58 papers:
VLDB-2015-BhardwajDEKMPS0 #collaboration #data analysis- Collaborative Data Analytics with DataHub (APB, AD, AJE, DRK, SM, AGP, HS, EW, RZ), pp. 1916–1927.
VLDB-2015-ShiokawaFO #algorithm #clustering #graph #performance #scalability- SCAN++: Efficient Algorithm for Finding Clusters, Hubs and Outliers on Large-scale Graphs (HS, YF, MO), pp. 1178–1189.
ICPC-2015-VendomeLBPGP #git #java #scalability- License usage and changes: a large-scale study of Java projects on GitHub (CV, MLV, GB, MDP, DMG, DP), pp. 218–228.
MSR-2015-BlincoeHD #ecosystem #git #identification #using- Ecosystems in GitHub and a Method for Ecosystem Identification Using Reference Coupling (KB, FH, DD), pp. 202–211.
MSR-2015-CoelhoAGD #android #debugging #exception #git- Unveiling Exception Handling Bug Hazards in Android Based on GitHub and Google Code Issues (RC, LA, GG, AvD), pp. 134–145.
MSR-2015-HauffG #developer #git- Matching GitHub Developer Profiles to Job Advertisements (CH, GG), pp. 362–366.
MSR-2015-VasilescuSF #git #set #social- A Data Set for Social Diversity Studies of GitHub Teams (BV, AS, VF), pp. 514–517.
MSR-2015-WangPWG #comprehension #git #what- What Is the Gist? Understanding the Use of Public Gists on GitHub (WW, GPC, EW, DMG), pp. 314–323.
MSR-2015-YuWFDV #evaluation #git #latency- Wait for It: Determinants of Pull Request Evaluation Latency on GitHub (YY, HW, VF, PTD, BV), pp. 367–371.
SANER-2015-IzquierdoCRBC #git #named- GiLA: GitHub label analyzer (JLCI, VC, BR, AB, JC), pp. 479–483.
CHI-2015-VasilescuPRBSDF #gender #git- Gender and Tenure Diversity in GitHub Teams (BV, DP, BR, MvdB, AS, PTD, VF), pp. 3789–3798.
CSCW-2015-ZagalskyFSZW #collaboration #education #framework #git- The Emergence of GitHub as a Collaborative Platform for Education (AZ, JF, MADS, YZ, WW), pp. 1906–1917.
ICEIS-v1-2015-FuD #graph #named #scalability #social- ROBE — Knitting a Tight Hub for Shortest Path Discovery in Large Social Graphs (LF, JD), pp. 97–107.
SIGIR-2015-HaraSKF #recommendation- Reducing Hubness: A Cause of Vulnerability in Recommender Systems (KH, IS, KK, KF), pp. 815–818.
ESEC-FSE-2015-CasalnuovoVDF #developer #experience #git #social- Developer onboarding in GitHub: the role of prior social links and language experience (CC, BV, PTD, VF), pp. 817–828.
ESEC-FSE-2015-NagappanRKTMMH #c #empirical #git #goto #repository- An empirical study of goto in C code from GitHub repositories (MN, RR, YK, ÉT, SM, AM, AEH), pp. 404–414.
ESEC-FSE-2015-VasilescuYWDF #git #integration #quality- Quality and productivity outcomes relating to continuous integration in GitHub (BV, YY, HW, PTD, VF), pp. 805–816.
ICSE-v1-2015-CasalnuovoDOFR #git- Assert Use in GitHub Projects (CC, PTD, AO, VF, BR), pp. 755–766.
ICSE-v1-2015-KalliamvakouDBS #collaboration #development #git #open source #using- Open Source-Style Collaborative Development Practices in Commercial Projects Using GitHub (EK, DED, KB, LS, DMG), pp. 574–585.
ICSE-v2-2015-Vendome #case study #git #scalability- A Large Scale Study of License Usage on GitHub (CV), pp. 772–774.
SPLC-2015-MontalvilloD #branch #development #git #modelling #repository- Tuning GitHub for SPL development: branching models & repository operations for product engineers (LM, OD), pp. 111–120.
ICSME-2014-VasilescuSWSB #empirical #git #integration- Continuous Integration in a Social-Coding World: Empirical Evidence from GitHub (BV, SvS, JW, AS, MvdB), pp. 401–405.
ICSME-2014-YuWYL #git #recommendation- Reviewer Recommender of Pull-Requests in GitHub (YY, HW, GY, CXL), pp. 609–612.
MSR-2014-FarahTC #analysis #architecture #named #quality #scalability- OpenHub: a scalable architecture for the analysis of software quality attributes (GF, JST, DC), pp. 420–423.
MSR-2014-GousiosVSZ #agile #git- Lean GHTorrent: GitHub data on demand (GG, BV, AS, AZ), pp. 384–387.
MSR-2014-GuzmanAL #analysis #commit #empirical #git #sentiment- Sentiment analysis of commit comments in GitHub: an empirical study (EG, DA, YL), pp. 352–355.
MSR-2014-KalliamvakouGBSGD #git #mining- The promises and perils of mining GitHub (EK, GG, KB, LS, DMG, DD), pp. 92–101.
MSR-2014-MatragkasWKP #ecosystem #git #open source- Analysing the “biodiversity” of open source ecosystems: the GitHub case (NDM, JRW, DSK, RFP), pp. 356–359.
