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284 papers:

CASECASE-2015-ChenY15a #adaptation
Contouring control of biaxial systems with optimal and adaptive cross coupling controller (SLC, JHY), pp. 1450–1452.
CASECASE-2015-ChenYC #novel
Novel optimal cross-coupling control for the power wheelchair with rim motor (SHC, CLY, JJC), pp. 1533–1538.
CASECASE-2015-GuoD #bottom-up #coordination #multi
Bottom-up motion and task coordination for loosely-coupled multi-agent systems with dependent local tasks (MG, DVD), pp. 348–355.
DACDAC-2015-LinYP #constraints #performance
High performance dummy fill insertion with coupling and uniformity constraints (YL, BY, DZP), p. 6.
DATEDATE-2015-DiaoLWW #reduction
A coupling area reduction technique applying ODC shifting (YD, TKL, XW, YLW), pp. 1461–1466.
MSRMSR-2015-BlincoeHD #ecosystem #git #identification #using
Ecosystems in GitHub and a Method for Ecosystem Identification Using Reference Coupling (KB, FH, DD), pp. 202–211.
GCMGCM-2015-Zaytsev #co-evolution
Coupled Transformations of Shared Packed Parse Forests (VZ), pp. 2–17.
CHICHI-2015-CramerJ #communication #question #what #why
Couples’ Communication Channels: What, When & Why? (HC, MLJ), pp. 709–712.
KDDKDD-2015-DongZTCW #named #network #predict
CoupledLP: Link Prediction in Coupled Networks (YD, JZ, JT, NVC, BW), pp. 199–208.
KDDKDD-2015-FanEWAH #health #personalisation
Hierarchical Graph-Coupled HMMs for Heterogeneous Personalized Health Data (KF, ME, AW, AA, KAH), pp. 239–248.
SEKESEKE-2015-ManiPW #co-evolution #modelling #performance #using
Exploring SOA Pattern Performance using Coupled Transformations and Performance Models (NM, DCP, CMW), pp. 552–557.
SACSAC-2015-OliveiraQMM #community #complexity #detection #using
Community detection, with lower time complexity, using coupled Kuramoto oscillators (JEMdO, MGQ, MDNM, EENM), pp. 1160–1166.
Neuro Inspired Computing with Coupled Relaxation Oscillators (SD, NS, MC, AP, AR), p. 6.
Simultaneous EUV Flare Variation Minimization and CMP Control with Coupling-Aware Dummification (CYL, HJKC, YWC, JHRJ), p. 6.
DACDAC-2014-PengPL #optimisation #performance
Fast and Accurate Full-chip Extraction and Optimization of TSV-to-Wire Coupling (YP, DP, SKL), p. 6.
DACDAC-2014-WangOC #optimisation #performance #polynomial #synthesis
Enabling Efficient Analog Synthesis by Coupling Sparse Regression and Polynomial Optimization (YW, MO, CC), p. 6.
DATEDATE-2014-BurgioDMCB #clustering #hardware #programmable #scalability
A tightly-coupled hardware controller to improve scalability and programmability of shared-memory heterogeneous clusters (PB, RD, AM, PC, LB), pp. 1–4.
DATEDATE-2014-BurgioTCMB #clustering #embedded #hardware #memory management #parallel
Tightly-coupled hardware support to dynamic parallelism acceleration in embedded shared memory clusters (PB, GT, FC, AM, LB), pp. 1–6.
DATEDATE-2014-GomonyAG #optimisation #performance #realtime
Coupling TDM NoC and DRAM controller for cost and performance optimization of real-time systems (MDG, BA, KG), pp. 1–6.
VLDBVLDB-2015-HeZH14 #architecture #cpu #gpu #query
In-Cache Query Co-Processing on Coupled CPU-GPU Architectures (JH, SZ, BH), pp. 329–340.
SANERCSMR-WCRE-2014-MondalRS14a #detection
Improving the detection accuracy of evolutionary coupling by measuring change correspondence (MM, CKR, KAS), pp. 358–362.
ICSMEICSME-2014-MondalRS #analysis #fine-grained
A Fine-Grained Analysis on the Evolutionary Coupling of Cloned Code (MM, CKR, KAS), pp. 51–60.
ICALPICALP-v1-2014-CzumajV #markov
Thorp Shuffling, Butterflies, and Non-Markovian Couplings (AC, BV), pp. 344–355.
CHICHI-2014-ScissorsRG #self
Room for interpretation: the role of self-esteem and CMC in romantic couple conflict (LES, MER, DG), pp. 3953–3962.
EDOCEDOC-2014-WeissK #lifecycle #multi
A Life Cycle for Coupled Multi-scale, Multi-field Experiments Realized through Choreographies (AW, DK), pp. 234–241.
CIKMCIKM-2014-MengCS #analysis #approximate #keyword #query #semantics
Semantic Approximate Keyword Query Based on Keyword and Query Coupling Relationship Analysis (XM, LC, JS), pp. 529–538.
ICMLICML-c2-2014-YanLXH #predict
Coupled Group Lasso for Web-Scale CTR Prediction in Display Advertising (LY, WJL, GRX, DH), pp. 802–810.
ICPRICPR-2014-MarteauGR #gesture #kernel #performance #recognition
Down-sampling Coupled to Elastic Kernel Machines for Efficient Recognition of Isolated Gestures (PFM, SG, CR), pp. 363–368.
ICPRICPR-2014-WalhaDLGA #approach #image #learning #taxonomy
Sparse Coding with a Coupled Dictionary Learning Approach for Textual Image Super-resolution (RW, FD, FL, CG, AMA), pp. 4459–4464.
ICPRICPR-2014-ZhaoSJ #classification #markov
Coupled Hidden Markov Model for Electrocorticographic Signal Classification (RZ, GS, QJ), pp. 1858–1862.
RecSysRecSys-2014-RafailidisN #modelling
Modeling the dynamics of user preferences in coupled tensor factorization (DR, AN), pp. 321–324.
SIGIRSIGIR-2014-YuWYTLZ #performance #retrieval #taxonomy
Discriminative coupled dictionary hashing for fast cross-media retrieval (ZY, FW, YY, QT, JL, YZ), pp. 395–404.
IJCARIJCAR-2014-SteigmillerGL #algorithm #logic
Coupling Tableau Algorithms for Expressive Description Logics with Completion-Based Saturation Procedures (AS, BG, TL), pp. 449–463.
CASECASE-2013-TranH13a #composition #predict
Plug-and-play predictive control of modular nonlinear systems with coupling delays (TT, QPH), pp. 699–704.
