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Collaborated with:
M.Mateas Ben Samuel Aaron A. Reed James Owen Ryan Mike Treanor Eric Kaltman Max Kreminski Chris Lewis 0002 J.Whitehead Joseph C. Osborn Joshua McCoy Jacob Garbe S.Kurniawan G.Smith Brandon Robert Tearse April Grow Devi Acharya Serdar Sali Timothy Hong Peter A. Mawhorter Alexei Othenin-Girard Barrett R. Anderson Anne Sullivan Nick Junius S.Mason Melanie Dickinson Arnav Jhala S.Dow Adam Summerville Ronald Liu K.Hullett Martin Jennings-Teats Peter Andrew Mawhorter John T. Murray Christopher R. Karzmark Isaac Karth Ceri Stagg J.Denner Joseph Carter Osborn Henry Lowood Christy Caldwell Dylan Lederle-Ensign Edward Melcer Ricky Grant Justin Lazaro Jennifer Mahal M.A.Walker Teale Fristoe Matt MacLaurin Swen E. Gaudl P.Gomes Paul Maddaloni Sherol Chen Andrew Deunsing Peter Kong Josh McCoy K.Isbister Chris Martens Andrew Max Fisher Taylor Owen-Milner David Torres Elisabeth Oliver Kate Compton Cyril Focht Stella Mazeika Alexander E. Zook Michael Cook 0001 E.Butler Kristin Siu Matthew Guzdial M.Riedl
Talks about:
game (29) generat (12) stori (9) design (6) prom (5) interact (4) express (4) dialogu (4) analysi (4) toward (4)

Person: Noah Wardrip-Fruin

DBLP DBLP: Wardrip-Fruin:Noah

Contributed to:

Hypertext 20042004
DiGRA 20092009
AIIDE 20102010
FDG 20102010
AIIDE 20112011
FDG 20112011
AIIDE 20122012
FDG 20122012
AIIDE 20132013
FDG 20132013
FDG 20142014
AIIDE 20152015
FDG 20152015
AIIDE 20162016
DiGRA/FDG 20162016
FDG 20172017
AIIDE 20182018
AIIDE 20192019
FDG 20192019

Wrote 59 papers:

