Travelled to:
1 × Greece
1 × Turkey
1 × USA
Collaborated with:
H.Yoshimura Y.Iwai Y.Tsuruda M.Kanbara N.Yokoya K.Kinugasa S.Kishida
Talks about:
use (3) projector (2) teleoper (2) cellular (2) generat (2) robot (2) phone (2) mobil (2) type (2) emot (2)
Person: Maiya Hori
DBLP: Hori:Maiya
Contributed to:
Wrote 4 papers:
- HCI-AIMT-2014-KinugasaYHKI #estimation #music
- Estimation of Emotion by Electroencephalography for Music Therapy (KK, HY, MH, SK, YI), pp. 750–757.
- HCI-AIMT-2014-TsurudaHYI #mobile #using
- Emotion Transmission System Using a Cellular Phone-Type Teleoperated Robot with a Mobile Projector (YT, MH, HY, YI), pp. 707–714.
- HCI-III-2013-TsurudaHYI #generative #mobile #using
- Generation of Facial Expression Emphasized with Cartoon Techniques Using a Cellular-Phone-Type Teleoperated Robot with a Mobile Projector (YT, MH, HY, YI), pp. 391–400.
- ICPR-2010-HoriKY #generative #image #multi #sequence #using
- Arbitrary Stereoscopic View Generation Using Multiple Omnidirectional Image Sequences (MH, MK, NY), pp. 286–289.