Travelled to:
1 × United Kingdom
2 × Italy
5 × USA
Collaborated with:
H.Ragavan S.K.Donoho E.Pérez R.Vilalta K.Kira G.H.Gunsch L.Watanabe ∅ D.K.Tcheng D.Yang G.Blix B.L.Lambert S.C.Y.Lu S.Subramaniam K.Hu
Talks about:
construct (8) induct (5) featur (5) structur (3) knowledg (3) system (3) learn (3) decis (3) concept (2) compar (2)
Person: Larry A. Rendell
DBLP: Rendell:Larry_A=
Contributed to:
Wrote 14 papers:
- ICML-1997-VilaltaR #classification #induction #multi
- Integrating Feature Construction with Multiple Classifiers in Decision Tree Induction (RV, LAR), pp. 394–402.
- ICML-1996-DonohoR #induction #using
- Constructive Induction Using Fragmentary Knowledge (SKD, LAR), pp. 113–121.
- ICML-1996-PerezR #concept #learning
- Learning Despite Concept Variation by Finding Structure in Attribute-based Data (EP, LAR), pp. 391–399.
- ICML-1995-DonohoR #induction #lessons learnt
- Lessons from Theory Revision Applied to Constructive Induction (SKD, LAR), pp. 185–193.
- ICML-1995-PerezR #multi #using
- Using Multidimensional Projection to Find Relations (EP, LAR), pp. 447–455.
- ICML-1993-RagavanR #concept #learning #lookahead
- Lookahead Feature Construction for Learning Hard Concepts (HR, LAR), pp. 252–259.
- ML-1992-KiraR #approach #feature model
- A Practical Approach to Feature Selection (KK, LAR), pp. 249–256.
- SEKE-1992-SubramaniamTHRR #design #information management #prototype #type system
- Knowledge Engineering for Protein Structure and Motifs: Design of a Prototype System (SS, DKT, KH, HR, LAR), pp. 420–435.
- ML-1991-GunschR #induction
- Opportunistic Constructive Induction (GHG, LAR), pp. 147–152.
- ML-1991-RagavanR #empirical #learning
- Relations, Knowledge and Empirical Learning (HR, LAR), pp. 188–192.
- ML-1991-TchengLLR #adaptation #interactive #modelling #named
- AIMS: An Adaptive Interactive Modeling System for Supporting Engineering Decision Making (DKT, BLL, SCYL, LAR), pp. 645–649.
- ML-1991-WatanabeR
- Feature Construction in Structural Decision Trees (LW, LAR), pp. 218–222.
- ML-1991-YangRB #case study #comparative
- Fringe-Like Feature Construction: A Comparative Study and a Unifying Scheme (DSY, LAR, GB), pp. 223–227.
- ML-1989-Rendell #induction
- Comparing Systems and analyzing Functions to Improve Constructive Induction (LAR), pp. 461–464.