-ChoudhuryCMA #logic #performance- Analytical model for TDDB-based performance degradation in combinational logic (MRC, VC, KM, RCA), pp. 423–428.
DocEng-2010-NamaneSM #feature model #matrix #recognition #using- Degraded dot matrix character recognition using CSM-based feature extraction (AN, EHS, PM), pp. 207–210.
DRR-2010-Obafemi-AjayiAF10a #documentation #evaluation #image- Evaluation of human perception of degradation in document images (TOA, GA, OF), pp. 1–10.
ICPR-2010-ChetouaniBD #image #metric #modelling #quality #statistics- Statistical Modeling of Image Degradation Based on Quality Metrics (AC, AB, MD), pp. 714–717.
ICPR-2010-Liu #evaluation #image #quality #recognition- Degraded Character Recognition by Image Quality Evaluation (CL), pp. 1908–1911.
DATE-2009-BildBD #performance #using- Minimization of NBTI performance degradation using internal node control (DRB, GEB, RPD), pp. 148–153.
DATE-2009-GlassLHT #design #embedded- Incorporating graceful degradation into embedded system design (MG, ML, CH, JT), pp. 320–323.
DATE-2009-WuM #logic #order #performance- Joint logic restructuring and pin reordering against NBTI-induced performance degradation (KCW, DM), pp. 75–80.
DocEng-2009-BertholdoVA #documentation #readability- Layout-aware limiarization for readability enhancement of degraded historical documents (FB, EV, AdAA), pp. 131–134.
DRR-2009-Likforman-SulemS #classification #network #recognition- Combination of dynamic Bayesian network classifiers for the recognition of degraded characters (LLS, MS), pp. 1–10.
ICDAR-2009-BoussellaaBZAA #algorithm #documentation #image #using- Enhanced Text Extraction from Arabic Degraded Document Images Using EM Algorithm (WB, AB, AZ, HEA, AMA), pp. 743–747.
ICDAR-2009-DiemS #recognition #using- Recognition of Degraded Handwritten Characters Using Local Features (MD, RS), pp. 221–225.
ICDAR-2009-KukC #documentation #image- Feature Based Binarization of Document Images Degraded by Uneven Light Condition (JGK, NIC), pp. 748–752.
ICDAR-2009-Likforman-SulemDS #documentation #preprocessor- Pre-Processing of Degraded Printed Documents by Non-local Means and Total Variation (LLS, JD, EHBS), pp. 758–762.
ICDAR-2009-MoghaddamRC #approach #classification #independence #multi #segmentation #set #using- Restoration and Segmentation of Highly Degraded Characters Using a Shape-Independent Level Set Approach and Multi-level Classifiers (RFM, DRH, MC), pp. 828–832.
ICDAR-2009-PletschacherHA #clustering #documentation #framework #recognition- A New Framework for Recognition of Heavily Degraded Characters in Historical Typewritten Documents Based on Semi-Supervised Clustering (SP, JH, AA), pp. 506–510.
ICDAR-2009-TonazziniBS #multi- Registration and Enhancement of Double-Sided Degraded Manuscripts Acquired in Multispectral Modality (AT, GB, ES), pp. 546–550.
ICDAR-2009-YosefHKD #documentation #segmentation- Line Segmentation for Degraded Handwritten Historical Documents (IBY, NH, KK, ID), pp. 1161–1165.
SIGMOD-2009-Neumann #optimisation #query- Query simplification: graceful degradation for join-order optimization (TN0), pp. 403–414.
ECIR-2009-ParaparFB #modelling #n-gram #retrieval #scalability- Revisiting N-Gram Based Models for Retrieval in Degraded Large Collections (JP, AF, AB), pp. 680–684.
DRR-2008-BalAFF #documentation #generative #interactive- Interactive degraded document enhancement and ground truth generation (GB, GA, OF, GF), p. 68150.
DRR-2008-Obafemi-AjayiAF #classification #documentation- Ensemble LUT classification for degraded document enhancement (TOA, GA, OF), p. 681509.
DRR-2008-ReedS #correlation #image #metric #modelling #quality- Correlating degradation models and image quality metrics (DKR, EHBS), p. 681508.
CIKM-2008-AnciauxBHPA- Data degradation: making private data less sensitive over time (NA, LB, HvH, PP, PMGA), pp. 1401–1402.
SEKE-2008-ChenZX #approach #reduction #testing- A Degraded ILP Approach for Test Suite Reduction (ZC, XZ, BX), pp. 494–499.
DAC-2007-KangKIAR #estimation #metric #online #reliability #using- Characterization and Estimation of Circuit Reliability Degradation under NBTI using On-Line IDDQ Measurement (KK, KK, AEI, MAA, KR), pp. 358–363.
DATE-2007-WangLHLYX #modelling #performance- Temperature-aware NBTI modeling and the impact of input vector control on performance degradation (YW, HL, KH, RL, HY, YX), pp. 546–551.
