Travelled to:
1 × USA
Collaborated with:
S.Maro A.Anjorin R.Wohlrab M.Tichy L.Gelin M.Mukelabai D.Nesic T.Berger
Talks about:
industri (2) combinatori (1) traceabl (1) guidelin (1) configur (1) textual (1) practic (1) mainten (1) languag (1) graphic (1)
Person: Jan-Philipp Steghöfer
DBLP: Stegh=ouml=fer:Jan=Philipp
Contributed to:
Wrote 3 papers:
- SLE-2015-MaroSATG #domain-specific language #editing #experience #industrial #on the #uml #visual notation
- On integrating graphical and textual editors for a UML profile based domain specific language: an industrial experience (SM, JPS, AA, MT, LG), pp. 1–12.
- ASE-2016-MaroAWS #guidelines #maintenance #traceability
- Traceability maintenance: factors and guidelines (SM, AA, RW, JPS), pp. 414–425.
- ASE-2018-MukelabaiNMBS #case study #combinator #configuration management #explosion #industrial
- Tackling combinatorial explosion: a study of industrial needs and practices for analyzing highly configurable systems (MM, DN, SM, TB, JPS), pp. 155–166.