Travelled to:
1 × India
1 × Russia
1 × Switzerland
1 × USA
3 × Italy
Collaborated with:
D.Damian ∅ G.Valetto E.Kalliamvakou F.Harrison L.Singer D.M.Germán S.P.Goggins D.E.Damian J.Sheoran J.Ell G.Gousios M.Paasivaara C.Lassenius P.Chhabra A.Yussuf V.Isotalo
Talks about:
coordin (5) softwar (4) develop (4) hub (4) git (4) use (3) ecosystem (2) collabor (2) project (2) requir (2)
Person: Kelly Blincoe
DBLP: Blincoe:Kelly
Contributed to:
Wrote 9 papers:
- ICSE-v1-2015-KalliamvakouDBS #collaboration #development #git #open source #using
- Open Source-Style Collaborative Development Practices in Commercial Projects Using GitHub (EK, DED, KB, LS, DMG), pp. 574–585.
- ICSE-v2-2015-PaasivaaraBLDSH #agile #learning #re-engineering #using
- Learning Global Agile Software Engineering Using Same-Site and Cross-Site Teams (MP, KB, CL, DED, JS, FH, PC, AY, VI), pp. 285–294.
- MSR-2015-BlincoeHD #ecosystem #git #identification #using
- Ecosystems in GitHub and a Method for Ecosystem Identification Using Reference Coupling (KB, FH, DD), pp. 202–211.
- MSR-2014-KalliamvakouGBSGD #git #mining
- The promises and perils of mining GitHub (EK, GG, KB, LS, DMG, DD), pp. 92–101.
- MSR-2014-SheoranBKDE #comprehension #git
- Understanding “watchers” on GitHub (JS, KB, EK, DD, JE), pp. 336–339.
- ESEC-FSE-2013-BlincoeVD #coordination #dependence #identification
- Do all task dependencies require coordination? the role of task properties in identifying critical coordination needs in software projects (KB, GV, DD), pp. 213–223.
- CSCW-2012-GogginsBV #coordination #developer #named #proximity
- Proximity: a measure to quantify the need for developers’ coordination (SPG, KB, GV), pp. 1351–1360.
- ICSE-2012-Blincoe #coordination #developer #performance #process
- Timely and efficient facilitation of coordination of software developers’ activities (KB), pp. 1539–1542.
- ICSE-2012-Blincoe12a #collaboration #coordination #detection #developer #requirements
- Timely detection of Coordination Requirements to support collaboration among software developers (KB), pp. 1601–1603.