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146 papers:

PLDIPLDI-2015-FaddegonC #algorithm #debugging #dependence #haskell #source code #stack
Algorithmic debugging of real-world haskell programs: deriving dependencies from the cost centre stack (MF, OC), pp. 33–42.
ICFPICFP-2015-BuirasVR #data flow #dynamic typing #haskell #named #type system
HLIO: mixing static and dynamic typing for information-flow control in Haskell (PB, DV, AR), pp. 289–301.
ICFPICFP-2015-Russo #functional #haskell
Functional pearl: two can keep a secret, if one of them uses Haskell (AR), pp. 280–288.
PADLPADL-2015-TamaritVCM #c #haskell #implementation #program transformation #rule-based #source code
A Haskell Implementation of a Rule-Based Program Transformation for C Programs (ST, GV, MC, JM), pp. 105–114.
TFPIETFPIE-2014-OlmerHJ #haskell
Evaluating Haskell expressions in a tutoring environment (TO, BH, JJ), pp. 50–66.
TFPIETFPIE-2014-Walck #haskell #physics #programming
Learn Physics by Programming in Haskell (SNW), pp. 67–77.
PLDIPLDI-2014-YangM #haskell
Dynamic space limits for Haskell (EZY, DM), p. 59.
ICFPICFP-2014-BreitnerEJW #haskell #low cost
Safe zero-cost coercions for Haskell (JB, RAE, SLPJ, SW), pp. 189–202.
ICFPICFP-2014-VazouSJVJ #haskell #refinement
Refinement types for Haskell (NV, ELS, RJ, DV, SLPJ), pp. 269–282.
PADLPADL-2014-WinantDPS #haskell
Partial Type Signatures for Haskell (TW, DD, FP, TS), pp. 17–32.
POPLPOPL-2014-KilpatrickDJM #haskell #interface #named
Backpack: retrofitting Haskell with interfaces (SK, DD, SLPJ, SM), pp. 19–32.
ISSTAISSTA-2014-LeAGG #haskell #mutation testing #named #source code #testing
MuCheck: an extensible tool for mutation testing of haskell programs (DL, MAA, RG, AG), pp. 429–432.
PEPMPEPM-2013-MartinezVP #compilation #exclamation #haskell #performance
Just do it while compiling!: fast extensible records in haskell (BM, MV, AP), pp. 77–86.
ICFPICFP-2013-PetersenOG #automation #haskell
Automatic SIMD vectorization for Haskell (LP, DAO, NG), pp. 25–36.
ICFPICFP-2013-Schmidt-SchaussS #correctness #haskell #implementation
Correctness of an STM Haskell implementation (MSS, DS), pp. 161–172.
IFLIFL-2013-AljabriLT #design #haskell #implementation #parallel
The Design and Implementation of GUMSMP: a Multilevel Parallel Haskell Implementation (MA, HWL, PWT), p. 37.
IFLIFL-2013-LammelSV #haskell
The 101haskell Chrestomathy: A Whole Bunch of Learnable λs (RL, TS, AV), p. 25.
IFLIFL-2013-PetersenALG #haskell
Measuring the Haskell Gap (LP, TAA, HL, NG), p. 61.
PADLPADL-2013-GiorgidzeGHK #database #haskell #wiki
Analysing the Entire Wikipedia History with Database Supported Haskell (GG, TG, IH, MK), pp. 19–25.
POPLPOPL-2013-VytiniotisJCR #haskell #logic #named #semantics
HALO: haskell to logic through denotational semantics (DV, SLPJ, KC, DR), pp. 431–442.
SACSAC-2013-CastorSS #assessment #haskell #memory management #transaction
A preliminary assessment of Haskell’s software transactional memory constructs (FC, FSN, ALMS), pp. 1696–1697.
TLCATLCA-2013-Peyton-Jones #compilation #haskell
Type-Directed Compilation in the Wild: Haskell and Core (SLPJ), p. 1.
FLOPSFLOPS-2012-Hamana #category theory #haskell
Correct Looping Arrows from Cyclic Terms — Traced Categorical Interpretation in Haskell (MH), pp. 136–150.
ICFPICFP-2012-DanielsGR #biology #case study #experience #haskell
Experience report: Haskell in computational biology (NMD, AG, NR), pp. 227–234.
