Travelled to:
1 × Germany
1 × Portugal
1 × The Netherlands
3 × USA
Collaborated with:
F.Bellegarde E.Meijer D.Leijen J.M.Bell S.Xia H.Srinivasan M.Wolfe R.B.Kieburtz J.Lewis D.Oliva T.Sheard L.Walton C.Eichenlaub B.Esrig C.Klapper G.Pottinger T.Zhou L.McKinney A.Kotov I.Smith L.Tong
Talks about:
softwar (4) program (2) generat (2) script (2) haskel (2) proof (2) defunction (1) transform (1) properti (1) parallel (1)
Person: James Hook
DBLP: Hook:James
Facilitated 1 volumes:
Contributed to:
Wrote 10 papers:
- VMCAI-2004-XiaH #c #source code
- Certifying Temporal Properties for Compiled C Programs (SX, JH), pp. 161–174.
- PADL-1999-MeijerLH #haskell #web
- Client-Side Web Scripting with HaskellScript (EM, DL, JH), pp. 196–210.
- AFP-1998-LeijenMH98 #automation #haskell
- Haskell as an Automation Controller (DL, EM, JH), pp. 268–289.
- ICFP-1997-BellBH
- Type-Driven Defunctionalization (JMB, FB, JH), pp. 25–37.
- ICSE-1996-KieburtzMBHKLOSSW #component #empirical #generative #re-engineering
- A Software Engineering Experiment in Software Component Generation (RBK, LM, JMB, JH, AK, JL, DO, TS, IS, LW), pp. 542–552.
- TRI-Ada-1994-BellBHKKLMOSTWZ #concept #design #reliability #reuse
- Software design for reliability and reuse: a proof-of-concept demonstration (JMB, FB, JH, RBK, AK, JL, LM, DO, TS, LT, LW, TZ), pp. 396–404.
- POPL-1993-SrinivasanHW #parallel #source code
- Static Single Assignment for Explicitely Parallel Programs (HS, JH, MW), pp. 260–272.
- CADE-1990-EichenlaubEHKP #proving
- The Romulus Proof Checker (CE, BE, JH, CK, GP), pp. 651–652.
- TAPSOFT-1993-BellegardeH #monad
- Monads, Indexes and Transformations (FB, JH), pp. 314–327.
- TAPSOFT-1995-KieburtzBBHLOSWZ #generative #specification
- Calculating Software Generators from Solution Specifications (RBK, FB, JMB, JH, JL, DO, TS, LW, TZ), pp. 546–560.