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Travelled to:
1 × Austria
1 × Denmark
1 × Greece
1 × Italy
1 × Spain
2 × Canada
2 × USA
Collaborated with:
T.Systä T.Mikkonen J.Lautamäki A.Nieminen V.Reijonen I.J.Haikala M.Kettunen K.Kiviluoma M.Laitkorpi J.Jiang A.Ruokonen I.Hammouda M.Pussinen M.Katara J.Peltonen P.Selonen K.Koskimies J.Palviainen T.Kilamo T.Aho M.Englund
Talks about:
base (5) behavior (3) uml (3) architectur (2) framework (2) scenario (2) collabor (2) approach (2) profil (2) experi (2)

Person: Johannes Koskinen

DBLP DBLP: Koskinen:Johannes

Contributed to:

SAC 20152015
CSCW 20122012
ECSA 20102010
ICPC 20072007
ICPC 20062006
ISSTA 20062006
WCRE 20062006
ASE 20042004
ICSE 20012001

Wrote 9 papers:

SAC-2015-PalviainenKKLMN #collaboration #design #developer #experience #framework
Design framework enhancing developer experience in collaborative coding environment (JP, TK, JK, JL, TM, AN), pp. 149–156.
CSCW-2012-LautamakiNKAME #collaboration #editing #java #named #realtime #web
CoRED: browser-based Collaborative Real-time Editor for Java web applications (JL, AN, JK, TA, TM, ME), pp. 1307–1316.
ECSA-2010-ReijonenKH #architecture #case study #experience
Experiences from Scenario-Based Architecture Evaluations with ATAM (VR, JK, IJH), pp. 214–229.
ICPC-2007-JiangKRS #api #documentation
Constructing Usage Scenarios for API Redocumentation (JJ, JK, AR, TS), pp. 259–264.
ICPC-2006-KoskinenKS #approach #behaviour #comprehension
Profile-Based Approach to Support Comprehension of Software Behavior (JK, MK, TS), pp. 212–224.
ISSTA-2006-KiviluomaKM #architecture #aspect-oriented #behaviour #monitoring #runtime #using
Run-time monitoring of architecturally significant behaviors using behavioral profiles and aspects (KK, JK, TM), pp. 181–190.
WCRE-2006-LaitkorpiKS #approach #interface #uml
A UML-based Approach for Abstracting Application Interfaces to REST-like Services (ML, JK, TS), pp. 134–146.
ASE-2004-HammoudaKPKM #adaptation #framework #uml
Adaptable Concern-Based Framework Specialization in UML (IH, JK, MP, MK, TM), pp. 78–87.
ICSE-2001-KoskinenPSSK #tool support #uml
Model Processing Tools in UML (JK, JP, PS, TS, KK), pp. 819–820.

Bibliography of Software Language Engineering in Generated Hypertext (BibSLEIGH) is created and maintained by Dr. Vadim Zaytsev.
Hosted as a part of SLEBOK on GitHub.