DACDAC-2013-HoOCT #array
Coupling-aware length-ratio-matching routing for capacitor arrays in analog integrated circuits (KHH, HCO, YWC, HFT), p. 6.
DACDAC-2013-SongLPL #3d #multi #optimisation
Full-chip multiple TSV-to-TSV coupling extraction and optimization in 3D ICs (TS, CL, YP, SKL), p. 7.
DATEDATE-2013-BurgioTMB #clustering #fine-grained #memory management
Enabling fine-grained OpenMP tasking on tightly-coupled shared memory clusters (PB, GT, AM, LB), pp. 1504–1509.
DATEDATE-2013-JaninBCDEGLT #design
Designing tightly-coupled extension units for the STxP70 processor (YJ, VB, HC, TD, CE, OAG, VL, TT), pp. 1052–1053.
DATEDATE-2013-RahimiMBGB #clustering
Variation-tolerant OpenMP tasking on tightly-coupled processor clusters (AR, AM, PB, RKG, LB), pp. 541–546.
VLDBVLDB-2013-HeLH #architecture #cpu #gpu
Revisiting Co-Processing for Hash Joins on the Coupled CPU-GPU Architecture (JH, ML, BH), pp. 889–900.
ICPCICPC-2013-MondalRS #co-evolution #empirical #identification
Insight into a method co-change pattern to identify highly coupled methods: An empirical study (MM, CKR, KAS), pp. 103–112.
ICPCICPC-2013-MondalRS13a #detection
Improving the detection accuracy of evolutionary coupling (MM, CKR, KAS), pp. 223–226.
ICSMEICSM-2013-Beck #analysis #multi
Analysis of Multi-dimensional Code Couplings (FB), pp. 560–565.
MSRMSR-2013-AlaliBNM #detection #distance #metric #using
A preliminary investigation of using age and distance measures in the detection of evolutionary couplings (AA, BB, CDN, JIM), pp. 169–172.
MSRMSR-2013-SouzaM #category theory #metric #question
Do software categories impact coupling metrics? (LBLdS, MdAM), pp. 217–220.
SCAMSCAM-2013-NicolayNRM #javascript #type inference #using
Determining dynamic coupling in JavaScript using object type inference (JN, CN, CDR, WDM), pp. 126–135.
WCREWCRE-2013-BantelayZK #commit #interactive
Comparing and combining evolutionary couplings from interactions and commits (FB, MBZ, HHK), pp. 311–320.
The roles of touch during phone conversations: long-distance couples’ use of POKE in their homes (YP, KMB, TJN), pp. 1679–1688.
CSCWCSCW-2013-BatemanGM #navigation #social #using
Social navigation for loosely-coupled information seeking in tightly-knit groups using webwear (SB, CG, GIM), pp. 955–966.
CSCWCSCW-2013-ScissorsG #quote
“Back and forth, back and forth”: channel switching in romantic couple conflict (LES, DG), pp. 237–248.
VISSOFTVISSOFT-2013-AbuthawabehBZD #matrix #multi #visualisation
Finding structures in multi-type code couplings with node-link and matrix visualizations (AA, FB, DZ, SD), pp. 1–10.
ICMLICML-c2-2013-MeentBWGW #learning #markov #modelling
Hierarchically-coupled hidden Markov models for learning kinetic rates from single-molecule data (JWvdM, JEB, FW, RLG, CW), pp. 361–369.
SEKESEKE-2013-CorreaOW #co-evolution #evolution #graph #metamodelling #modelling #towards #traceability
Towards Coupled Evolution of Metamodels, Models, Graph-Based Transformations and Traceability Links (S) (CKFC, TCO, CW), pp. 747–752.
ICMTICMT-2013-KrauseDG #co-evolution #evolution #graph transformation #metamodelling
Metamodel-Specific Coupled Evolution Based on Dynamically Typed Graph Transformations (CK, JD, HG), pp. 76–91.
ICMTICMT-2013-RuscioIP #approach #atl #co-evolution #evolution #metamodelling
A Methodological Approach for the Coupled Evolution of Metamodels and ATL Transformations (DDR, LI, AP), pp. 60–75.
SACSAC-2013-MaiaGFNVA #middleware #named
LOCCAM — loosely coupled context acquisition middleware (MEFM, RG, ASF, BJAN, WV, RMCA), pp. 534–541.
ICSEICSE-2013-BavotaDOPPL #developer #empirical
An empirical study on the developers’ perception of software coupling (GB, BD, RO, MDP, DP, ADL), pp. 692–701.
ICSEICSE-2013-DornT #adaptation #architecture
Coupling software architecture and human architecture for collaboration-aware system adaptation (CD, RNT), pp. 53–62.
ICSEICSE-2013-RahmanARP #case study #on the
On the relationships between domain-based coupling and code clones: an exploratory study (MSR, AA, CKR, FP), pp. 1265–1268.
DACDAC-2012-AthikulwongsePL #3d
Exploiting die-to-die thermal coupling in 3D IC placement (KA, MP, SKL), pp. 741–746.
DATEDATE-2012-XuYCJW #3d #performance
Efficient variation-aware EM-semiconductor coupled solver for the TSV structures in 3D IC (YX, WY, QC, LJ, NW), pp. 1409–1412.
TACASTACAS-2012-BarbotHP #model checking #statistics
Coupling and Importance Sampling for Statistical Model Checking (BB, SH, CP), pp. 331–346.
MSRMSR-2012-SteffR #co-evolution #commit #estimation #fault #logic
Co-evolution of logical couplings and commits for defect estimation (MS, BR), pp. 213–216.
SCAMSCAM-2012-GethersAP #concept #database #dependence #detection
Combining Conceptual and Domain-Based Couplings to Detect Database and Code Dependencies (MG, AA, DP), pp. 144–153.
STOCSTOC-2012-KelnerMP #approximate #multi #performance #using
Faster approximate multicommodity flow using quadratically coupled flows (JAK, GLM, RP), pp. 1–18.
ICGTICGT-2012-RuscioIP #co-evolution #ecosystem #evolution #how #metamodelling
Evolutionary Togetherness: How to Manage Coupled Evolution in Metamodeling Ecosystems (DDR, LI, AP), pp. 20–37.
CHICHI-2012-ParkBN #how #question
How do couples use CheekTouch over phone calls? (YP, SHB, TJN), pp. 763–766.
ICMLICML-2012-MannorMX #nondeterminism #robust
Lightning Does Not Strike Twice: Robust MDPs with Coupled Uncertainty (SM, OM, HX), p. 62.
ICPRICPR-2012-DrifiH #estimation #modelling
Coupling reduced models for optimal motion estimation (KD, IH), pp. 2651–2654.
