Travelled to:
1 × Germany
1 × Japan
1 × Sweden
1 × Turkey
1 × USA
Collaborated with:
S.Paris F.Chamroukhi M.Bartcus X.Halkias P.Machart T.Peel S.Anthoine L.Ralaivola E.Bruno N.Faessel J.L.Maitre M.Scholl
Talks about:
parsimoni (1) histogram (1) structur (1) stochast (1) permeabl (1) parametr (1) gaussian (1) challeng (1) bayesian (1) regress (1)
Person: Hervé Glotin
DBLP: Glotin:Herv=eacute=
Contributed to:
Wrote 5 papers:
- ICPR-2014-ChamroukhiBG #clustering #parametricity
- Bayesian Non-parametric Parsimonious Gaussian Mixture for Clustering (FC, MB, HG), pp. 1460–1465.
- ICPR-2012-ParisHG #analysis #categorisation #image #towards
- Sparse coding for histograms of local binary patterns applied for image categorization: Toward a Bag-of-Scenes analysis (SP, XH, HG), pp. 2817–2820.
- ICML-2011-MachartPARG #kernel #learning #probability #rank
- Stochastic Low-Rank Kernel Learning for Regression (PM, TP, SA, LR, HG), pp. 969–976.
- ICPR-2010-ParisG #challenge #multi
- Pyramidal Multi-level Features for the Robot Vision@ICPR 2010 Challenge (SP, HG), pp. 2949–2952.
- DocEng-2009-BrunoFGMS #web
- Indexing by permeability in block structured web pages (EB, NF, HG, JLM, MS), pp. 70–73.