Travelled to:
1 × Germany
1 × Switzerland
1 × USA
2 × India
3 × Canada
4 × Italy
Collaborated with:
D.Spinellis A.Zaidman A.v.Deursen M.Beller C.Hauff E.Kalliamvakou ∅ V.Karakoidas P.Louridas H.Huijgens E.v.d.Veen M.Pinzger A.Panichella M.D.Storey R.Coelho L.Almeida B.Vasilescu A.Serebrenik D.Mitropoulos M.Dias A.Bacchelli D.Cassou S.Ducasse D.Mitropoulos E.Kula A.Rastogi K.Blincoe L.Singer D.M.Germán D.Damian R.Lamping D.Stevens H.Rothengatter D.Romano
Talks about:
develop (7) softwar (5) pull (4) data (4) base (4) hub (4) git (4) exploratori (2) ecosystem (2) research (2)
♂ Person: Georgios Gousios
DBLP: Gousios:Georgios
Facilitated 1 volumes:
Contributed to:
Wrote 20 papers:
- ESEC-FSE-2015-BellerGPZ #developer #how #ide #why
- When, how, and why developers (do not) test in their IDEs (MB, GG, AP, AZ), pp. 179–190.
- ICSE-v1-2015-GousiosZSD #challenge #development #perspective
- Work Practices and Challenges in Pull-Based Development: The Integrator’s Perspective (GG, AZ, MADS, AvD), pp. 358–368.
- ICSE-v2-2015-BellerGZ #developer #how #question
- How (Much) Do Developers Test? (MB, GG, AZ), pp. 559–562.
- MSR-2015-CoelhoAGD #android #debugging #exception #git
- Unveiling Exception Handling Bug Hazards in Android Based on GitHub and Google Code Issues (RC, LA, GG, AvD), pp. 134–145.
- MSR-2015-HauffG #developer #git
- Matching GitHub Developer Profiles to Job Advertisements (CH, GG), pp. 362–366.
- MSR-2015-KarakoidasMLGS #ecosystem #generative #java
- Generating the Blueprints of the Java Ecosystem (VK, DM, PL, GG, DS), pp. 510–513.
- MSR-2015-VeenGZ #automation
- Automatically Prioritizing Pull Requests (EvdV, GG, AZ), pp. 357–361.
- SANER-2015-DiasBGCD #fine-grained
- Untangling fine-grained code changes (MD, AB, GG, DC, SD), pp. 341–350.
- ICSE-2014-GousiosPD #case study #development
- An exploratory study of the pull-based software development model (GG, MP, AvD), pp. 345–355.
- MSR-2014-GousiosVSZ #agile #git
- Lean GHTorrent: GitHub data on demand (GG, BV, AS, AZ), pp. 384–387.
- MSR-2014-GousiosZ #dataset #development #research
- A dataset for pull-based development research (GG, AZ), pp. 368–371.
- MSR-2014-KalliamvakouGBSGD #git #mining
- The promises and perils of mining GitHub (EK, GG, KB, LS, DMG, DD), pp. 92–101.
- MSR-2014-MitropoulosKLGS #debugging #ecosystem
- The bug catalog of the maven ecosystem (DM, VK, PL, GG, DS), pp. 372–375.
- MSR-2013-Gousios #dataset
- The GHTorent dataset and tool suite (GG), pp. 233–236.
- MSR-2012-GousiosS #git #named
- GHTorrent: Github’s data from a firehose (GG, DS), pp. 12–21.
- ICSE-2009-GousiosS #framework #monitoring #platform #quality
- Alitheia Core: An extensible software quality monitoring platform (GG, DS), pp. 579–582.
- MSR-2009-GousiosS #framework #platform #re-engineering #research
- A platform for software engineering research (GG, DS), pp. 31–40.
- MSR-2008-GousiosKS #developer #repository
- Measuring developer contribution from software repository data (GG, EK, DS), pp. 129–132.
- ESEC-FSE-2017-HuijgensLSRGR #agile #metric #mining #power of #predict
- Strong agile metrics: mining log data to determine predictive power of software metrics for continuous delivery teams (HH, RL, DS, HR, GG, DR), pp. 866–871.
- ESEC-FSE-2019-KulaRHDG #case study #performance
- Releasing fast and slow: an exploratory case study at ING (EK, AR, HH, AvD, GG), pp. 785–795.