429 papers:
CASE-2015-KamraA #integer #multi #programming- A mixed integer programming model for timed deliveries in multirobot systems (NK, NA), pp. 612–617.
CASE-2015-KouiderHOO #approach #graph #integer #linear #scheduling #source code- Mixed integer linear programs and tabu search approach to solve mixed graph coloring for unit-time job shop scheduling (AK, HAH, SO, AO), pp. 1177–1181.
CASE-2015-LyuWC #algorithm #heuristic #integer #programming- Mixed integer programming model and heuristic algorithm for production planning of continuous casting and hot rolling (ML, ZW, FTSC), pp. 1503–1508.
DAC-2015-HuangFYZL #estimation #multi #performance- Efficient multivariate moment estimation via Bayesian model fusion for analog and mixed-signal circuits (QH, CF, FY, XZ, XL), p. 6.
DAC-2015-KhdrPSH #resource management- Thermal constrained resource management for mixed ILP-TLP workloads in dark silicon chips (HK, SP, MS, JH), p. 6.
DAC-2015-LiXGWY #interface- Merging the interface: power, area and accuracy co-optimization for RRAM crossbar-based mixed-signal computing system (BL, LX, PG, YW, HY), p. 6.
DAC-2015-ZaheerWGL #markov #named #performance #process- mTunes: efficient post-silicon tuning of mixed-signal/RF integrated circuits based on Markov decision process (MZ, FW, CG, XL), p. 6.
DAC-2015-ZolotovF #integer #linear #programming- Variation aware cross-talk aggressor alignment by mixed integer linear programming (VZ, PF), p. 6.
DATE-2015-ChenZWWWZ #multi #named #pseudo #simulation- MRP: mix real cores and pseudo cores for FPGA-based chip-multiprocessor simulation (XC, GZ, HW, RW, PW, LZ), pp. 211–216.
DATE-2015-HuangKGT #scheduling- Run and be safe: mixed-criticality scheduling with temporary processor speedup (PH, PK, GG, LT), pp. 1329–1334.
DATE-2015-KarkarTMY #communication #distributed #multi- Mixed wire and surface-wave communication fabrics for decentralized on-chip multicasting (AK, KFT, TSTM, AY), pp. 794–799.
DATE-2015-MunchPHH #embedded #manycore #named #realtime #scalability #using- MPIOV: scaling hardware-based I/O virtualization for mixed-criticality embedded real-time systems using non transparent bridges to (multi-core) multi-processor systems (DM, MP, OH, AH), pp. 579–584.
DATE-2015-SedighiPHNN- A CNN-inspired mixed signal processor based on tunnel transistors (BS, IP, XSH, JN, MTN), pp. 1150–1155.
ICFP-2015-BuirasVR #data flow #dynamic typing #haskell #named #type system- HLIO: mixing static and dynamic typing for information-flow control in Haskell (PB, DV, AR), pp. 289–301.
CHI-2015-EdgeGMRSWY #editing- Mixed-Initiative Approaches to Global Editing in Slideware (DE, SG, NMF, MR, RAS, CW, KY), pp. 3503–3512.
CHI-2015-GaverMKWBOP #community #energy #internet- Energy Babble: Mixing Environmentally-Oriented Internet Content to Engage Community Groups (WWG, MM, TK, AW, AB, LO, MPF), pp. 1115–1124.
CHI-2015-OLearyEKVRP #approach #comprehension #design #health #trade-off- Understanding Design Tradeoffs for Health Technologies: A Mixed-Methods Approach (KO, JE, LK, LMV, JDR, WP), pp. 4151–4160.
CHI-2015-ReillyEWTE #artificial reality- Mapping out Work in a Mixed Reality Project Room (DFR, AE, AW, AT, WKE), pp. 887–896.
CHI-2015-YannierKH #effectiveness #game studies #learning #physics #question #tablet- Learning from Mixed-Reality Games: Is Shaking a Tablet as Effective as Physical Observation? (NY, KRK, SEH), pp. 1045–1054.
