Travelled to:
1 × Canada
1 × France
1 × Germany
1 × Sweden
1 × United Kingdom
8 × USA
Collaborated with:
∅ J.Lewis D.M.Volpano J.S.Givler A.B.Pai W.Barabash C.R.Hill A.Silberschatz A.J.Bernstein J.M.Bell J.Hook D.Oliva T.Sheard L.Walton F.Bellegarde T.Zhou L.McKinney A.Kotov I.Smith L.Tong
Talks about:
softwar (5) type (4) program (3) specif (3) recoveri (2) generat (2) pascal (2) architectur (1) transform (1) implement (1)
Person: Richard B. Kieburtz
DBLP: Kieburtz:Richard_B=
Contributed to:
Wrote 14 papers:
- SAIG-2000-Kieburtz #domain-specific language #implementation
- Implementing Closed Domain-Specific Languages (RBK), pp. 1–2.
- ICFP-1998-Kieburtz #monad #type system
- Taming Effects with Monadic Typing (RBK), pp. 51–62.
- ICSE-1996-KieburtzMBHKLOSSW #component #empirical #generative #re-engineering
- A Software Engineering Experiment in Software Component Generation (RBK, LM, JMB, JH, AK, JL, DO, TS, IS, LW), pp. 542–552.
- AFP-1995-KieburtzL95 #algebra #programming
- Programming with Algebras (RBK, JL), pp. 267–307.
- TRI-Ada-1994-BellBHKKLMOSTWZ #concept #design #reliability #reuse
- Software design for reliability and reuse: a proof-of-concept demonstration (JMB, FB, JH, RBK, AK, JL, LM, DO, TS, LT, LW, TZ), pp. 396–404.
- ASPLOS-1987-Kieburtz #architecture #symbolic computation
- A RISC Architecture for Symbolic Computation (RBK), pp. 146–155.
- FPCA-1985-Kieburtz85 #performance
- The G-Machine: A Fast, Graph-Reduction Evaluator (RBK), pp. 400–413.
- ICSE-1985-VolpanoK
- Software Templates (DMV, RBK), pp. 55–61.
- LFP-1984-GivlerK #program transformation #recognition
- Schema Recognition for Program Transformations (JSG, RBK), pp. 74–84.
- POPL-1983-Kieburtz #data type #precise #specification #type system
- Precise Typing of Abstract Data Type Specifications (RBK), pp. 109–116.
- SCC-1979-PaiK #fault #parsing #syntax
- Global context recovery: A new strategy for parser recovery from syntax errors (ABP, RBK), pp. 158–167.
- ICSE-1978-KieburtzBH #pascal
- A Type-Checking Program Linkage System for Pascal (RBK, WB, CRH), pp. 23–28.
- ICSE-1976-SilberschatzKB #concurrent #pascal #resource management
- Extending Concurrent Pascal to Allow Dynamic Resource Management (AS, RBK, AJB), p. 236.
- TAPSOFT-1995-KieburtzBBHLOSWZ #generative #specification
- Calculating Software Generators from Solution Specifications (RBK, FB, JMB, JH, JL, DO, TS, LW, TZ), pp. 546–560.