Travelled to:
1 × Australia
1 × Austria
1 × Cyprus
1 × Germany
1 × India
1 × Israel
2 × USA
2 × United Kingdom
Collaborated with:
∅ N.Kato K.Ohmura K.Cho M.Morita T.Chikayama K.Hara K.Mizuno H.Akutsu T.Chiba T.Kawaguchi N.Shimozono
Talks about:
program (3) concurr (3) determinist (2) languag (2) exhaust (2) search (2) prolog (2) ntal (2) make (2) sat (2)
Person: Kazunori Ueda
DBLP: Ueda:Kazunori
Facilitated 2 volumes:
Contributed to:
Wrote 11 papers:
- PDP-2015-AkutsuUCKS #analysis #distributed #reliability
- Reliability Analysis of Highly Redundant Distributed Storage Systems with Dynamic Refuging (HA, KU, TC, TK, NS), pp. 261–268.
- SAT-2009-OhmuraU #clustering #named #parallel #satisfiability
- c-sat: A Parallel SAT Solver for Clusters (KO, KU), pp. 524–537.
- RTA-2008-Ueda #encoding #graph grammar #λ-calculus
- Encoding the Pure λ Calculus into Hierarchical Graph Rewriting (KU), pp. 392–408.
- ICLP-2006-UedaKHM #declarative
- LMNtal as a Unifying Declarative Language: Live Demonstration (KU, NK, KH, KM), pp. 457–458.
- ICLP-2003-UedaK
- The Language Model LMNtal (KU, NK), pp. 517–518.
- ICLP-2001-Ueda #concurrent #constraints
- A Close Look at Constraint-Based Concurrency (KU), p. 9.
- JICSLP-1996-ChoU #concurrent #logic programming #source code
- Diagnosing Non-Well-Moded Concurrent Logic Programs (KC, KU), pp. 215–229.
- CLP-1990-UedaM90 #haskell #implementation
- A New Implementation Technique for Flat GHC (KU, MM), pp. 3–17.
- ICLP-1987-Ueda87 #source code
- Making Exhaustive Search Programs Deterministic, Part II (KU), pp. 356–375.
- ICLP-1986-Ueda86 #source code
- Making Exhaustive Search Programs Deterministic (KU), pp. 270–282.
- SLP-1985-UedaC85 #compilation #concurrent #prolog
- Concurrent Prolog Compiler on Top of Prolog (KU, TC), pp. 119–126.