Travelled to:
1 × Canada
1 × USA
Collaborated with:
G.D.Abowd K.N.Truong G.R.Hayes M.M.Stevens
Talks about:
ubiquit (2) privaci (2) comput (2) evalu (2) techniqu (1) prototyp (1) proport (1) inform (1) experi (1) design (1)
Person: Giovanni Iachello
DBLP: Iachello:Giovanni
Contributed to:
Wrote 2 papers:
- CHI-2006-IachelloTAHS #experience #privacy #prototype #ubiquitous
- Prototyping and sampling experience to evaluate ubiquitous computing privacy in the real world (GI, KNT, GDA, GRH, MMS), pp. 1009–1018.
- CHI-2005-IachelloA #adaptation #design #evaluation #privacy #ubiquitous
- Privacy and proportionality: adapting legal evaluation techniques to inform design in ubiquitous computing (GI, GDA), pp. 91–100.