Travelled to:
1 × France
1 × Italy
1 × The Netherlands
2 × USA
3 × Germany
Collaborated with:
∅ J.Hook J.Julliand O.Kouchnarenko J.M.Bell P.Lescanne C.Darlot R.B.Kieburtz J.Lewis D.Oliva T.Sheard L.Walton T.Zhou A.Kotov L.McKinney L.Tong
Talks about:
transform (4) softwar (2) program (2) express (2) system (2) rewrit (2) refin (2) readi (2) defunction (1) reformul (1)
Person: Françoise Bellegarde
DBLP: Bellegarde:Fran=ccedil=oise
Contributed to:
Wrote 11 papers:
- FME-2001-BellegardeDJK #named #refinement
- Reformulation: A Way to Combine Dynamic Properties and B Refinement (FB, CD, JJ, OK), pp. 2–19.
- FASE-2000-BellegardeJK #composition #refinement
- Ready-Simulation Is Not Ready to Express a Modular Refinement Relation (FB, JJ, OK), pp. 266–283.
- ICFP-1997-BellBH
- Type-Driven Defunctionalization (JMB, FB, JH), pp. 25–37.
- RTA-1995-Bellegarde #automation #named #program transformation #towards
- ASTRE: Towards a Fully Automated Program Transformation System (FB), pp. 403–407.
- TRI-Ada-1994-BellBHKKLMOSTWZ #concept #design #reliability #reuse
- Software design for reliability and reuse: a proof-of-concept demonstration (JMB, FB, JH, RBK, AK, JL, LM, DO, TS, LT, LW, TZ), pp. 396–404.
- RTA-1991-Bellegarde #program transformation
- Program Transformation and Rewriting (FB), pp. 226–239.
- ALP-1990-Bellegarde #category theory #formal method #process
- A Matching Process Modulo a Theory of Categorical Products (FB), pp. 270–282.
- LFP-1984-Bellegarde #sequence #term rewriting
- Rewriting Systems on FP Expressions that Reduce the Number of Sequences They Yield (FB), pp. 63–73.
- CAAP-1987-BellegardeL
- Transformation Ordering (FB, PL), pp. 69–80.
- TAPSOFT-1993-BellegardeH #monad
- Monads, Indexes and Transformations (FB, JH), pp. 314–327.
- TAPSOFT-1995-KieburtzBBHLOSWZ #generative #specification
- Calculating Software Generators from Solution Specifications (RBK, FB, JMB, JH, JL, DO, TS, LW, TZ), pp. 546–560.