Travelled to:
4 × USA
Collaborated with:
G.Vincenti C.Dierbach A.Dudley Y.Wang A.M.A.Diaz A.Jinman K.Colt K.Rodgers U.Thomas
Talks about:
perspect (2) virtual (2) comput (2) life (2) fundament (1) framework (1) student (1) network (1) insight (1) environ (1)
Person: James Braman
DBLP: Braman:James
Contributed to:
Wrote 4 papers:
- SCSM-2015-BramanD #framework #personalisation
- Utilizing Virtual Worlds for Personalized Search: Developing the PAsSIVE Framework (JB, CD), pp. 3–11.
- OCSC-2013-BramanVDWRT #education #network #perspective #social
- Teaching about the Impacts of Social Networks: An End of Life Perspective (JB, GV, AD, YW, KR, UT), pp. 240–249.
- OCSC-2011-BramanDCVW #student
- Gaining Insight into the Application of Second Life in a Computing Course: Students’ Perspectives (JB, AD, KC, GV, YW), pp. 20–29.
- OCSC-2009-BramanVDJ #learning
- Learning Computer Science Fundamentals through Virtual Environments (JB, GV, AMAD, AJ), pp. 423–431.