ICFPICFP-2012-Mainland #haskell #metaprogramming
Explicitly heterogeneous metaprogramming with MetaHaskell (GM), pp. 311–322.
ICFPICFP-2012-Mitchell #haskell
Shake before building: replacing make with haskell (NM), pp. 55–66.
IFLIFL-2012-DijkstraSVS #haskell #javascript
Building JavaScript Applications with Haskell (AD, JS, AV, SDS), pp. 37–52.
PADLPADL-2012-Lesniak #algorithm #graph #haskell #named
Palovca: Describing and Executing Graph Algorithms in Haskell (ML), pp. 153–167.
PADLPADL-2012-Stewart #exclamation #functional #haskell #programming
Make Things Now! Pragmatic Functional Programming in Haskell (DS), p. 17.
LICSLICS-2012-SabelS #concurrent #haskell
Conservative Concurrency in Haskell (DS, MSS), pp. 561–570.
CEFPCEFP-2011-JeuringGH #haskell #programming
A Programming Tutor for Haskell (JJ, AG, BH), pp. 1–45.
CEFPCEFP-2011-Loogen #functional #haskell #named #parallel #programming
Eden — Parallel Functional Programming with Haskell (RL), pp. 142–206.
CEFPCEFP-2011-Marlow #concurrent #haskell #parallel #programming
Parallel and Concurrent Programming in Haskell (SM), pp. 339–401.
IFLIFL-2011-MaierT #haskell #implementation #parallel
Implementing a High-Level Distributed-Memory Parallel Haskell in Haskell (PM, PWT), pp. 35–50.
IFLIFL-2011-Schilling #challenge #compilation #haskell
Challenges for a Trace-Based Just-In-Time Compiler for Haskell (TS), pp. 51–68.
PPDPPPDP-2011-SabelS #concurrent #haskell #semantics
A contextual semantics for concurrent Haskell with futures (DS, MSS), pp. 101–112.
PADLPADL-2011-Brown #combinator #haskell #message passing
Combinators for Message-Passing in Haskell (NCCB), pp. 19–33.
ICSEICSE-2011-Lee #case study #haskell #refactoring #source code
A case study on refactoring in Haskell programs (DYL), pp. 1164–1166.
ISSTAISSTA-2011-AllwoodCE #haskell #source code #testing
High coverage testing of Haskell programs (TORA, CC, SE), pp. 375–385.
PEPMPEPM-2010-BrownT #clone detection #detection #haskell
Clone detection and elimination for Haskell (CB, SJT), pp. 111–120.
PEPMPEPM-2010-Haftmann #haskell #higher-order #logic
From higher-order logic to Haskell: there and back again (FH), pp. 155–158.
FLOPSFLOPS-2010-OrchardS #constraints #haskell
Haskell Type Constraints Unleashed (DAO, TS), pp. 56–71.
ICFPICFP-2010-KellerCLJL #array #haskell #parallel
Regular, shape-polymorphic, parallel arrays in Haskell (GK, MMTC, RL, SLPJ, BL), pp. 261–272.
ICFPICFP-2010-Pop #case study #experience #haskell #python
Experience report: Haskell as a reagent: results and observations on the use of Haskell in a python project (IP), pp. 369–374.
IFLIFL-2010-Berthold #haskell #orthogonal
Orthogonal Serialisation for Haskell (JB), pp. 38–53.
IFLIFL-2010-GiorgidzeGSW #execution #haskell
Haskell Boards the Ferry — Database-Supported Program Execution for Haskell (GG, TG, TS, JW), pp. 1–18.
PADLPADL-2010-Iborra #exception #haskell
Explicitly Typed Exceptions for Haskell (JI), pp. 43–57.
CEFPCEFP-2009-Devai #haskell #proving
Embedding a Proof System in Haskell (GD), pp. 354–371.
ICFPICFP-2009-Chaudhuri #concurrent #haskell #library #ml
A concurrent ML library in concurrent Haskell (AC), pp. 269–280.
ICFPICFP-2009-MarlowJS #haskell #manycore #runtime
Runtime support for multicore Haskell (SM, SLPJ, SS), pp. 65–78.