HT-2004-Wardrip-Fruin #hypermedia #what
What hypertext is (NWF), pp. 126–127.
DiGRA-2009-HullettKW #education #game studies
Better Game Studies Education the Carcassonne Way (KH, SK, NWF).
DiGRA-2009-Wardrip-FruinM #logic
Defining Operational Logics (NWF, MM).
Agency Reconsidered (NWF, MM, SD, SS).
AIIDE-2010-Jennings-TeatsSW #generative #named
Polymorph: A Model for Dynamic Level Generation (MJT, GS, NWF).
The Prom: An Example of Socially-Oriented Gameplay (JM, MT, BS, BRT, MM, NWF).
AIIDE-2010-TearseWM #generative
Minstrel Remixed: Procedurally Generating Stories (BRT, NWF, MM).
FDG-2010-LewisW #case study #game studies #mining #statistics #web #web service
Mining game statistics from web services: a World of Warcraft armory case study (CL0, NWF), pp. 100–107.
FDG-2010-LewisWW #debugging #game studies #taxonomy #video #what
What went wrong: a taxonomy of video game bugs (CL0, JW, NWF), pp. 108–115.
FDG-2010-SaliWDMKRL #evaluation #game studies #interface #word
Playing with words: from intuition to evaluation of game dialogue interfaces (SS, NWF, SD, MM, SK, AAR, RL), pp. 179–186.
FDG-2010-TreanorMW #design #exclamation #game studies #logic #using #visual notation
Kaboom! is a many-splendored thing: an interpretation and design methodology for message-driven games using graphical logics (MT, MM, NWF), pp. 224–231.
AIIDE-2011-McCoyTSWM #authoring #modelling #social
Comme il Faut: A System for Authoring Playable Social Models (JM, MT, BS, NWF, MM).
AIIDE-2011-ReedSSGGLMKWW #future of #game studies #mobile #towards
A Step Towards the Future of Role-Playing Games: The SpyFeet Mobile RPG Project (AAR, BS, AS, RG, AG, JL, JM, SK, MAW, NWF).
AIIDE-2011-TearseMMW #user interface
Minstrel Remixed: User Interface and Demonstration (BRT, PAM, MM, NWF).
Say it with systems: expanding Kodu's expressive power through gender-inclusive mechanics (TF, JD, MM, MM, NWF), pp. 227–234.
FDG-2011-McCoyTSMW #physics #social
Prom Week: social physics as gameplay (JM, MT, BS, MM, NWF), pp. 319–321.
FDG-2011-ReedSSGGLMKWW #named
SpyFeet: an exercise RPG (AAR, BS, AS, RG, AG, JL, JM, SK, MAW, NWF), pp. 310–312.
AIIDE-2012-ChenDKJWM #logic #modelling #named #visualisation
RoleModelVis: A Visualization of Logical Story Models (SC, AD, PK, AJ, NWF, MM).
FDG-2012-LewisWW #design pattern #game studies
Motivational game design patterns of 'ville games (CL0, NWF, JW), pp. 172–179.
Prom week (JM, MT, BS, AAR, NWF, MM), pp. 235–237.
FDG-2012-SaliLWMK #interactive #natural language #word
Getting a word in: adding artificial pauses to natural language interaction (SS, RL, NWF, MM, SK), pp. 57–64.
FDG-2012-SmithOWW #design #game studies #web
PCG-based game design: creating Endless Web (GS, AOG, JW, NWF), pp. 188–195.
FDG-2012-SullivanGMW #design #game studies
The design of Mismanor: creating a playable quest-based story game (AS, AG, MM, NWF), pp. 180–187.
Prom Week (JM, MT, BS, AAR, MM, NWF).
AIIDE-2013-SmithOWW #web
Endless Web (GS, AOG, JW, NWF).
FDG-2013-McCoyTSRMW #design #game studies
Prom Week: Designing past the game/story dilemma (JM, MT, BS, AAR, MM, NWF), pp. 94–101.
FDG-2014-GarbeRDWM #bound #combinator #visualisation
Author assistance visualizations for Ice-Bound, a combinatorial narrative (JG, AAR, MD, NWF, MM).
FDG-2014-GarbeRWM #bound #configuration management #named #novel
Ice-Bound: A novel of reconfiguration (JG, AAR, NWF, MM).
FDG-2014-GrowGGMW #analysis #architecture #authoring #requirements #tool support
A methodology for requirements analysis of AI architecture authoring tools (AG, SEG, PG, MM, NWF).
FDG-2014-MawhorterMWJ #formal method #towards
Towards a theory of choice poetics (PAM, MM, NWF, AJ).
FDG-2014-ReedGWM #bound #named
Ice-Bound: Combining richly-realized story with expressive gameplay (AAR, JG, NWF, MM).
FDG-2014-SamuelMTRMW #evaluation #interactive
