Travelled to:
1 × France
1 × Greece
1 × South Korea
1 × Spain
2 × USA
Collaborated with:
L.Etxeberria S.Trujillo A.Murguzur X.D.Carlos A.Arrieta J.A.Agirre L.Belategi C.Trubiani V.Cortellessa
Talks about:
softwar (4) model (3) variabl (2) product (2) system (2) line (2) base (2) uncertainti (1) architectur (1) repositori (1)
Person: Goiuria Sagardui
DBLP: Sagardui:Goiuria
Contributed to:
Wrote 7 papers:
- SAC-2015-MurguzurTS #evaluation #framework #variability #workflow
- Dynamic variability support in workflow-based systems: an evaluation of the LateVa framework (AM, ST, GS), pp. 1641–1643.
- SPLC-2015-ArrietaSE #algorithm #cyber-physical #product line #validation
- Test control algorithms for the validation of cyber-physical systems product lines (AA, GS, LE), pp. 273–282.
- CAiSE-2014-MurguzurCTS #process #runtime #staged
- Context-Aware Staged Configuration of Process Variants@Runtime (AM, XDC, ST, GS), pp. 241–255.
- QoSA-2014-EtxeberriaTCS #hardware #nondeterminism #parametricity
- Performance-based selection of software and hardware features under parameter uncertainty (LE, CT, VC, GS), pp. 23–32.
- AMT-2013-AgirreES #architecture #automation #development #impact analysis #migration #modelling
- Automatic Impact Analysis of Software Architecture Migration on Model Driven Software Development (JAA, LE, GS), pp. 52–61.
- SPLC-2010-BelategiSE #embedded #product line #variability
- MARTE Mechanisms to Model Variability When Analyzing Embedded Software Product Lines (LB, GS, LE), pp. 466–470.
- FASE-2016-CarlosST #query #repository #scalability #traversal
- Two-Step Transformation of Model Traversal EOL Queries for Large CDO Repositories (XDC, GS, ST), pp. 141–157.