HCI-IT-2015-ImpettHWB #interactive- Musician Fantasies of Dialectical Interaction: Mixed-Initiative Interaction and the Open Work (LI, IH, PKAW, AFB), pp. 184–195.
HIMI-IKC-2015-MakiY #3d #animation #artificial reality #definite clause grammar- Virtual Aquarium: Mixed Reality Consisting of 3DCG Animation and Underwater Integral Photography (NM, KY), pp. 447–456.
LCT-2015-ArenasZDA #artificial reality #development #education #framework #game studies- A Platform for Supporting the Development of Mixed Reality Environments for Educational Games (LA, TZ, PD, IA), pp. 537–548.
AdaEurope-2015-PerezGTT #clustering #concept #manycore #safety- A Safety Concept for an IEC-61508 Compliant Fail-Safe Wind Power Mixed-Criticality System Based on Multicore and Partitioning (JP, DG, ST, TT), pp. 3–17.
ICEIS-v1-2015-SautotBJF #clustering #design #modelling #multi #refinement- Mixed Driven Refinement Design of Multidimensional Models based on Agglomerative Hierarchical Clustering (LS, SB, LJ, BF), pp. 547–555.
ICML-2015-SteinhardtL15a #learning #modelling #predict- Learning Fast-Mixing Models for Structured Prediction (JS, PL), pp. 1063–1072.
ICML-2015-VirtanenG #modelling- Ordinal Mixed Membership Models (SV, MG), pp. 588–596.
ICML-2015-ZhangP #markov #modelling- Markov Mixed Membership Models (AZ, JP), pp. 475–483.
KDD-2015-FuLPXGZZ #modelling #ranking- Real Estate Ranking via Mixed Land-use Latent Models (YF, GL, SP, HX, YG, HZ, CZ), pp. 299–308.
POPL-2015-PredaGLM #analysis #automaton #bytecode #semantics #similarity- Abstract Symbolic Automata: Mixed syntactic/semantic similarity analysis of executables (MDP, RG, AL, IM), pp. 329–341.
ESEC-FSE-2015-MatinnejadNBB #effectiveness #testing- Effective test suites for mixed discrete-continuous stateflow controllers (RM, SN, LCB, TB), pp. 84–95.
HPCA-2015-MeswaniBRSIL #approach #architecture #memory management- Heterogeneous memory architectures: A HW/SW approach for mixing die-stacked and off-package memories (MRM, SB, DR, JS, MI, GHL), pp. 126–136.
PPoPP-2015-RavishankarDEPRRS #code generation #distributed #memory management- Distributed memory code generation for mixed Irregular/Regular computations (MR, RD, VE, LNP, JR, AR, PS), pp. 65–75.
CAV-2015-ChristH- Cutting the Mix (JC, JH), pp. 37–52.
CSL-2015-AminiE #linear #logic #on the- On Classical PCF, Linear Logic and the MIX Rule (SA, TE), pp. 582–596.
CASE-2014-DingSM #assembly #case study #industrial- Optimized task distribution for industrial assembly in mixed human-robot environments — Case study on IO module assembly (HD, MS, BM), pp. 19–24.
CASE-2014-LiY #scheduling- ACO-ICSA based scheduling of re-entrant manufacturing system with Mix-processing Style (LL, QY), pp. 87–92.
CASE-2014-WuBZ #approach #linear #scheduling- Linear programming-based approach to scheduling of crude oil operations in refinery with oil type mixing requirement (NW, LB, MZ), pp. 430–435.
CASE-2014-XuLYM #integer #probability #programming- A mixed integer programming model for Bed planning considering stochastic length of stay (LX, NL, XY, FM), pp. 1069–1074.
DAC-2014-HuangYT #fault tolerance #on the #scheduling- On the Scheduling of Fault-Tolerant Mixed-Criticality Systems (PH, HY, LT), p. 6.