ICPRICPR-2012-Lee #constraints #image
Camera calibration from a single image based on coupled line cameras and rectangle constraint (JHL), pp. 758–762.
ICPRICPR-2012-LuJ #recognition
Audio-visual emotion recognition with boosted coupled HMM (KL, YJ), pp. 1148–1151.
ICPRICPR-2012-YangZLP #3d #optimisation #using
Coupled 3D tracking and pose optimization of rigid objects using particle filter (HY, YZ, XL, IP), pp. 1451–1454.
KDDKDD-2012-BoleyMG #linear #using
Linear space direct pattern sampling using coupling from the past (MB, SM, TG), pp. 69–77.
KDDKDD-2012-SongCWWYD #analysis #behaviour
Coupled behavior analysis for capturing coupling relationships in group-based market manipulations (YS, LC, XW, GW, WY, WD), pp. 976–984.
TOOLSTOOLS-EUROPE-2012-WimmerMV #co-evolution
Viewpoint Co-evolution through Coarse-Grained Changes and Coupled Transformations (MW, NM, AV), pp. 336–352.
ICSEICSE-2012-Mendes12a #co-evolution #evolution #modelling #spreadsheet
Coupled evolution of model-driven spreadsheets (JM), pp. 1616–1618.
HPDCHPDC-2012-TanMZ #pipes and filters
Coupling scheduler for MapReduce/Hadoop (JT, XM, LZ), pp. 129–130.
ASEASE-2011-WongC #dependence #probability
Generalizing evolutionary coupling with stochastic dependencies (SW, YC), pp. 293–302.
DACDAC-2011-AadithyaVDR #impact analysis #named #predict #probability #random
MUSTARD: a coupled, stochastic/deterministic, discrete/continuous technique for predicting the impact of random telegraph noise on SRAMs and DRAMs (KVA, SV, AD, JSR), pp. 292–297.
DACDAC-2011-LiuSCKKL #3d #analysis #optimisation
Full-chip TSV-to-TSV coupling analysis and optimization in 3D IC (CL, TS, JC, JK, JK, SKL), pp. 783–788.
DATEDATE-2011-Al-DujailyMXYP #concurrent #detection #network #runtime #transitive #using
Run-time deadlock detection in networks-on-chip using coupled transitive closure networks (RAD, TSTM, FX, AY, MP), pp. 497–502.
ICSMEICSM-2011-QusefBOLB #concept #named #slicing #traceability #using
SCOTCH: Test-to-code traceability using slicing and conceptual coupling (AQ, GB, RO, ADL, DB), pp. 63–72.
WCREWCRE-2011-MurgiaTCCM #empirical #refactoring
An Empirical Study of Refactoring in the Context of FanIn and FanOut Coupling (AM, RT, SC, GC, MM), pp. 372–376.
WCREWCRE-2011-Qusef #concept #slicing #traceability
Recovering Test-to-Code Traceability Via Slicing and Conceptual Coupling (AQ), pp. 417–420.
WCREWCRE-2011-QusefBOLB #named #slicing
SCOTCH: Slicing and Coupling Based Test to Code Trace Hunter (AQ, GB, RO, ADL, DB), pp. 443–444.
CSCWCSCW-2011-BalesLG #communication #mobile #named
CoupleVIBE: mobile implicit communication to improve awareness for (long-distance) couples (EB, KAL, WGG), pp. 65–74.
VISSOFTVISSOFT-2011-BeckPD #multi #visual notation
Visually exploring multi-dimensional code couplings (FB, RP, SD), pp. 1–8.
CIKMCIKM-2011-ChenCC #framework #hybrid #network #query
Coupling or decoupling for KNN search on road networks?: a hybrid framework on user query patterns (YJC, KTC, MSC), pp. 795–804.
CIKMCIKM-2011-IslamABR #experience #visual notation #web
Tightly coupling visual and linguistic features for enriching audio-based web browsing experience (MAI, FA, YB, IVR), pp. 2085–2088.
CIKMCIKM-2011-WangCWLWO #learning #similarity
Coupled nominal similarity in unsupervised learning (CW, LC, MW, JL, WW, YO), pp. 973–978.
SEKESEKE-2011-AhmedNG #metric
Cyclic Association Rules: Coupling Between Dimensions With Measures (EBA, AN, FG), pp. 379–384.
BXBX-2011-Cleve #co-evolution #source code #using
Co-evolving schemas and programs using coupled transformations (AC), p. 54.
ECOOPECOOP-2011-Taube-SchockWW #question
Can We Avoid High Coupling? (CTS, RJW, IHW), pp. 204–228.
ESEC-FSEESEC-FSE-2011-BeckD #composition #congruence #on the
On the congruence of modularity and code coupling (FB, SD), pp. 354–364.
HPCAHPCA-2011-YangR #array #named
I-CASH: Intelligently Coupled Array of SSD and HDD (QY, JR), pp. 278–289.
ECSAECSA-2010-Hock-koonO10a #composition #specification
Specifying Loose Coupling from Existing Service Composition Approaches (AAHk, MO), pp. 464–471.
ASEASE-2010-Paulheim #component #user interface
Seamlessly integrated, but loosely coupled: building user interfaces from heterogeneous components (HP), pp. 123–126.
DATEDATE-2010-KarmarkarT #generative #scalability
Scalable codeword generation for coupled buses (KK, ST), pp. 729–734.
DATEDATE-2010-TajalliL #design #framework #power management #using
Ultra-low power mixed-signal design platform using subthreshold source-coupled circuits (AT, YL), pp. 711–716.
ESOPESOP-2010-AdjeGG #invariant #policy #static analysis
Coupling Policy Iteration with Semi-definite Relaxation to Compute Accurate Numerical Invariants in Static Analysis (AA, SG, EG), pp. 23–42.
ICSMEICSM-2010-CanforaCCP #detection #empirical #logic #multi #using
Using multivariate time series and association rules to detect logical change coupling: An empirical study (GC, MC, LC, MDP), pp. 1–10.
ICSMEICSM-2010-GethersP #modelling #object-oriented #relational #topic #using
Using Relational Topic Models to capture coupling among classes in object-oriented software systems (MG, DP), pp. 1–10.
SCAMSCAM-2010-AllierVDS #graph #metric
Deriving Coupling Metrics from Call Graphs (SA, SV, BD, HAS), pp. 43–52.
SCAMSCAM-2010-UjhaziFPG #concept #metric #object-oriented
New Conceptual Coupling and Cohesion Metrics for Object-Oriented Systems (BU, RF, DP, TG), pp. 33–42.