DRR-2007-AgamBFF #documentation #image- Degraded document image enhancement (GA, GB, GF, OF).
DRR-2007-Likforman-SulemS #network #recognition #using- Recognition of degraded handwritten digits using dynamic Bayesian networks (LLS, MS).
ICDAR-2007-HaleB #documentation #image #modelling- Human Image Preference and Document Degradation Models (CH, EHBS), pp. 257–261.
ICDAR-2007-MakridisNG #documentation #performance #segmentation #word- An Efficient Word Segmentation Technique for Historical and Degraded Machine-Printed Documents (MM, NAN, BG), pp. 178–182.
ICDAR-2007-SunHHFN #classification #recognition- Degraded Character Recognition by Complementary Classifiers Combination (JS, KH, YH, KF, SN), pp. 579–583.
ICDAR-2007-XiCLWSJ #documentation #image #novel- A Novel Binarization System for Degraded Document Images (YX, YC, QL, LW, FS, DJ), pp. 287–291.
DATE-2006-PaulKKAR #design #estimation #performance #reliability- Temporal performance degradation under NBTI: estimation and design for improved reliability of nanoscale circuits (BCP, KK, HK, MAA, KR), pp. 780–785.
DRR-2006-JacopiereL #image #recognition- Author name recognition in degraded journal images (AdBdlJ, LLS).
DRR-2006-SmithA #clustering- Partitioning of the degradation space for OCR training (EHBS, TLA).
DRR-2006-ZhuJD #detection #documentation #framework #robust- A robust stamp detection framework on degraded documents (GZ, SJ, DSD).
ICPR-v1-2006-IshidaTIMM #generative #identification #learning- Identification of degraded traffic sign symbols by a generative learning method (HI, TT, II, YM, HM), pp. 531–534.
ICPR-v2-2006-AntonacopoulosC #documentation #flexibility- Flexible Text Recovery from Degraded Typewritten Historical Documents (AA, CCC), pp. 1062–1065.
ICPR-v2-2006-YokobayashiW #correlation #recognition #using- Binarization and Recognition of Degraded Characters Using a Maximum Separability Axis in Color Space and GAT Correlation (MY, TW), pp. 885–888.
ICPR-v3-2006-KohmuraW #algorithm #search-based #using- Determining Optimal Filters for Binarization of Degraded Characters in Color Using Genetic Algorithms (HK, TW), pp. 661–664.
ICPR-v3-2006-WangB06a #challenge #image #string #trade-off- CAPTCHA Challenge Tradeoffs: Familiarity of Strings versus Degradation of Images (SYW, JLB), pp. 164–167.
DRR-2005-NamaneAGSMB #network #recognition- Sequential neural network combination for degraded machine-printed character recognition (AN, MA, AG, EHS, PM, MB), pp. 101–110.
ICDAR-2005-Mancas-ThillouMG #component #segmentation- Camera-based Degraded Character Segmentation into Individual Components (CMT, MM, BG), pp. 755–759.
ICDAR-2005-OjimaKW #algorithm #search-based #using- Determining Optimal Filters for Binarization of Degraded Grayscale Characters Using Genetic Algorithms (YO, SK, TW), pp. 555–559.
ICDAR-2005-SmithA- Text Degradations and OCR Training (EHBS, TLA), pp. 834–838.
ICDAR-2005-SunHKN #recognition #using- Camera based Degraded Text Recognition Using Grayscale Feature (JS, YH, YK, SN), pp. 182–186.
ICSE-2005-YilmazKMPSGN #assurance #distributed #evolution #monitoring #performance #process #quality- Main effects screening: a distributed continuous quality assurance process for monitoring performance degradation in evolving software systems (CY, ASK, AMM, AAP, DCS, ASG, BN), pp. 293–302.
ICPR-v1-2004-LevesqueD- Sparse Scene Structure Recovery from Atmospheric Degradation (DL, FD), pp. 84–87.
ICPR-v1-2004-YanL #approach #documentation #image #information management #multi- The Multistage Approach to Information Extraction in Degraded Document Images (YC, GL), pp. 445–448.
ICPR-v4-2004-CorriganK- Diagnosis and Treatment of Film Tear in Degraded Archived Media (DC, ACK), pp. 779–782.
ICDAR-2003-AblavskyS #automation #documentation #feature model #identification- Automatic Feature Selection with Applications to Script Identification of Degraded Documents (VA, MRS), pp. 750–754.
ICDAR-2003-SarkarBZ #image- Training on Severely Degraded Text-Line Images (PS, HSB, XZ), pp. 38–43.
ICDAR-2003-SrihariNLD #approach #documentation- A Case Restoration Approach to Named Entity Tagging in Degraded Documents (RKS, CN, WL, JD), p. 720–?.
ICDAR-2003-YamS #image #parametricity- Estimating Degradation Model Parameters from Character Images (HSY, EHBS), pp. 710–714.
