Travelled to:
1 × South Korea
Collaborated with:
D.Geerts K.Slegers S.Ruelens P.Duysburgh J.Derboven B.Zaman D.D.Grooff
Talks about:
game (3) user (2) research (1) prototyp (1) principl (1) interfac (1) function (1) tangibl (1) serious (1) physic (1)
Person: Jorick Vissers
DBLP: Vissers:Jorick
Contributed to:
Wrote 3 papers:
- CHI-2015-DerbovenZVGG #education #game studies
- The Fun and the Serious in an Educational Game: The Monkey Tales Case (JD, BZ, JV, DG, DDG), pp. 2829–2832.
- CHI-2015-SlegersRVD #elicitation #game studies #research #user interface #using
- Using Game Principles in UX Research: A Board Game for Eliciting Future User Needs (KS, SR, JV, PD), pp. 1225–1228.
- CHI-2015-VissersG #case study #experience #functional #named #physics #prototype #user interface
- TUIkit: Evaluating Physical and Functional Experiences of Tangible User Interface Prototypes (JV, DG), pp. 1267–1276.