WCREWCRE-2010-KagdiGPC #concept #impact analysis #source code
Blending Conceptual and Evolutionary Couplings to Support Change Impact Analysis in Source Code (HHK, MG, DP, MLC), pp. 119–128.
ICEISICEIS-ISAS-2010-ZhangJ #challenge #comprehension #data access #multi
Understanding Access Control Challenges in Loosely-Coupled Multidomain Environments (YZ, JBDJ), pp. 356–361.
KDDKDD-2010-CaoOYW #behaviour #detection #sequence
Detecting abnormal coupled sequences and sequence changes in group-based manipulative trading behaviors (LC, YO, PSY, GW), pp. 85–94.
TOOLSTOOLS-EUROPE-2010-CarretonMCM #ad hoc #distributed #mobile #network #programming
Loosely-Coupled Distributed Reactive Programming in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (ALC, SM, TVC, WDM), pp. 41–60.
SACSAC-2010-ChowdhuryZ #complexity #metric #question
Can complexity, coupling, and cohesion metrics be used as early indicators of vulnerabilities? (IC, MZ), pp. 1963–1969.
SLESLE-2010-BakCW #metamodelling
Feature and Meta-Models in Clafer: Mixed, Specialized, and Coupled (KB, KC, AW), pp. 102–122.
SLESLE-2010-Herrmannsdoerfer #co-evolution #evolution #metamodelling #modelling #named
COPE — A Workbench for the Coupled Evolution of Metamodels and Models (MH), pp. 286–295.
SLESLE-2010-HerrmannsdoerferVW #co-evolution #evolution #metamodelling #modelling
An Extensive Catalog of Operators for the Coupled Evolution of Metamodels and Models (MH, SV, GW), pp. 163–182.
HPDCHPDC-2010-DocanPK #coordination #framework #interactive #named #simulation #workflow
DataSpaces: an interaction and coordination framework for coupled simulation workflows (CD, MP, SK), pp. 25–36.
DATEDATE-2009-BonnaudS #design
Cross-coupling in 65nm fully integrated EDGE System On Chip Design and cross-coupling prevention of complex 65nm SoC (PHB, GS), pp. 1045–1050.
ICDARICDAR-2009-BukhariSB #documentation #image #segmentation
Coupled Snakelet Model for Curled Textline Segmentation of Camera-Captured Document Images (SSB, FS, TMB), pp. 61–65.
MSRMSR-2009-Laar #industrial #on the
On the transfer of evolutionary couplings to industry (PvdL), pp. 187–190.
WCREWCRE-1999-AbdeenDSA99a #automation
Automatic Package Coupling and Cycle Minimization (HA, SD, HAS, IA), pp. 103–112.
WCREWCRE-1999-DAmbrosLR99a #fault #on the
On the Relationship Between Change Coupling and Software Defects (MD, ML, RR), pp. 135–144.
CHICHI-2009-LottridgeMM #design
Sharing empty moments: design for remote couples (DML, NM, WEM), pp. 2329–2338.
Joint Coupling for Human Shoulder Complex (JY, XF, JHK, YX, SR), pp. 72–81.
ICMTICMT-2009-CicchettiRP #co-evolution #evolution
Managing Dependent Changes in Coupled Evolution (AC, DDR, AP), pp. 35–51.
ECOOPECOOP-2009-HerrmannsdoerferBJ #automation #co-evolution #evolution #metamodelling #modelling #named
COPE — Automating Coupled Evolution of Metamodels and Models (MH, SB, EJ), pp. 52–76.
WCREWCRE-2008-RobbesPL #fine-grained #logic
Logical Coupling Based on Fine-Grained Change Information (RR, DP, ML), pp. 42–46.
WCREWCRE-2008-ZhouWGGL #approach #network #predict
A Bayesian Network Based Approach for Change Coupling Prediction (YZ, MW, EG, HG, JL), pp. 27–36.
CSCWCSCW-2008-StuckelG #distributed #interactive
The effects of local lag on tightly-coupled interaction in distributed groupware (DS, CG), pp. 447–456.
ICPRICPR-2008-GaoL #classification #polynomial #recognition
Combining quadratic classifier and pair discriminators by pairwise coupling for handwritten Chinese character recognition (TFG, CLL), pp. 1–4.
A Suite for Coupled Grammar Transformations (RL), p. 39.
MODELSMoDELS-2008-HerrmannsdoerferBJ #co-evolution #evolution #metamodelling #modelling
Automatability of Coupled Evolution of Metamodels and Models in Practice (MH, SB, EJ), pp. 645–659.
MODELSMoDELS-2008-VermolenV #co-evolution #evolution
Heterogeneous Coupled Evolution of Software Languages (SV, EV), pp. 630–644.
MODELSMoDELS-2008-HerrmannsdoerferBJ #co-evolution #evolution #metamodelling #modelling
Automatability of Coupled Evolution of Metamodels and Models in Practice (MH, SB, EJ), pp. 645–659.
MODELSMoDELS-2008-VermolenV #co-evolution #evolution
Heterogeneous Coupled Evolution of Software Languages (SV, EV), pp. 630–644.
The impact of static-dynamic coupling on remodularization (RC, KDV), pp. 261–276.
SACSAC-2008-DegesysBR #random
Synchronization of strongly pulse-coupled oscillators with refractory periods and random medium access (JD, PB, JR), pp. 1976–1980.
CASECASE-2007-RabindranT #parallel
Study of the dynamic coupling term (μ) in parallel force/velocity actuated systems (DR, DT), pp. 418–423.
CASECASE-2007-XiaoWL #flexibility #simulation
Dynamic Coupling Simulation of a Power Transmission Line Inspection Robot with its Flexible Moving Path when Overcoming Obstacles (XX, GW, SL), pp. 326–331.
Two-Degree-of-Freedom Based Cross-Coupled Control for High-Accuracy Tracking Systems (JY, JX, ZL), pp. 950–955.
DACDAC-2007-RoyMC #nondeterminism
Effects of Coupling Capacitance and Inductance on Delay Uncertainty and Clock Skew (AR, NHM, MHC), pp. 184–187.
ICDARICDAR-2007-DriraLE #approach #documentation #image #segmentation
A Coupled Mean Shift-Anisotropic Diffusion Approach for Document Image Segmentation and Restoration (FD, FL, HE), pp. 814–818.
CSMRCSMR-2007-BeszedesGFGF #evolution #metric
The Dynamic Function Coupling Metric and Its Use in Software Evolution (ÁB, TG, SF, TG, FF), pp. 103–112.