Introducing story sampling: Preliminary results of a new interactive narrative evaluation technique (BS, JM, MT, AAR, MM, NWF).
AIIDE-2015-MawhorterMW #generative
Generating Relaxed, Obvious, and Dilemma Choices with Dunyazad (PAM, MM, NWF), pp. 58–64.
AIIDE-2015-OsbornSMW #game studies #named #regular expression
Playspecs: Regular Expressions for Game Play Traces (JCO, BS, MM, NWF), pp. 170–176.
FDG-2015-KaltmanWLC #development #game studies #recommendation
Methods and Recommendations for Archival Records of Game Development: The Case of Academic Games (EK, NWF, HL, CC).
FDG-2015-OsbornLWM #game studies
Combat in Games (JCO, DLE, NWF, MM).
FDG-2015-RyanKFHOMW #game studies #interactive #scalability #visualisation
Large-Scale Interactive Visualizations of Nearly 12, 000 Games (JOR, EK, AMF, TH, TOM, MM, NWF).
FDG-2015-RyanKHMW #game studies #people
People Tend to Like Related Games (JOR, EK, TH, MM, NWF).
FDG-2015-RyanKMW #bottom-up #game studies
Bottom-up Game Studies (JOR, EK, MM, NWF).
FDG-2015-RyanKMW15a #analysis #game studies #semantics #tool support #using
Tools for Game Discovery Built Using Latent Semantic Analysis (JOR, EK, MM, NWF).
FDG-2015-SamuelRMMW #physics #social
The Scored Rule Engine: Next-Generation Social Physics (BS, AAR, PM, MM, NWF).
AIIDE-2016-RyanMW #generative
Characters Who Speak Their Minds: Dialogue Generation in Talk of the Town (JOR, MM, NWF), pp. 204–210.
AIIDE-2016-ZookCBSGRRSSMW #case study #experience
Playable Experiences at AIIDE 2016 (AEZ, MC0, EB, KS, MG, MR, JOR, BS, AS, MM, NWF), p. 251–?.
DiGRA-FDG-2016-RyanKHIMW #design #game studies
GameNet and GameSage: Videogame Discovery as Design Insight (JOR, EK, TH, KI, MM, NWF).
DiGRA-FDG-2016-RyanMW #game studies #lightweight
A Lightweight Videogame Dialogue Manager (JOR, MM, NWF).
FDG-2017-KaltmanOWM #analysis #game studies #tool support
Getting the GISST: a toolkit for the creation, analysis and reference of game studies resources (EK, JCO, NWF, MM), p. 10.
FDG-2017-MurrayMW #graph #interactive #using
Proposal for analyzing player emotions in an interactive narrative using story intention graphs (JTM, MM, NWF), p. 4.
FDG-2017-OsbornWM #logic
Refining operational logics (JCO, NWF, MM), p. 10.
AIIDE-2018-SummervilleMSOW #analysis #bidirectional #game studies #generative #named
Gemini: Bidirectional Generation and Analysis of Games via ASP (AS, CM, BS, JCO, NWF, MM), pp. 123–129.
AIIDE-2019-KreminskiSMW #game studies
Evaluating AI-Based Games through Retellings (MK, BS, EM, NWF), pp. 45–51.
AIIDE-2019-OsbornDASDTWM #game studies #generative
Is Your Game Generator Working? Evaluating Gemini, an Intentional Generator (JCO, MD, BRA, AS, JD, DT, NWF, MM), pp. 59–65.
FDG-2019-AcharyaW #collaboration #comprehension #game studies
Building worlds together: understanding collaborative co-creation of game worlds (DA, NWF), p. 5.
The psychological reality of procedural rhetoric (BRA, CRK, NWF), p. 9.
FDG-2019-GarbeKSWM #generative #named
StoryAssembler: an engine for generating dynamic choice-driven narratives (JG, MK, BS, NWF, MM), p. 10.
FDG-2019-JuniusMW #game studies #towards
Towards expressive input for character dialogue in digital games (NJ, MM, NWF), p. 11.
FDG-2019-KreminskiAJOCDF #collaboration #game studies #prototype #towards
Cozy mystery construction kit: prototyping toward an AI-assisted collaborative storytelling mystery game (MK, DA, NJ, EO, KC, MD, CF, SM, SM, NWF), p. 9.
FDG-2019-KreminskiKW #generative
Generators that read (MK, IK, NWF), p. 7.
FDG-2019-KreminskiW #game studies #generative
Generative games as storytelling partners (MK, NWF), p. 8.
FDG-2019-MasonSW #generative #named
Lume: a system for procedural story generation (SM, CS, NWF), p. 9.

Bibliography of Software Language Engineering in Generated Hypertext (BibSLEIGH) is created and maintained by Dr. Vadim Zaytsev.
Hosted as a part of SLEBOK on GitHub.