Travelled to:
1 × Italy
1 × USA
2 × Germany
Collaborated with:
R.Kennaway J.W.Klop F.d.Vries ∅ J.R.W.Glauert
Talks about:
rewrit (2) graph (2) transfinit (1) infinitari (1) experiment (1) research (1) orthogon (1) process (1) languag (1) grammar (1)
Person: M. Ronan Sleep
DBLP: Sleep:M=_Ronan
Contributed to:
Wrote 5 papers:
- RTA-1995-KennawayKSV #modelling #λ-calculus
- Infinitary λ Calculi and Böhm Models (RK, JWK, MRS, FJdV), pp. 257–270.
- RTA-1991-KennawayKSV #orthogonal #reduction #term rewriting
- Transfinite Reductions in Orthogonal Term Rewriting Systems (RK, JWK, MRS, FJdV), pp. 1–12.
- GG-1990-GlauertKS #graph grammar #named
- Dactl: An Experimental Graph Rewriting Language (JRWG, RK, MRS), pp. 378–395.
- GG-1990-Sleep #graph grammar #research
- Applications of Graph Grammars and Directions for Research (MRS), pp. 57–60.
- LFP-1982-KennawayS #process
- Expressions as Processes (RK, MRS), pp. 21–28.