Collaborated with:
Joseph Alexander Brown Francesco Boschi Ecaterina Baba Kamilla Borodina
Talks about:
player (3) dice (3) percept (2) shape (2) odd (2) contrast (1) respect (1) dungeon (1) prefer (1) dragon (1)
Person: Hamna Aslam
DBLP: Aslam:Hamna
Contributed to:
Wrote 3 papers:
- FDG-2018-BoschiAB
- Player perceptions of fairness in oddly shaped dice (FB, HA, JAB), p. 5.
- FDG-2019-AslamBB #design
- Dice design respecting player preference for colours and contrast (HA, JAB, EB), p. 6.
- FDG-2019-BorodinaAB
- You have my sword; and my bow; and my axe: player perceptions of odd shaped dice for dungeons & dragons (KB, HA, JAB), p. 6.