ICPCICPC-2007-ZouGH #detection #interactive
Detecting Interaction Coupling from Task Interaction Histories (LZ, MWG, AEH), pp. 135–144.
HCIHCI-IPT-2007-MartiG #physics
Coupling the Digital and the Physical in Therapeutic Environments (PM, LG), pp. 1173–1182.
ICEISICEIS-DISI-2007-CairesC #architecture #semantics #using #web
Using semantic web and service oriented technologies to build loosely coupled systems: SWOAT — a service and semantic web oriented architecture technology (BC, JC), pp. 226–232.
SEKESEKE-2007-YuSC #kernel #reuse
Common Coupling as a Measure of Reuse Effort in Kernel-Based Software (LY, SRS, KC), pp. 39–44.
PADLPADL-2007-BerdaguerCPV #sql #xml
Coupled Schema Transformation and Data Conversion for XML and SQL (PB, AC, HP, JV), pp. 290–304.
VLDBVLDB-2006-SawiresTPAAC #maintenance #xpath
Maintaining XPath Views In Loosely Coupled Systems (AS, JT, OP, DA, AEA, KSC), pp. 583–594.
FASEFASE-2006-GeigerFGP #clone tracking
Relation of Code Clones and Change Couplings (RG, BF, HCG, MP), pp. 411–425.
CSMRCSMR-2006-JoshiJ #metric #refactoring
Microscopic Coupling Metrics for Refactoring (PJ, RKJ), pp. 145–152.
Classifying Change Types for Qualifying Change Couplings (BF, HCG), pp. 35–45.
ICPCICPC-2006-ZaidmanBD #comprehension #how #metric #mining
How Webmining and Coupling Metrics Improve Early Program Comprehension (AZ, BDB, SD), pp. 74–78.
ICSMEICSM-2006-PoshyvanykM #concept #metric #object-oriented
The Conceptual Coupling Metrics for Object-Oriented Systems (DP, AM), pp. 469–478.
MSRMSR-2006-DAmbrosLL #evolution #logic #visualisation
The evolution radar: visualizing integrated logical coupling information (MD, ML, ML), pp. 26–32.
MSRMSR-2006-GuiS #component #evaluation #metric #reuse
Coupling and cohesion measures for evaluation of component reusability (GG, PDS), pp. 18–21.
WCREWCRE-2006-DAmbrosL #logic #reverse engineering
Reverse Engineering with Logical Coupling (MD, ML), pp. 189–198.
CHICHI-2006-TangTPNC #collaboration
Collaborative Coupling over Tabletop Displays (AT, MT, BAP, PN, MSTC), pp. 1181–1190.
CIKMCIKM-2006-LuPLA #feature model #identification #machine learning #query
Coupling feature selection and machine learning methods for navigational query identification (YL, FP, XL, NA), pp. 682–689.
ICPRICPR-v1-2006-CastelanH #3d #statistics
A Simple Coupled Statistical Model for 3D Face Shape Recovery (MC, ERH), pp. 231–234.
ICPRICPR-v1-2006-HansenLEC #segmentation
Coupled Shape Model Segmentation in Pig Carcasses (MFH, RL, BKE, LBC), pp. 468–471.
ICPRICPR-v1-2006-JiangXT #learning
Shape Alignment by Learning a Landmark-PDM Coupled Model (YJ, JX, HTT), pp. 959–962.
ICPRICPR-v1-2006-XieL #animation #markov #modelling #speech #using
Speech Animation Using Coupled Hidden Markov Models (LX, ZQL), pp. 1128–1131.
ICPRICPR-v4-2006-AlbuLCOHZPBMDDMJTGL #monitoring #named #network
MONNET: Monitoring Pedestrians with a Network of Loosely-Coupled Cameras (ABA, DL, SC, DO, PH, AZ, MP, RB, XM, RD, SD, NMB, FJ, HT, LG, FL), pp. 924–928.
SIGIRSIGIR-2006-Olsson #analysis #classification #set
An analysis of the coupling between training set and neighborhood sizes for the kNN classifier (JSO), pp. 685–686.
SACSAC-2006-ReynosoGPM #comprehension #ocl #question
Does object coupling really affect the understanding and modifying of OCL expressions? (LR, MG, MP, MEM), pp. 1721–1727.
FSEFSE-2006-GirouxR #detection #testing #using
Detecting increases in feature coupling using regression tests (OG, MPR), pp. 163–174.
OSDIOSDI-2006-Burrows #distributed
The Chubby Lock Service for Loosely-Coupled Distributed Systems (MB), pp. 335–350.
DACDAC-2005-GopeCJ #3d #multi #named #performance
DiMES: multilevel fast direct solver based on multipole expansions for parasitic extraction of massively coupled 3D microelectronic structures (DG, IC, VJ), pp. 159–162.
DATEDATE-2005-BhaduriV #higher-order #induction #metric
Inductive and Capacitive Coupling Aware Routing Methodology Driven by a Higher Order RLCK Moment Metric (AB, RV), pp. 922–923.
DATEDATE-2005-WangM #approximate #modelling
EM Wave Coupling Noise Modeling Based on Chebyshev Approximation and Exact Moment Formulation (BW, PM), pp. 976–981.
SCAMSCAM-2005-FluriGP #analysis #fine-grained
Fine-Grained Analysis of Change Couplings (BF, HG, MP), pp. 66–74.
SEKESEKE-2005-KrishnaGV #concept #consistency #modelling #specification
Loosely-coupled Consistency between Agent-oriented Conceptual Models and Z Specifications (AK, AKG, SAV), pp. 455–460.
Impedance coupling in content-targeted advertising (BARN, MC, PBG, ESdM), pp. 496–503.
SACSAC-2005-MitchellP #metric #runtime #using
Using object-level run-time metrics to study coupling between objects (ÁM, JFP), pp. 1456–1462.
DACDAC-2004-GuptaP #evaluation #named
CHIME: coupled hierarchical inductance model evaluation (SG, LTP), pp. 800–805.
DACDAC-2004-HrkicLB #approach #logic #replication
An approach to placement-coupled logic replication (MH, JL, GB), pp. 711–716.
DACDAC-2004-SilveiraP #algorithm #network #reduction
Exploiting input information in a model reduction algorithm for massively coupled parasitic networks (LMS, JRP), pp. 385–388.
DATEDATE-v1-2004-BrandtnerW #named #simulation
SubCALM: A Program for Hierarchical Substrate Coupling Simulation on Floorplan Level (TB, RW), pp. 616–621.