ICFPICFP-2009-Sampson #case study #experience #functional #haskell #lazy evaluation
Experience report: Haskell in the “real world”: writing a commercial application in a lazy functional language (CJS), pp. 185–190.
ICFPICFP-2009-VieraSS #aspect-oriented #attribute grammar #haskell #how #programming
Attribute grammars fly first-class: how to do aspect oriented programming in Haskell (MV, SDS, WS), pp. 245–256.
GT-VMTGT-VMT-2009-WestK #editing #framework #graph transformation #haskell #visualisation
A Generic Graph Transformation, Visualisation, and Editing Framework in Haskell (SW, WK), pp. 171–188.
ECOOPECOOP-2009-Jones #haskell #what #why
Classes, Jim, But Not as We Know Them — Type Classes in Haskell: What, Why, and Whither (SLPJ), p. 1.
PADLPADL-2009-MaldeO #analysis #haskell #scalability #sequence #using
Using Bloom Filters for Large Scale Gene Sequence Analysis in Haskell (KM, BO), pp. 183–194.
POPLPOPL-2009-XuJC #contract #haskell
Static contract checking for Haskell (DNX, SLPJ, KC), pp. 41–52.
SACSAC-2009-OyamaKI #haskell #monitoring #named #virtual machine
Kenro: a virtual machine monitor mostly described in Haskell (YO, YK, HI), pp. 1940–1941.
SACSAC-2009-Tarau #data type #finite #haskell #morphism
Isomorphisms, hylomorphisms and hereditarily finite data types in Haskell (PT), pp. 1898–1902.
SLESLE-2009-BauerE #declarative #haskell
Declarative Scripting in Haskell (TB, ME), pp. 294–313.
TLCATLCA-2009-StengerV #fault #haskell #parametricity #semantics
Parametricity for Haskell with Imprecise Error Semantics (FS, JV), pp. 294–308.
AFPAFP-2008-JeuringLMY08 #haskell #library #programming
Libraries for Generic Programming in Haskell (JJ, SL, JPM, ARY), pp. 165–229.
AFPAFP-2008-JonesS08 #concurrent #haskell #parallel #programming #tutorial
A Tutorial on Parallel and Concurrent Programming in Haskell (SLPJ, SS), pp. 267–305.
ICFPICFP-2008-AugustssonMS #domain-specific language #embedded #haskell #named
Paradise: a two-stage DSL embedded in Haskell (LA, HM, GS), pp. 225–228.
ICFPICFP-2008-GuillemetteM #compilation #haskell
A type-preserving compiler in Haskell (LJG, SM), pp. 75–86.
ICFPICFP-2008-VytiniotisWJ #haskell #morphism #named #polymorphism
FPH: first-class polymorphism for Haskell (DV, SW, SLPJ), pp. 295–306.
IFLIFL-2008-GiorgidzeN #functional #haskell #hybrid #modelling
Embedding a Functional Hybrid Modelling Language in Haskell (GG, HN), pp. 138–155.
IFLIFL-2008-WangG #ad hoc #haskell #library
A Library for Processing Ad hoc Data in Haskell — Embedding a Data Description Language (YW, VG), pp. 174–191.
ICFPICFP-2007-CooperM #case study #experience #haskell #interpreter
Experience report: a Haskell interpreter for cellML (JC, SM), pp. 247–250.
ICFPICFP-2007-Frenzel #case study #experience #haskell #ide
Experience report: building an eclipse-based IDE for Haskell (LF), pp. 220–222.
ICFPICFP-2007-Jones #haskell #source code
Call-pattern specialisation for haskell programs (SLPJ), pp. 327–337.
IFLIFL-2007-DijkstraFS #compilation #complexity #haskell
The Structure of the Essential Haskell Compiler, or Coping with Compiler Complexity (AD, JF, SDS), pp. 57–74.
IFLIFL-2007-MitchellR #haskell
A Supercompiler for Core Haskell (NM, CR), pp. 147–164.
IFLIFL-2007-SulzmannL #haskell #named #regular expression
XHaskell — Adding Regular Expression Types to Haskell (MS, KZML), pp. 75–92.
PADLPADL-2007-CouttsSL #haskell #string
Rewriting Haskell Strings (DC, DS, RL), pp. 50–64.