ICDAR-2003-ZhaiWDL #performance- A Line Drawings Degradation Model for Performance Characterization (JZ, LW, DD, QL), p. 1020–?.
DocEng-2002-AllierE #approach #image #using- Degraded character image restoration using active contours: a first approach (BA, HE), pp. 142–148.
ICPR-v3-2002-MoriSH #feature model #recognition- Category-Dependent Feature Extraction for Recognition of Degraded Handwritten Characters (MM, MS, NH), pp. 155–159.
SEKE-2002-JohanssonH #design #metric #product line- Tracking degradation in software product lines through measurement of design rule violations (EJ, MH), pp. 249–254.
SIGIR-2002-McNameeM #query- Comparing cross-language query expansion techniques by degrading translation resources (PM, JM), pp. 159–166.
DAC-2001-ChangWM #logic #using- Layout-Driven Hot-Carrier Degradation Minimization Using Logic Restructuring Techniques (CWJC, KW, MMS), pp. 97–102.
DATE-2001-Ruiz-de-ClavijoJBAV #logic #named- HALOTIS: high accuracy LOgic TIming simulator with inertial and degradation delay model (PRdC, JJC, MJB, AJA, MV), pp. 467–471.
ICDAR-2001-MoriSHMM #feature model #recognition #robust- Robust Feature Extraction Based on Run-Length Compensation for Degraded Handwritten Character Recognition (MM, MS, NH, HM, NM), pp. 650–654.
ICPR-v3-2000-RoullotHBNM #3d #image #re-engineering- Regularized Reconstruction of 3D High-Resolution Magnetic Resonance Images from Acquisitions of Anisotropically Degraded Resolutions (ER, AH, IB, MN, ÉM), pp. 3350–3353.
ICPR-v4-2000-BrakensiekWR #documentation #hybrid #modelling #n-gram #recognition- Improved Degraded Document Recognition with Hybrid Modeling Techniques and Character N-Grams (AB, DW, GR), pp. 4438–4441.
ICPR-v4-2000-SawakiMH #automation #image #recognition- Automatic Acquisition of Context-based Image Templates for Degraded Character Recognition in Scene Images (MS, HM, NH), pp. 4015–4018.
ICDAR-1999-KhanH #recognition #using- Recognition of Real-Life Character Samples using a Structural Variation and Degradation Model (NAK, HH), pp. 225–228.
ICDAR-1999-NatarajanBLMS #documentation #robust- Robust OCR of Degraded Documents (PN, IB, ZL, JM, RMS), pp. 357–361.
ICDAR-1999-Phillips #how #image #set- How to Extend and Bootstrap an Existing Data Set with Real-life Degraded Images (ITP), pp. 689–692.
ICDAR-1999-SuralD99a #documentation #image #markov- A Two-state Markov Chain Model of Degraded Document Images (SS, PKD), pp. 463–466.
ICDAR-1999-VaidyaDGS #approach #documentation #feature model #recognition #statistics- Statistical Approach to Feature Extraction for Numeral Recognition from Degraded Documents (VV, VD, DG, BS), pp. 273–276.
ICDAR-1997-HobbyH #clustering #documentation #image- Enhancing Degraded Document Images via Bitmap Clustering and Averaging (JDH, TKH), pp. 394–400.
ICDAR-1997-Szmurlo #bound #normalisation #recognition- Boundary Normalization for Recognition of Non-Touching Non-Degraded Characters (MS), pp. 463–466.
SIGMOD-1996-MogiK #case study- Hot Mirroring: A Study to Hide Parity Upgrade Penalty and Degradations During Rebuilds for RAID5 (KM, MK), pp. 183–194.
ICPR-1996-FlusserS #invariant #recognition- Invariants for recognition of degraded 1-D digital signals (JF, TS), pp. 389–393.
ICPR-1996-LasakulAK #analysis #formal method #image #linear #multi #using- A theory of image restoration for linear spatial degradation using multiresolution analysis (AL, KA, SK), pp. 422–426.
ICDAR-v2-1995-KanungoHB #distance #documentation #validation- Power functions and their use in selecting distance functions for document degradation model validation (TK, RMH, HSB), pp. 734–739.
ICDAR-v2-1995-ZramdiniI #case study #documentation #image #recognition- A study of document image degradation effects on font recognition (AWZ, RI), pp. 740–743.
ICDAR-1993-AgazziK #2d #documentation #image #markov #modelling #normalisation #pseudo #recognition #using- Joint normalization and recognition of degraded document images using pseudo-2D hidden Markov models (OEA, SsK), pp. 155–158.
ICDAR-1993-KanungoHP #documentation #modelling- Global and local document degradation models (TK, RMH, ITP), pp. 730–734.
DAC-1985-KrasniewskiA #estimation #self- Simulation-free estimation of speed degradation in NMOS self-testing circuits for CAD applications (AK, AA), pp. 808–811.