DATEDATE-v1-2004-WongT #configuration management #encoding #power management
Re-Configurable Bus Encoding Scheme for Reducing Power Consumption of the Cross Coupling Capacitance for Deep Sub-Micron Instruction Bus (SKW, CYT), pp. 130–135.
DATEDATE-v2-2004-JiangC04a #reduction
Realizable Reduction for Electromagnetically Coupled RLMC Interconnects (RJ, CCPC), pp. 1400–1401.
DATEDATE-v2-2004-LanD #analysis #modelling #synthesis
Synthesized Compact Models (SCM) of Substrate Noise Coupling Analysis and Synthesis in Mixed-Signal ICs (HL, RWD), pp. 836–843.
DATEDATE-v2-2004-LorenzM #algorithm #code generation #search-based #using
Phase Coupled Code Generation for DSPs Using a Genetic Algorithm (ML, PM), pp. 1270–1275.
DATEDATE-v2-2004-MeiVVL #architecture #case study #configuration management #design #matrix
Design Methodology for a Tightly Coupled VLIW/Reconfigurable Matrix Architecture: A Case Study (BM, SV, DV, RL), pp. 1224–1229.
CSMRCSMR-2004-HassounJC #architecture #metric #runtime
A Dynamic Runtime Coupling Metric for Meta-Level Architectures (YH, RJ, SC), pp. 339–346.
ICSMEICSM-2004-RillingMO #slicing
Context Driven Slicing Based Coupling Measure (JR, WJM, OO), p. 532.
WCREWCRE-2004-BoisDV #named #refactoring
Refactoring — Improving Coupling and Cohesion of Existing Code (BDB, SD, JV), pp. 144–151.
CHICHI-2004-GergleMKF #chat #matter #persistent
Persistence matters: making the most of chat in tightly-coupled work (DG, DRM, REK, SRF), pp. 431–438.
ICEISICEIS-v2-2004-VeskiojaV #problem
Majority Voting in Stable Marriage Problem with Couples (TV, LV), pp. 442–447.
ICPRICPR-v2-2004-DupreA #markov #modelling #recognition
Hidden Markov Models for Couples of Letters Applied to Handwriting Recognition (XD, EA), pp. 618–621.
ICPRICPR-v3-2004-EhtiatiC #architecture #identification
A Strongly Coupled Architecture for Contextual Object and Scene Identification (TE, JJC), pp. 69–72.
ICPRICPR-v3-2004-Pernkopf #3d #using
3D Surface Inspection using Coupled HMMs (FP), pp. 223–226.
ICPRICPR-v4-2004-Frigui04a #visualisation
Projection and Visualization based on Synchronization of Coupled Oscillators (HF), pp. 561–564.
DACDAC-2003-OMahonyYHW #design #network #using
Design of a 10GHz clock distribution network using coupled standing-wave oscillators (FO, CPY, MH, SSW), pp. 682–687.
DocEngDocEng-2003-BoulmaizRB #documentation #pretty-printing
Improving formatting documents by coupling formatting systems (FB, CR, FB), pp. 92–94.
ICDARICDAR-2003-ChoisyB #markov #network #recognition #word
Coupling of a local vision by Markov field and a global vision by Neural Network for the recognition of handwritten words (CC, AB), pp. 849–853.
FASEFASE-2003-Kelsen #object-oriented
An Information-Based View of Representational Coupling in Object-Oriented Systems (PK), pp. 216–230.
ICEISICEIS-v1-2003-BadrLF #database #documentation #named
DRUID: Coupling User Written Documents and Databases (YB, FL, AF), pp. 191–196.
UMLUML-2003-Nunes #contract #ocl
An OCL Extension for Low-Coupling Preserving Contracts (IN), pp. 310–324.
CGOCGO-2003-Krintz #online #performance
Coupling On-Line and Off-Line Profile Information to Improve Program Performance (CK), pp. 69–78.
DACDAC-2002-LinC #named #orthogonal
TCG-S: orthogonal coupling of P*-admissible representations for general floorplans (JML, YWC), pp. 842–847.
DACDAC-2002-VanasscheGS #behaviour #modelling
Behavioral modeling of (coupled) harmonic oscillators (PV, GGEG, WMCS), pp. 536–541.
DACDAC-2002-VrudhulaBS #estimation
Estimation of the likelihood of capacitive coupling noise (SBKV, DB, SS), pp. 653–658.
DATEDATE-2002-BrandtnerW #network #power management #simulation
Hierarchical Simulation of Substrate Coupling in Mixed-Signal ICs Considering the Power Supply Network (TB, RW), pp. 1028–1032.
DATEDATE-2002-GoorAC #fault
Minimal Test for Coupling Faults in Word-Oriented Memories (AJvdG, MSA, AC), pp. 944–948.
DATEDATE-2002-KhazakaN #megamodelling
Compact Macromodel for Lossy Coupled Transmission Lines (RK, MSN), p. 1114.
DATEDATE-2002-ThielenV #performance #simulation
Fast Method to Include Parasitic Coupling in Circuit Simulations (BLAVT, GAEV), pp. 1033–1037.
CIKMCIKM-2002-WangK #clustering #web
Evaluating contents-link coupled web page clustering for web search results (YW, MK), pp. 499–506.
ICPRICPR-v1-2002-JeongKSS #gesture #linear #recognition #using
Two-Hand Gesture Recognition using Coupled Switching Linear Model (MHJ, YK, NS, YS), pp. 9–12.
ICPRICPR-v2-2002-RenX #recognition
Human Action Recognition with Primitive-Based Coupled-HMM (HR, GX), pp. 494–498.
ICPRICPR-v2-2002-SanchezBK #markov #video
Coupled Markov Chains for Video Contents Characterization (JMS, XB, JRK), pp. 461–464.
ICPRICPR-v3-2002-JeongKSS02a #gesture #linear #recognition #using
Two-Hand Gesture Recognition Using Coupled Switching Linear Model (MHJ, YK, NS, YS), pp. 529–532.
SEKESEKE-2002-BriandFL #algorithm #integration #metric #order #search-based #using
Using genetic algorithms and coupling measures to devise optimal integration test orders (LCB, JF, YL), pp. 43–50.
HPDCHPDC-2002-Bettencourt #distributed #framework
Distributed Model Coupling Framework (MTB), pp. 284–290.
HPDCHPDC-2002-TaylorWGS #kernel #parallel #performance #predict #using
Using Kernel Couplings to Predict Parallel Application Performance (VET, XW, JG, RLS), pp. 125–134.
DACDAC-2001-ArunachalamBP #analysis #interactive
False Coupling Interactions in Static Timing Analysis (RA, RDB, LTP), pp. 726–731.