PADLPADL-2007-FisselerKBKM #algebra #haskell #information management #using
Algebraic Knowledge Discovery Using Haskell (JF, GKI, CB, AK, CM), pp. 80–93.
ESOPESOP-2006-Rudiak-GouldMJ #haskell #ml
Haskell Is Not Not ML (BRG, AM, SLPJ), pp. 38–53.
SCAMSCAM-2006-LiT #case study #comparative #erlang #haskell #refactoring #source code
Comparative Study of Refactoring Haskell and Erlang Programs (HL, SJT), pp. 197–206.
FLOPSFLOPS-2006-DiscoloHMJS #data type #haskell #using
Lock Free Data Structures Using STM in Haskell (AD, TH, SM, SLPJ, SS), pp. 65–80.
IFLIFL-2006-ChitilH #haskell #lazy evaluation #logic
A Pattern Logic for Prompt Lazy Assertions in Haskell (OC, FH), pp. 126–144.
RTARTA-2006-GieslSST #analysis #automation #haskell #programming language #term rewriting #termination
Automated Termination Analysis for Haskell: From Term Rewriting to Programming Languages (JG, SS, PSK, RT), pp. 297–312.
ICFPICFP-2005-HallgrenJLT #approach #haskell #operating system
A principled approach to operating system construction in Haskell (TH, MPJ, RL, APT), pp. 116–128.
IFLIFL-2005-Hanna #haskell
A Document-Centered Environment for Haskell (KH), pp. 196–211.
IFLIFL-2005-HuchK #composition #concurrent #haskell #implementation #memory management #transaction
A High-Level Implementation of Composable Memory Transactions in Concurrent Haskell (FH, FK), pp. 124–141.
GPCEGPCE-2005-Priebe #haskell #preprocessor
Preprocessing Eden with Template Haskell (SP), pp. 357–372.
LDTALDTA-2005-LiTR #api #haskell
The Haskell Refactorer, HaRe, and its API (HL, SJT, CR), pp. 29–34.
AMOSTAMOST-2005-SherriffNWV #estimation #fault #haskell #metric #using
Early estimation of defect density using an in-process Haskell metrics model (MS, NN, LAW, MAV).
AFPAFP-2004-DijkstraS04 #attribute grammar #haskell #type system
Typing Haskell with an Attribute Grammar (AD, SDS), pp. 1–72.
ICFPICFP-2004-ChristiansenH #concurrent #debugging #haskell #source code
Searching for deadlocks while debugging concurrent haskell programs (JC, FH), pp. 28–39.
GPCEGPCE-2004-SeefriedCK #domain-specific language #embedded #haskell #optimisation #using
Optimising Embedded DSLs Using Template Haskell (SS, MMTC, GK), pp. 186–205.
PADLPADL-2004-AtanassowCJ #haskell #named #xml
UUXML: A Type-Preserving XML Schema-Haskell Data Binding (FA, DC, JJ), pp. 71–85.
PADLPADL-2004-ChenZX #case study #dependent type #haskell #implementation #simulation
Implementing Cut Elimination: A Case Study of Simulating Dependent Types in Haskell (CC, DZ, HX), pp. 239–254.
ISMMISMM-2004-CheadleFMJW #garbage collection #haskell #incremental
Exploring the barrier to entry: incremental generational garbage collection for Haskell (AMC, AJF, SM, SLPJ, RLW), pp. 163–174.
ICFPICFP-2003-LohCJ #haskell
Dependency-style generic Haskell (AL, DC, JJ), pp. 141–152.
IFLIFL-2003-NorellJ #haskell #programming
Polytypic Programming in Haskell (UN, PJ), pp. 168–184.
IFLIFL-2003-PangC #haskell #object-oriented
Interfacing Haskell with Object-Oriented Languages (ATHP, MMTC), pp. 20–35.
PPDPPPDP-2003-PopeN #aspect-oriented #debugging #declarative #haskell
Practical aspects of declarative debugging in Haskell 98 (BP, LN), pp. 230–240.
AFPAFP-2002-ChakravartyK02 #approach #array #haskell #performance
An Approach to Fast Arrays in Haskell (MMTC, GK), pp. 27–58.
