Travelled to:
1 × Canada
1 × Germany
1 × Italy
1 × Japan
1 × Spain
1 × United Kingdom
4 × Portugal
Collaborated with:
∅ P.F.Silva A.Cunha J.Visser C.J.Rodrigues B.Cortes L.S.Barbosa G.Villavicencio N.Macedo H.Pacheco T.L.Alves R.Pontes M.Matos J.O.Pereira
Talks about:
data (4) transform (2) automata (2) support (2) process (2) algebra (2) linear (2) calcul (2) type (2) probabilist (1)
♂ Person: José Nuno Oliveira
DBLP: Oliveira:Jos=eacute=_Nuno
Facilitated 5 volumes:
Contributed to:
Wrote 12 papers:
- BX-2013-MacedoPCO #lens
- Composing Least-change Lenses (NM, HP, AC, JNO), pp. 57–75.
- CIAA-2012-Oliveira #algebra #automaton #linear #probability
- Typed Linear Algebra for Weigthed (Probabilistic) Automata (JNO), pp. 52–65.
- CIAA-J-2012-Oliveira13 #algebra #automaton #category theory #matrix
- Weighted Automata as Coalgebras in Categories of Matrices (JNO), pp. 709–728.
- PPDP-2008-SilvaO #functional #prototype #proving #quote
- “Galculator”: functional prototype of a Galois-connection based proof assistant (PFS, JNO), pp. 44–55.
- GTTSE-2007-Oliveira
- Transforming Data by Calculation (JNO), pp. 134–195.
- FM-2006-CunhaOV #data transformation #type safety
- Type-Safe Two-Level Data Transformation (AC, JNO, JV), pp. 284–299.
- FM-2006-OliveiraR #refinement
- Pointfree Factorization of Operation Refinement (JNO, CJR), pp. 236–251.
- FM-2005-AlvesSVO #sql #term rewriting
- Strategic Term Rewriting and Its Application to a VDMSL to SQL Conversion (TLA, PFS, JV, JNO), pp. 399–414.
- ICEIS-v1-2004-CortesO #quality #relational
- Relational Sampling for Data Quality Auditing and Decision Support (BC, JNO), pp. 376–382.
- FLOPS-2002-BarbosaO #calculus #induction #process
- Coinductive Interpreters for Process Calculi (LSB, JNO), pp. 183–197.
- WCRE-2001-VillavicencioO #slicing
- Reverse Program Calculation Supported by Code Slicing (GV, JNO), p. 35–?.
- GTTSE-2015-PontesMOP #algebra #approach #implementation #linear
- Implementing a Linear Algebra Approach to Data Processing (RP, MM, JNO, JOP), pp. 215–222.