Travelled to:
3 × USA
Collaborated with:
R.Arunachalam L.T.Pileggi A.Chowdhary T.Cao V.Tiourin Y.Parasuram B.Halpin S.Venkatesan S.Hur
Talks about:
time (2) constraint (1) placement (1) mongrel (1) analysi (1) physic (1) direct (1) model (1) engin (1) coupl (1)
Person: Karthik Rajagopal
DBLP: Rajagopal:Karthik
Contributed to:
Wrote 3 papers:
- DAC-2005-ChowdharyRVCTPH #how #question
- How accurately can we model timing in a placement engine? (AC, KR, SV, TC, VT, YP, BH), pp. 801–806.
- DAC-2003-HurCRPCTH #constraints #physics
- Force directed mongrel with physical net constraints (SWH, TC, KR, YP, AC, VT, BH), pp. 214–219.
- DAC-2000-ArunachalamRP #analysis #named
- TACO: timing analysis with coupling (RA, KR, LTP), pp. 266–269.