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1 × Canada
1 × Sweden
1 × United Kingdom
2 × China
9 × USA
Collaborated with:
W.Liu K.Ramamohanarao E.Loekito J.Chan X.V.Nguyen C.Leckie S.Romano X.H.Dang P.J.Stuckey G.Ristanoski J.Epps A.Poulovassilis P.Newson G.Dong A.Kan K.Verspoor Y.Zhou I.Ioannou S.N.R.Wijewickrema P.Piromchai G.Kennedy S.O'Leary J.Pei
Talks about:
inform (4) graph (4) time (4) mine (4) cluster (3) dynam (3) use (3) comparison (2) blockmodel (2) discoveri (2)
Person: James Bailey
DBLP: Bailey:James
Contributed to:
Wrote 15 papers:
- ICML-c2-2014-RomanoBNV #clustering #standard
- Standardized Mutual Information for Clustering Comparisons: One Step Further in Adjustment for Chance (SR, JB, XVN, KV), pp. 1143–1151.
- ICPR-2014-ZhouIWBPKO #learning #performance
- Transfer Learning of a Temporal Bone Performance Model via Anatomical Feature Registration (YZ, II, SNRW, JB, PP, GK, SO), pp. 1916–1921.
- KDD-2014-NguyenCRB #effectiveness #feature model
- Effective global approaches for mutual information based feature selection (XVN, JC, SR, JB), pp. 512–521.
- CIKM-2013-ChanLKLBR #graph #matrix #using
- Discovering latent blockmodels in sparse and noisy graphs using non-negative matrix factorisation (JC, WL, AK, CL, JB, KR), pp. 811–816.
- KDD-2013-RistanoskiLB
- A time-dependent enhanced support vector machine for time series regression (GR, WL, JB), pp. 946–954.
- CIKM-2012-LiuCBLR #graph #mining
- Utilizing common substructures to speedup tensor factorization for mining dynamic graphs (WL, JC, JB, CL, KR), pp. 435–444.
- CIKM-2012-LiuKCBLPR #graph #on the
- On compressing weighted time-evolving graphs (WL, AK, JC, JB, CL, JP, KR), pp. 2319–2322.
- KDD-2012-ChanLLBR #graph #mining #multi #named
- SeqiBloc: mining multi-time spanning blockmodels in dynamic graphs (JC, WL, CL, JB, KR), pp. 651–659.
- KDD-2010-DangB #clustering #linear
- A hierarchical information theoretic technique for the discovery of non linear alternative clusterings (XHD, JB), pp. 573–582.
- ICML-2009-NguyenEB #clustering #comparison #metric #question
- Information theoretic measures for clusterings comparison: is a correction for chance necessary? (XVN, JE, JB), pp. 1073–1080.
- CIKM-2008-LoekitoB #behaviour #mining
- Mining influential attributes that capture class and group contrast behaviour (EL, JB), pp. 971–980.
- KDD-2006-LoekitoB #diagrams #mining #performance #using
- Fast mining of high dimensional expressive contrast patterns using zero-suppressed binary decision diagrams (EL, JB), pp. 307–316.
- PADL-2005-BaileyS #constraints #satisfiability #set #using
- Discovery of Minimal Unsatisfiable Subsets of Constraints Using Hitting Set Dualization (JB, PJS), pp. 174–186.
- CL-2000-BraileyPN #analysis #approach #database #termination
- A Dynamic Approach to Termination Analysis for Active Database Rules (JB, AP, PN), pp. 1106–1120.
- PODS-1998-BaileyDR #database #decidability #problem #termination
- Decidability and Undecidability Results for the Termination Problem of Active Database Rules (JB, GD, KR), pp. 264–273.