Travelled to:
2 × Canada
3 × USA
Collaborated with:
∅ B.Bonet M.Martin Tomas Geffner N.B.Amor S.Benferhat D.Dubois H.Prade
Talks about:
plan (4) knowledg (2) general (2) compil (2) learn (2) use (2) uncertainti (1) framework (1) independ (1) penalti (1)
Person: Hector Geffner
DBLP: Geffner:Hector
Contributed to:
Wrote 8 papers:
- KR-2006-BonetG #heuristic #using
- Heuristics for Planning with Penalties and Rewards using Compiled Knowledge (BB, HG), pp. 452–462.
- KR-2004-Geffner #compilation #graph
- Planning Graphs and Knowledge Compilation (HG), pp. 662–672.
- KR-2000-AmorBDGP #framework #independence #nondeterminism
- Independence in qualitative uncertainty frameworks (NBA, SB, DD, HG, HP), pp. 235–246.
- KR-2000-MartinG #concept #learning #policy #using
- Learning Generalized Policies in Planning Using Concept Languages (MM, HG), pp. 667–677.
- ICML-1998-BonetG #learning #sorting
- Learning Sorting and Decision Trees with POMDPs (BB, HG), pp. 73–81.
- KR-1991-Geffner
- Beyond Negation as Failure (HG), pp. 218–229.
- KR-1989-Geffner #reasoning
- Default Reasoning, Minimality and Coherence (HG), pp. 137–148.
- AIIDE-2015-GeffnerG #game studies
- Width-Based Planning for General Video-Game Playing (TG, HG), pp. 23–29.