IFLIFL-2002-ChitilRW #haskell
Transforming Haskell for Tracing (OC, CR, MW), pp. 165–181.
IFLIFL-2002-DowseSB #haskell #proving
Proving Make Correct: I/O Proofs in Haskell and Clean (MD, GS, AB), pp. 68–83.
SACSAC-2002-CarvalhoLL #coordination #functional #haskell #process
Coordinating functional processes with Haskell# (FHC, RMFL, RDL), pp. 393–400.
PLDIPLDI-2001-MarlowJMR #exception #haskell
Asynchronous Exceptions in Haskell (SM, SLPJ, AM, JHR), pp. 274–285.
FLOPSFLOPS-2001-DanvyR #haskell #syntax
A Simple Take on Typed Abstract Syntax in Haskell-like Languages (OD, MR), pp. 343–358.
ICFPICFP-2001-Russell #haskell #how
Events in Haskell, and How to Implement Them (GR), pp. 157–168.
WRLAWRLA-2000-BasinD #analysis #comparison #haskell #maude #protocol #security
Maude versus Haskell: an Experimental Comparison in Security Protocol Analysis (DAB, GD), pp. 235–256.
ICFPICFP-2000-CheadleFMJW #haskell
Non-stop Haskell (AMC, AJF, SM, SLPJ, RLW), pp. 257–267.
ICFPICFP-2000-ClaessenH #haskell #lightweight #named #quickcheck #random testing #source code #testing
QuickCheck: a lightweight tool for random testing of Haskell programs (KC, JH), pp. 268–279.
ICFPICFP-2000-Sage #declarative #haskell #named #user interface
FranTk — a declarative GUI language for Haskell (MS), pp. 106–117.
IFLIFL-2000-AchtenJ #haskell #library #migration
Porting the Clean Object I/O Library to Haskell (PA, SLPJ), pp. 194–213.
IFLIFL-2000-HuchN #distributed #haskell #programming
Distributed Programming in Haskell with Ports (FH, UN), pp. 107–121.
IFLIFL-2000-PointonTL #design #distributed #haskell #implementation
The Design and Implementation of Glasgow Distributed Haskell (RFP, PWT, HWL), pp. 53–70.
PADLPADL-2000-Thiemann #haskell #html #modelling
Modeling HTML in Haskell (PT), pp. 263–277.
ICFPICFP-1999-LaunchburyLC #architecture #design #haskell #on the
On Embedding a Microarchitectural Design Language within Haskell (JL, JRL, BC), pp. 60–69.
ICFPICFP-1999-WallaceR #combinator #haskell #question #type system #xml
Haskell and XML: Generic Combinators or Type-Based Translation? (MW, CR), pp. 148–159.
IFLIFL-1999-Chakravarty #c #haskell
C -> HASKELL, or Yet Another Interfacing Tool (MMTC), pp. 131–148.
IFLIFL-1999-HammondP #algorithm #haskell #named
HaskSkel: Algorithmic Skeletons in Haskell (KH, ÁJRP), pp. 181–198.
IFLIFL-1999-JonesME #haskell #pointer
Stretching the Storage Manager: Weak Pointers and Stable Names in Haskell (SLPJ, SM, CE), pp. 37–58.
IFLIFL-1999-Reinke #haskell #petri net
Haskell-Coloured Petri Nets (CR), pp. 165–180.
PADLPADL-1999-MeijerLH #haskell #web
Client-Side Web Scripting with HaskellScript (EM, DL, JH), pp. 196–210.
PADLPADL-1999-PetersonHE #haskell
λ in Motion: Controlling Robots with Haskell (JP, PH, CE), pp. 91–105.
FLOPSFLOPS-1998-ChakravartyGK #distributed #haskell #internet
Distributed Haskell: Goffin on the Internet (MMTC, YG, MK), pp. 80–97.
AFPAFP-1998-LeijenMH98 #automation #haskell
Haskell as an Automation Controller (DL, EM, JH), pp. 268–289.
ICFPICFP-1998-BjesseCSS #design #hardware #haskell #named
Lava: Hardware Design in Haskell (PB, KC, MS, SS), pp. 174–184.
ICFPICFP-1998-FinneLMJ #haskell #interface #named
H/Direct: A Binary Foreign Language Interface for Haskell (SF, DL, EM, SLPJ), pp. 153–162.