MSR-2014-PadhyeMS #case study #community #git #open source- A study of external community contribution to open-source projects on GitHub (RP, SM, VSS), pp. 332–335.
MSR-2014-PleteaVS #analysis #git #security #sentiment- Security and emotion: sentiment analysis of security discussions on GitHub (DP, BV, AS), pp. 348–351.
MSR-2014-RahmanR #git- An insight into the pull requests of GitHub (MMR, CKR), pp. 364–367.
MSR-2014-SheoranBKDE #comprehension #git- Understanding “watchers” on GitHub (JS, KB, EK, DD, JE), pp. 336–339.
ECIR-2014-SchnitzerFT #multi #retrieval- A Case for Hubness Removal in High-Dimensional Multimedia Retrieval (DS, AF, NT), pp. 687–692.
ICML-c1-2014-TandonR #graph #learning- Learning Graphs with a Few Hubs (RT, PDR), pp. 602–610.
FSE-2014-TsayDH #git- Let’s talk about it: evaluating contributions through discussion in GitHub (JT, LD, JDH), pp. 144–154.
ICSE-2014-TsayDH #git #social- Influence of social and technical factors for evaluating contribution in GitHub (JT, LD, JDH), pp. 356–366.
ITiCSE-2013-RidgewayWP #education #online- Diversifying computing teaching: building an online hub to promote inclusivity (JR, RW, RP), p. 332.
CSMR-2013-ThungBLJ #git #network #social- Network Structure of Social Coding in GitHub (FT, TFB, DL, LJ), pp. 323–326.
ICALP-v1-2013-BabenkoGGN #algorithm #optimisation- Algorithms for Hub Label Optimization (MAB, AVG, AG, VN), pp. 69–80.
ICEIS-v1-2013-SmirnovKTS #architecture #component- Virtual Tourist Hub for Infomobility — Service-Oriented Architecture and Major Components (AVS, AK, NT, NS), pp. 459–466.
ICEIS-v3-2013-SzirbikB #architecture #network- Discovering the EIS Architecture that Supports Hub-and-Spoke Freight Transportation Networks Operating in a Cross Dock Mode (NBS, PB), pp. 388–395.
CSCW-2012-DabbishSTH #collaboration #git #repository #social- Social coding in GitHub: transparency and collaboration in an open software repository (LAD, HCS, JT, JDH), pp. 1277–1286.
HCD-2011-LewisW11a #collaboration #community #design #energy- Virtual Office, Community, and Computing (VOCC): Designing an Energy Science Hub Collaboration System (AAL, GGW), pp. 425–434.
ICEIS-v4-2011-LiL #network #optimisation- The Optimization of Road Network in Logistics Hub based on Low-carbon Aspect (YL, ML), pp. 666–670.
CIKM-2011-TomasevRMI #approach #classification #nearest neighbour #probability- A probabilistic approach to nearest-neighbor classification: naive hubness bayesian kNN (NT, MR, DM, MI), pp. 2173–2176.
MLDM-2011-TomasevRMI #classification #fuzzy #metric #nearest neighbour- Hubness-Based Fuzzy Measures for High-Dimensional k-Nearest Neighbor Classification (NT, MR, DM, MI), pp. 16–30.
CHI-2010-VenoliaTCBRLI #social- Embodied social proxy: mediating interpersonal connection in hub-and-satellite teams (GV, JCT, RC, SB, GGR, BL, KI), pp. 1049–1058.
SIGMOD-2009-SimmenRLT #enterprise- Enabling enterprise mashups over unstructured text feeds with InfoSphere MashupHub and SystemT (DES, FR, YL, ST), pp. 1123–1126.
ICML-2009-RadovanovicNI #nearest neighbour- Nearest neighbors in high-dimensional data: the emergence and influence of hubs (MR, AN, MI), pp. 865–872.
ICEIS-SAIC-2008-AtkinsZYN- Application of Knowledge Hub and RFID Technology in Auditing and Tracking of Plasterboard for Environment Recycling and Waste Disposal (ASA, LZ, HY, BPN), pp. 190–195.
ICPR-2008-SrihariNNL #clique #detection #network- Detecting hubs and quasi cliques in scale-free networks (SS, HKN, KN, HWL), pp. 1–4.
HCI-IPT-2007-ZimmermannV #framework #user interface- The Universal Control Hub: An Open Platform for Remote User Interfaces in the Digital Home (GZ, GCV), pp. 1040–1049.
SIGMOD-2006-GawlickKL #database #declarative #using- Using the oracle database as a declarative RSS hub (DG, MK, ZHL), p. 722.
CHI-2003-BhavnaniCJLPSS- Strategy hubs: next-generation domain portals with search procedures (SKB, CKB, TMJ, RJL, FAP, JLS, VJS), pp. 393–400.
ICEIS-v4-2003-XuZYTCZC #framework- Membership Portal and Service Provisioning System for an Infrastructure of Hubs: Managed E-Hub (JMX, YNZ, SXY, ZT, HC, LJZ, TC), pp. 143–150.
KDD-2002-WangS #ranking- Item selection by “hub-authority” profit ranking (KW, MYTS), pp. 652–657.
ICEIS-1999-KapadiaFL #enterprise- Statewide Enterprise Computing with the Purdue University Network-Computing Hubs (NHK, JABF, MSL), pp. 657–664.
HPDC-1998-KapadiaF #design #on the- On the Design of a Demand-Based Network-Computing System: The Purdue University Network-Computing Hub (NHK, JABF), pp. 71–80.