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Travelled to:
1 × Brazil
1 × Canada
1 × Greece
1 × India
1 × Republic of China
1 × Spain
1 × Taiwan
2 × France
2 × Portugal
5 × USA
Collaborated with:
I.Jureta M.Kolp T.T.Do C.Burnay A.Coyette J.Mylopoulos A.Pirotte B.Verlaine C.Herssens P.Thiran P.Schobbens J.Vanderdonckt J.Gillain P.Heymans M.Snoeck F.Fouss M.Saerens T.Nguyen
Talks about:
requir (7) agent (6) system (5) architectur (4) inform (4) servic (3) design (3) multi (3) problem (2) pattern (2)

Person: Stéphane Faulkner

DBLP DBLP: Faulkner:St=eacute=phane

Contributed to:

SEKE 20152015
CAiSE 20142014
SEKE 20132013
SPLC 20122012
SAC 20112011
RE 20092009
CAiSE 20082008
RE 20082008
RE 20072007
RE 20062006
ICEIS v4 20052005
SEKE 20052005
ICEIS v3 20042004
ICEIS v4 20042004
SEKE 20042004
ICEIS v3 20032003

Wrote 18 papers:

SEKE-2015-BurnayJF #elicitation #how #requirements
How Stakeholders’ Commitment May Affect the Success of Requirements Elicitation (CB, IJ, SF), pp. 336–341.
CAiSE-2014-BurnayJF #case study #elicitation #requirements #topic
An Exploratory Study of Topic Importance in Requirements Elicitation Interviews (CB, IJ, SF), pp. 180–195.
SEKE-2013-BurnayJF #matter #problem #requirements #what #why
Context Factors: What they are and why they matter for Requirements Problems (CB, IJ, SF), pp. 30–35.
SPLC-2012-GillainFHJS #optimisation
Product portfolio scope optimization based on features and goals (JG, SF, PH, IJ, MS), pp. 161–170.
SAC-2011-VerlaineJF #framework #ontology #requirements
Requirements engineering for services: an ontological framework (BV, IJ, SF), pp. 1622–1623.
RE-2009-JuretaMF #analysis #multi #requirements #validation
Analysis of Multi-Party Agreement in Requirements Validation (IJ, JM, SF), pp. 57–66.
CAiSE-2008-HerssensJF #using
Capturing and Using QoS Relationships to Improve Service Selection (CH, IJ, SF), pp. 312–327.
RE-2008-JuretaMF #ontology #problem #requirements
Revisiting the Core Ontology and Problem in Requirements Engineering (IJ, JM, SF), pp. 71–80.
RE-2007-JuretaFT #adaptation #requirements #specification
Dynamic Requirements Specification for Adaptable and Open Service Systems (IJ, SF, PT), pp. 381–382.
RE-2006-JuretaFS #modelling
Justifying Goal Models (IJ, SF, PYS), pp. 116–125.
ICEIS-v4-2005-FoussFKPS #recommendation #web
Web Recommendation System Based on a Markov-Chainmodel (FF, SF, MK, AP, MS), pp. 56–63.
ICEIS-v4-2005-JuretaKF #online
Best Practices Agent Patterns for On-Line Auctions (IJ, MK, SF), pp. 188–199.
SEKE-2005-CoyetteVFK #design #generative #user interface
Generating Abstract User Interfaces from an Informal Design (AC, JV, SF, MK), pp. 348–353.
ICEIS-v3-2004-DoKFP #design pattern
Agent-Oriented Design Patterns (TTD, MK, SF, AP), pp. 48–53.
ICEIS-v4-2004-FaulknerKCD #architecture #design #e-commerce
Agent-Oriented Design of E-Commerce System Architecture (SF, MK, AC, TTD), pp. 372–379.
SEKE-2004-FaulknerKNCD #approach #architecture #development #integration #multi
Information Integration Architecture Development: A Multi-Agent Approach (SF, MK, TN, AC, TTD), pp. 192–198.
ICEIS-v3-2003-DoFK #architecture #information management #multi
Organizational Multi-Agent Architectures for Information Systems (TTD, SF, MK), pp. 89–96.
ICEIS-v3-2003-FaulknerK #architecture #information management #towards
Towards an Agent Architectural Description Language for Information Systems (SF, MK), pp. 59–66.

Bibliography of Software Language Engineering in Generated Hypertext (BibSLEIGH) is created and maintained by Dr. Vadim Zaytsev.
Hosted as a part of SLEBOK on GitHub.