IFLIFL-1998-KingHT #haskell #parallel #profiling
A Strategic Profiler for Glasgow Parallel Haskell (DJK, JGH, PWT), pp. 88–102.
IFLIFL-1998-Reinke #haskell #java #towards
Towards a Haskell/Java Connection (CR), pp. 200–215.
PPDPALP-PLILP-1998-BreitingerKL #haskell #implementation #parallel #perspective
From (Sequential) Haskell to (Parallel) Eden: An Implementation Point of View (SB, UK, RL), pp. 318–334.
PPDPALP-PLILP-1998-Wakeling #compilation #functional #haskell #java #lazy evaluation #mobile #source code #virtual machine
Mobile Haskell: Compiling Lazy Functional Programs for the Java Virtual Machine (DW), pp. 335–352.
POPLPOPL-1998-JonesSLT #haskell #ml
Bridging the Gulf: A Common Intermediate Language for ML and Haskell (SLPJ, MS, JL, APT), pp. 49–61.
IFLIFL-1997-JunaiduDH #compilation #haskell #named
Naira: A Parallel² Haskell Compiler (SBJ, AJTD, KH), pp. 214–230.
IFLIFL-1997-KarlsenW #concurrent #haskell #repository #using
Using Concurrent Haskell to Develop Views over an Active Repository (EWK, SW), pp. 285–303.
IFLIFL-1997-Wakeling #compilation #haskell #java #virtual machine
A Haskell to Java Virtual Machine Code Compiler (DW), pp. 39–52.
PPDPPLILP-1997-GallardoGR #concurrent #haskell #inheritance
Inheritance and Selective Methods Dispatching in Concurrent Haskell (JEG, FG, BCR), pp. 33–46.
ESOPESOP-1996-Jones96a #compilation #haskell #program transformation
Compiling Haskell by Program Transformation: A Report from the Trenches (SLPJ), pp. 18–44.
PLDIPLDI-1996-TrinderHMPJ #haskell #implementation #named #parallel
GUM: A Portable Parallel Implementation of Haskell (PWT, KH, JSMJ, ASP, SLPJ), pp. 79–88.
IFLIFL-1996-BreitingerKL #concurrent #haskell #implementation
An Implementation of Eden on Top of Concurrent Haskell (SB, UK, RL), pp. 141–161.
IFLIFL-1996-Mohnen #haskell
Context Patterns in Haskell (MM), pp. 41–57.
POPLPOPL-1996-JonesGF #concurrent #haskell
Concurrent Haskell (SLPJ, ADG, SF), pp. 295–308.
SASSAS-1995-Seward #analysis #haskell #implementation #polymorphism #prototype
Beyond Prototype Implementations: Polymorphic Projection Analysis for Glasgow Haskell (JS), pp. 382–399.
FPCAFPCA-1995-Rojemo #compilation #haskell
Highlights from nhc — a Space-efficient Haskell Compiler (NR), pp. 282–292.
POPLPOPL-1995-KingL #algorithm #haskell
Structuring Depth-First Search Algorithms in Haskell (DJK, JL), pp. 344–354.
ESOPESOP-1994-HallHJW #haskell
Type Classes in Haskell (CVH, KH, SLPJ, PW), pp. 241–256.
SASSAS-1994-JensenHR #analysis #haskell #performance #strict
Efficient Strictness Analysis of Haskell (KDJ, PH, MR), pp. 246–362.
SACSAC-1994-Goblirsch #haskell
An introduction to Haskell with applications to digital signal processing (DMG), pp. 425–430.
FPCAFPCA-1993-Augustsson #haskell #implementation
Implementing Haskell Overloading (LA), pp. 65–73.
FPCAFPCA-1993-SansomJ #garbage collection #haskell
Generational Garbage Collection for Haskell (PMS, SLPJ), pp. 106–116.
PLDIPLDI-1990-AndersonH #array #compilation #haskell
Compilation of Haskell Array Comprehensions for Scientific Computing (SA, PH), pp. 137–149.

Bibliography of Software Language Engineering in Generated Hypertext (BibSLEIGH) is created and maintained by Dr. Vadim Zaytsev.
Hosted as a part of SLEBOK on GitHub.