Travelled to:
1 × France
3 × USA
Collaborated with:
J.Kim B.Lim J.Ren K.D.Jones J.Savoj A.Abbasfar A.Amirkhany B.W.Garlepp
Talks about:
system (2) signal (2) analog (2) mix (2) transient (1) character (1) techniqu (1) stochast (1) mismatch (1) function (1)
Person: Mark A. Horowitz
DBLP: Horowitz:Mark_A=
Contributed to:
Wrote 4 papers:
- DAC-2010-LimKH #functional #generative #modelling #performance
- An efficient test vector generation for checking analog/mixed-signal functional models (BL, JK, MAH), pp. 767–772.
- DAC-2009-KimRH #analysis #probability
- Stochastic steady-state and AC analyses of mixed-signal systems (JK, JR, MAH), pp. 376–381.
- DAC-2007-KimJH #estimation #monte carlo #performance
- Fast, Non-Monte-Carlo Estimation of Transient Performance Variation Due to Device Mismatch (JK, KDJ, MAH), pp. 440–443.
- DATE-2007-SavojAAGH #performance
- A new technique for characterization of digital-to-analog converters in high-speed systems (JS, AAA, AA, BWG, MAH), pp. 433–438.