DACDAC-2001-BeattieP01a #modelling
Modeling Magnetic Coupling for On-Chip Interconnect (MWB, LTP), pp. 335–340.
DACDAC-2001-KimJSLK #optimisation #using
Coupling Delay Optimization by Temporal Decorrelation using Dual Threshold Voltage Technique (KWK, SOJ, PS, CLL, SMK), pp. 732–737.
DACDAC-2001-ShinS #design #power management
Coupling-Driven Bus Design for Low-Power Application-Specific Systems (YS, TS), pp. 750–753.
DACDAC-2001-UchinoC #energy
An Interconnect Energy Model Considering Coupling Effects (TU, JC), pp. 555–558.
DATEDATE-2001-YuK #algorithm #distributed #performance
Explicit formulas and efficient algorithm for moment computation of coupled RC trees with lumped and distributed elements (QY, ESK), pp. 445–450.
CSMRCSMR-2001-AbreuG #composition #question
Coupling and Cohesion as Modularization Drivers: Are We Being Over-Persuaded? (FBeA, MG), pp. 47–57.
CHICHI-2001-TanRC #3d #navigation
Exploring 3D navigation: combining speed-coupled flying with orbiting (DST, GGR, MC), pp. 418–425.
ICMLICML-2001-MarxDB #clustering #detection
Coupled Clustering: a Method for Detecting Structural Correspondence (ZM, ID, JMB), pp. 353–360.
HPDCHPDC-2001-FollenKLTS #corba #development #legacy
A CORBA-Based Development Environment for Wrapping and Coupling Legacy Scientific Codes (GJF, CMK, IL, ST, JS), p. 22–?.
DACDAC-2000-ArunachalamRP #analysis #named
TACO: timing analysis with coupling (RA, KR, LTP), pp. 266–269.
DACDAC-2000-HeijningenBDEB #generative #power management #simulation
High-level simulation of substrate noise generation including power supply noise coupling (MvH, MB, SD, ME, IB), pp. 446–451.
DACDAC-2000-KahngMS #analysis #on the
On switch factor based analysis of coupled RC interconnects (ABK, SM, ES), pp. 79–84.
DACDAC-2000-KanapkaPW #performance
Fast methods for extraction and sparsification of substrate coupling (JK, JRP, JW), pp. 738–743.
DACDAC-2000-Sheehan #predict
Predicting coupled noise in RC circuits by matching 1, 2, and 3 moments (BNS), pp. 532–535.
DATEDATE-2000-Sheehan #predict
Predicting Coupled Noise in RC Circuits (BNS), pp. 517–521.
CSMRCSMR-2000-AbreuPS #analysis #approach #clustering #composition #object-oriented
A Coupling-Guided Cluster Analysis Approach to Reengineer the Modularity of Object-Oriented Systems (FBeA, GP, PMAS), pp. 13–22.
HPDCHPDC-2000-GouacheP #corba #industrial #simulation #using
Coupling of Industrial Simulation Codes using CORBA (SG, TP), pp. 312–314.
DACDAC-1999-Grajcar #algorithm #multi #scheduling #search-based
Genetic List Scheduling Algorithm for Scheduling and Allocation on a Loosely Coupled Heterogeneous Multiprocessor System (MG), pp. 280–285.
DACDAC-1999-YimK #design
Reducing Cross-Coupling Among Interconnect Wires in Deep-Submicron Datapath Design (JSY, CMK), pp. 485–490.
DATEDATE-1999-CostaSC #modelling #performance
Efficient Techniques for Accurate Extraction and Modeling of Substrate Coupling in Mixed-Signal IC’s (JPC, LMS, MC), pp. 396–400.
DATEDATE-1999-WangYK #distributed #estimation
Coupled Noise Estimation for Distributed RC Interconnect Model (JMW, QY, ESK), pp. 664–668.
DATEDATE-1999-YeCFCNC #design #verification
Chip-Level Verification for Parasitic Coupling Effects in Deep-Submicron Digital Designs (LY, FCC, PF, RC, NN, FC), pp. 658–663.
ICSMEICSM-1999-BriandWL #impact analysis #metric #object-oriented #using
Using Coupling Measurement for Impact Analysis in Object-Oriented Systems (LCB, JW, HL), pp. 475–482.
ICMLICML-1999-WangM #markov #optimisation #process
Hierarchical Optimization of Policy-Coupled Semi-Markov Decision Processes (GW, SM), pp. 464–473.
Coupling Multiagent Systems and Environmental Data (JCS, SB, PM), pp. 265–273.
RERE-1999-RollandGK #experience #requirements
Experience with Goal-Scenario Coupling in Requirements Engineering (CR, GG, RK), p. 74–?.
DACDAC-1998-ChouW #equation #multi #parametricity
Multilevel Integral Equation Methods for the Extraction of Substrate Coupling Parameters in Mixed-Signal IC’s (MC, JW), pp. 20–25.
DATEDATE-1998-CostaCS #modelling #performance #simulation
Efficient Techniques for Accurate Modeling and Simulation of Substrate Coupling in Mixed-Signal IC’s (JPC, MC, LMS), pp. 892–898.
ICSMEICSM-1998-GallHJ #detection #logic
Detection of Logical Coupling Based on Product Release History (HG, KH, MJ), pp. 190–197.
CSCWCSCW-1998-SmithO #user interface
Re-coupling Tailored User Interfaces (GS, JO), pp. 237–246.
ECIRACIR-1998-ZaragozaG #information management #information retrieval #modelling #probability
Coupled Hierarchical IR and Stochastic Models for Surface Information Extraction (HZ, PG).
ICSEICSE-1998-BinkleyS #dependence #maintenance #metric #predict #runtime #validation
Validation of the Coupling Dependency Metric as a Predictor of Run-Time Failures and Maintenance Measures (ABB, SRS), pp. 452–455.
HPDCHPDC-1998-BeckmanFHM #parallel #performance #using
Efficient Coupling of Parallel Applications Using PAWS (PHB, PKF, WFH, SMM), pp. 215–222.
RTARTA-1998-Fuchs #information management #proving
Coupling Saturation-Based Provers by Exchanging Positive/Negative Information (DF), pp. 317–331.
DACDAC-1997-AluruW #algorithm #simulation
Algorithms for Coupled Domain MEMS Simulation (NRA, JW), pp. 686–690.
DACDAC-1997-DartuP #worst-case
Calculating Worst-Case Gate Delays Due to Dominant Capacitance Coupling (FD, LTP), pp. 46–51.
DATEEDTC-1997-WunscheCSW #design #using
Microsystem design using simulator coupling (SW, CC, PS, FW), pp. 113–118.
