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Collaborated with:
A.M.Smith Max Kreminski N.Wardrip-Fruin Batu Aytemiz Jesse Harder J.Whitehead
Talks about:
generat (2) preliminari (1) constraint (1) fundament (1) framework (1) discrimin (1) procedur (1) function (1) tension (1) collaps (1)

Person: Isaac Karth

DBLP DBLP: Karth:Isaac

Contributed to:

FDG 20172017
AIIDE 20182018
DiGRA 20182018
FDG 20192019

Wrote 5 papers:

FDG-2017-KarthS #constraints #theorem proving
WaveFunctionCollapse is constraint solving in the wild (IK, AMS), p. 10.
AIIDE-2018-AytemizKHSW #framework #named
Talin: A Framework for Dynamic Tutorials Based on the Skill Atoms Theory (BA, IK, JH, AMS, JW), pp. 138–144.
DiGRA-2018-Karth #game studies #generative
Preliminary Poetics of Procedural Generation in Games (IK).
FDG-2019-KarthS #learning
Addressing the fundamental tension of PCGML with discriminative learning (IK, AMS), p. 9.
FDG-2019-KreminskiKW #generative
Generators that read (MK, IK, NWF), p. 7.

Bibliography of Software Language Engineering in Generated Hypertext (BibSLEIGH) is created and maintained by Dr. Vadim Zaytsev.
Hosted as a part of SLEBOK on GitHub.