Travelled to:
1 × Belgium
1 × Hungary
1 × Japan
1 × Portugal
1 × Turkey
1 × United Kingdom
12 × USA
3 × China
4 × Australia
Collaborated with:
C.Leckie J.Bailey L.A.F.Park G.Dong J.Shepherd Z.Somogyi D.B.Kemp J.Chan W.Liu L.Naish J.A.Thom J.Harland P.Busetta H.Liu R.Goré M.L.Ross J.Vaghani Z.Wen R.Zhang L.Wang K.Marsolo S.Parthasarathy S.Tham A.Doucet J.Li X.Zhang R.Price B.Srinivasan L.Crnogorac A.S.Rao A.J.Kent R.Sacks-Davis A.Kan I.Balbin K.Meenakshi J.Pei P.J.Stuckey T.S.Leask
Talks about:
databas (7) base (6) graph (5) use (5) deduct (4) mine (4) constraint (3) algorithm (3) prolog (3) inform (3)
Person: Kotagiri Ramamohanarao
DBLP: Ramamohanarao:Kotagiri
Facilitated 1 volumes:
Contributed to:
Wrote 30 papers:
- CIKM-2014-Wen0R #precise
- Enabling Precision/Recall Preferences for Semi-supervised SVM Training (ZW, RZ, KR), pp. 421–430.
- CIKM-2013-ChanLKLBR #graph #matrix #using
- Discovering latent blockmodels in sparse and noisy graphs using non-negative matrix factorisation (JC, WL, AK, CL, JB, KR), pp. 811–816.
- CIKM-2012-LiuCBLR #graph #mining
- Utilizing common substructures to speedup tensor factorization for mining dynamic graphs (WL, JC, JB, CL, KR), pp. 435–444.
- CIKM-2012-LiuKCBLPR #graph #on the
- On compressing weighted time-evolving graphs (WL, AK, JC, JB, CL, JP, KR), pp. 2319–2322.
- KDD-2012-ChanLLBR #graph #mining #multi #named
- SeqiBloc: mining multi-time spanning blockmodels in dynamic graphs (JC, WL, CL, JB, KR), pp. 651–659.
- ICPR-2010-WangLR #clustering #graph
- Combining Real and Virtual Graphs to Enhance Data Clustering (LW, CL, KR), pp. 790–793.
- CIKM-2009-ParkR #analysis #information retrieval #kernel #semantics #using
- Kernel latent semantic analysis using an information retrieval based kernel (LAFP, KR), pp. 1721–1724.
- CIKM-2007-ParkR #information retrieval #mining #multi #web
- Mining web multi-resolution community-based popularity for information retrieval (LAFP, KR), pp. 545–554.
- CIKM-2006-MarsoloPR #query #using
- Structure-based querying of proteins using wavelets (KM, SP, KR), pp. 24–33.
- ICML-2002-LeckieR #distributed #learning #probability
- Learning to Share Distributed Probabilistic Beliefs (CL, KR), pp. 371–378.
- ICML-2002-ThamDR #classification #learning #markov #monte carlo #using
- Sparse Bayesian Learning for Regression and Classification using Markov Chain Monte Carlo (SST, AD, KR), pp. 634–641.
- ICML-2000-LiRD #algorithm #incremental #maintenance
- The Space of Jumping Emerging Patterns and Its Incremental Maintenance Algorithms (JL, KR, GD), pp. 551–558.
- KDD-2000-ZhangDR #constraints #dataset #scalability
- Exploring constraints to efficiently mine emerging patterns from large high-dimensional datasets (XZ, GD, KR), pp. 310–314.
- TOOLS-PACIFIC-1999-PriceSR #modelling
- Extending the Unified Modeling Language to Support Spatiotemporal Applications (RP, BS, KR), p. 163–?.
- ECOOP-1998-CrnogoracRR #concurrent #inheritance #object-oriented #programming
- Classifying Inheritance Mechanisms in Concurrent Object Oriented Programming (LC, ASR, KR), pp. 571–600.
- PODS-1998-BaileyDR #database #decidability #problem #termination
- Decidability and Undecidability Results for the Termination Problem of Active Database Rules (JB, GD, KR), pp. 264–273.
- SAC-1998-BusettaR #architecture #mobile
- An architecture for mobile BDI agents (PB, KR), pp. 445–452.
- CIKM-1994-LiuR #algebra #relational
- Algebraic Equivalences Among Nested Relational Expressions (HCL, KR), pp. 234–243.
- ICLP-1993-HarlandR #constraints #linear #recursion
- Constraint Propagation for Linear Recursive Rules (JH, KR), pp. 683–699.
- ICLP-1993-VaghaniRKSSLH #database #deduction
- Status of the Aditi Deductive Database System (JV, KR, DBK, ZS, PJS, TSL, JH), p. 851.
- VLDB-1990-KempRS #information management #maintenance #multi
- Right-, left- and multi-linear rule transformations that maintain context information (DBK, KR, ZS), pp. 380–391.
- DAC-1989-GoreR #array #automation #equation #logic #programmable #synthesis #using
- Automatic Synthesis of Boolean Equations Using Programmable Array Logic (RG, KR), pp. 283–289.
- NACLP-1989-KempRBM #constraints #database #deduction
- Propagating Constraints in Recusive Deduction Databases (DBK, KR, IB, KM), pp. 981–998.
- JICSCP-1988-SomogyiRV88 #algorithm #backtracking #execution
- A Stream AND-Parallel Execution Algorithm with Backtracking (ZS, KR, JV), pp. 1142–1159.
- VLDB-1988-KentSR #database #multi #scalability
- A Superimposed Coding Scheme Based on Multiple Block Descriptor Files for Indexing Very Large Data Bases (AJK, RSD, KR), pp. 351–359.
- ICLP-1987-NaishTR87 #concurrent #database #prolog
- Concurrent Database Updates in PROLOG (LN, JAT, KR), pp. 178–195.
- ICLP-1987-RamamohanaraoS87 #database #deduction #query
- Answering Queries in Deductive Database Systems (KR, JS), pp. 1014–1033.
- ICLP-1986-RamamohanaraoS86 #database #prolog #scalability
- A Superimposed Codeword Indexing Scheme for Very Large Prolog Databases (KR, JS), pp. 569–576.
- SLP-1986-RossR86 #memory management #prolog
- Paging Strategy for Prolog Based Dynamic Virtual Memory (MLR, KR), pp. 46–57.
- VLDB-1986-ThomRN #algorithm #database #deduction
- A Superjoin Algorithm for Deductive Databases (JAT, KR, LN), pp. 189–196.