ICDARICDAR-1997-MiledOCL #markov #recognition
Coupling observation/letter for a Markovian modelisation applied to the recognition of Arabic handwriting (HM, CO, MC, YL), pp. 580–583.
ICDARICDAR-1997-RobertLL #image
Image and text coupling for creating electronic books from manuscripts (LR, LLS, EL), pp. 823–826.
CHICHI-1997-FukumotoT #quote #smarttech
“Body Coupled FingeRing”: Wireless Wearable Keyboard (MF, YT), pp. 147–154.
ICSEICSE-1997-BriandDM #c++ #metric
An Investigation into Coupling Measures for C++ (LCB, PTD, WLM), pp. 412–421.
FMFME-1996-MartinsH #evaluation #performance #specification
A New System Engineering Methodology Coupling Formal Specification and Performance Evaluation (JJM, JPH), pp. 140–159.
AdaEuropeAdaEurope-1996-MillanB #ada #performance #persistent
Ada/O2 Coupling: A Solution for an Efficient Management of Persistence in Ada 83 (TM, PB), pp. 396–412.
KDDKDD-1996-AgrawalS #data mining #database #mining #relational
Developing Tightly-Coupled Data Mining Applications on a Relational Database System (RA, KS), pp. 287–290.
DACDAC-1995-SilveiraKW #3d #modelling #performance
Efficient Reduced-Order Modeling of Frequency-Dependent Coupling Inductances Associated with 3-D Interconnect Structures (LMS, MK, JW), pp. 376–380.
DACDAC-1995-WuM #2d #approach #optimisation #orthogonal
Orthogonal Greedy Coupling — A New Optimization Approach to 2-D FPGA Routing (YLW, MMS), pp. 568–573.
SEKESEKE-1995-OhNB #development #object-oriented
A Development Methodology for KB/DB Coupling based on the Object-Oriented EA Model (SYO, CN, DKB), pp. 109–113.
ICALPICALP-1994-HotzP #analysis #context-free grammar #performance
Fast Uniform Analysis of Coupled-Context-Free Languages (GH, GP), pp. 412–423.
ICGTTAGT-1994-NaglS #graph grammar #integration #problem #specification
Software Integration Problems and Coupling of Graph Grammar Specifications (MN, AS), pp. 155–169.
CHICHI-1994-AhlbergS94c #query #visual notation
Visual information seeking: tight coupling of dynamic query filters with starfield displays (CA, BS), pp. 313–317.
CCCC-1994-RousselPJ #attribute grammar
Coupling Evaluators for Attribute Coupled Grammars (GR, DP, MJ), pp. 52–67.
HTHT-1993-Raphaely #hypermedia #research
Technologically Assisted Focussing in Psychotherapy with Couples: A Hypertext Application for Clients, Clinicians & Researchers (DR), pp. 250–255.
AdaEuropeAdaEurope-1993-CherniackDF #ada #source code
Tool for Computing Cohesion and Coupling in Ada Programs: DIANA Dependent Part (JRC, HSD, JFF), pp. 180–196.
PPDPPLILP-1993-JourdanBPR #attribute grammar #implementation #specification #using
Specification and Implementation of Grammar Couplings using Attribute Grammars (MJ, CLB, DP, GR), pp. 123–136.
SACSAC-1993-VakalisD #adaptation #integration #parallel
Parallel Global Adaptive Integration and Dynamic Load Balancing on Loosely Coupled Systems (IV, EdD), pp. 554–561.
CHICHI-1992-BaarFM #design #user interface
Coupling Application Design and User Interface Design (DJMJdB, JDF, KEM), pp. 259–266.
SIGIRSIGIR-1992-CroftST #database #integration #object-oriented #retrieval
A Loosely-Coupled Integration of a Text Retrieval System and an Object-Oriented Database System (WBC, LAS, HRT), pp. 223–232.
TOOLSTOOLS-USA-1992-RajaramanL #c++ #metric #source code
Some Coupling Measures for C++ Programs (CR, MRL), pp. 225–234.
ASPLOSASPLOS-1992-HenryJ #interface
A Tightly-Coupled Processor-Network Interface (DSH, CFJ), pp. 111–122.
HPDCHPDC-1992-BogineniD #comparison #network #performance #protocol
Performance Comparison of Reservation and Preallocation Protocols for Star-Coupled WDM Photonic Networks (KB, PWD), pp. 94–103.
CHICHI-1991-DewanC #collaboration #flexibility #user interface
Flexible user interface coupling in a collaborative system (PD, RC), pp. 41–48.
CAiSECAiSE-1991-Liu #execution #integration #process
Software Process Planning and Execution: Coupling vs. Integration (CL), pp. 356–374.
ICMLML-1991-WisniewskiM #data-driven
Is it a Pocket or a Purse? Tighly Coupled Theory and Data Driven Learing (EJW, DLM), pp. 564–568.
The Coupling Effect: Fact or Fiction (AJO), pp. 131–140.
DACDAC-1988-GuraA #simulation
Improved Methods of Simulating RLC Couple and Uncoupled Transmission Lines Based on the Method of Characteristics (CVG, JAA), pp. 300–305.
PPDPPLILP-1988-YamashitaN #paradigm #programming
Coupled Contex-Free Grammar As a Programming Paradigm (YY, IN), pp. 132–145.
VLDBVLDB-1987-WhangN #approach #logic #normalisation #optimisation #query #recursion
An Extended Disjunctive Normal Form Approach for Optimizing Recursive Logic Queries in Loosely Coupled Environments (KYW, SBN), pp. 275–287.
DACDAC-1986-VidigalND #analysis #integration #named #network
CINNAMON: coupled integration and nodal analysis of MOS networks (LMV, SRN, SWD), pp. 179–185.
SOSPSOSP-1985-KronenbergLS #clustering #distributed #named
VAXclusters: A Closely-Coupled Distributed System (Abstract) (NPK, HML, WDS), p. 1.
VLDBVLDB-1984-Woehl #automation #classification #database #documentation #prolog #relational
Automatic Classification of Office Documents by Coupling Relational Data Bases and PROLOG Expert Systems (KW), pp. 529–532.
PLDISCC-1984-GanzingerG #attribute grammar
Attribute coupled grammars (HG, RG), pp. 157–170.
DACDAC-1967-Malakoff #analysis
Coupling graphics and circuit analysis techniques (JLM).

Bibliography of Software Language Engineering in Generated Hypertext (BibSLEIGH) is created and maintained by Dr. Vadim Zaytsev.
Hosted as a part of SLEBOK on GitHub.