DAC-2014-KangYKBHT #fault tolerance- Static Mapping of Mixed-Critical Applications for Fault-Tolerant MPSoCs (SHK, HY, SK, IB, SH, LT), p. 6.
DAC-2014-LiuCHWXY #3d #design- Design Methodologies for 3D Mixed Signal Integrated Circuits: a Practical 12-bit SAR ADC Design Case (WL, GC, XH, YW, YX, HY), p. 6.
DAC-2014-MukherjeeAL #approximate- Approximate property checking of mixed-signal circuits (PM, CSA, PL), p. 6.
DAC-2014-MukherjeeL- Leveraging pre-silicon data to diagnose out-of-specification failures in mixed-signal circuits (PM, PL), p. 6.
DATE-2014-GiannopoulouSHT #architecture #manycore- Mapping mixed-criticality applications on multi-core architectures (GG, NS, PH, LT), pp. 1–6.
DATE-2014-GuGD0 #multi #scheduling- Partitioned mixed-criticality scheduling on multiprocessor platforms (CG, NG, QD, WY), pp. 1–6.
DATE-2014-KangYKBHT #manycore #optimisation- Reliability-aware mapping optimization of multi-core systems with mixed-criticality (SHK, HY, SK, IB, SH, LT), pp. 1–4.
DATE-2014-MullerM #scheduling- The schedulability region of two-level mixed-criticality systems based on EDF-VD (DM, AM), pp. 1–6.
DATE-2014-NowotschPHPS #analysis #monitoring #multi #off the shelf- Monitoring and WCET analysis in COTS multi-core-SoC-based mixed-criticality systems (JN, MP, AH, WP, AS), pp. 1–5.
DATE-2014-ParkKK #design #multi #synthesis- Mixed allocation of adjustable delay buffers combined with buffer sizing in clock tree synthesis of multiple power mode designs (KP, GK, TK), pp. 1–4.
DATE-2014-RadojicicGMP #analysis- Semi-symbolic analysis of mixed-signal systems including discontinuities (CR, CG, JM, XP), pp. 1–4.
DATE-2014-RamboTDAE #analysis #realtime- Failure analysis of a network-on-chip for real-time mixed-critical systems (EAR, AT, JD, LA, RE), pp. 1–4.
DATE-2014-SanderSDBBBMKALHRHH #hardware #manycore- Hardware virtualization support for shared resources in mixed-criticality multicore systems (OS, TS, VVD, SB, FB, JB, HUM, DK, DA, EL, JH, AR, CH, AH), pp. 1–6.
TACAS-2014-PiskacWZ #named #specification #verification- GRASShopper — Complete Heap Verification with Mixed Specifications (RP, TW, DZ), pp. 124–139.
ICSME-2014-LinsbauerAGLPLE #variability- Recovering Feature-to-Code Mappings in Mixed-Variability Software Systems (LL, FA, PG, DL, HP, RELH, AE), pp. 426–430.
ICALP-v1-2014-Yin #graph #random- Spatial Mixing of Coloring Random Graphs (YY), pp. 1075–1086.
CHI-2014-HamiltonGK #community #game studies #streaming- Streaming on twitch: fostering participatory communities of play within live mixed media (WAH, OG, AK), pp. 1315–1324.
CHI-2014-LissermannHSSM #collaboration #multi #named- Permulin: mixed-focus collaboration on multi-view tabletops (RL, JH, MS, JS, MM), pp. 3191–3200.
CHI-2014-PiccardiCZWA #towards- Towards crowd-based customer service: a mixed-initiative tool for managing Q&A sites (TP, GC, MZ, JW, CA), pp. 2725–2734.
CHI-2014-WeichelLKVG #named- MixFab: a mixed-reality environment for personal fabrication (CW, ML, DK, NV, HWG), pp. 3855–3864.
DUXU-DI-2014-GotsisLRHPFTJ #artificial reality #case study #design #game studies #named #video- Skyfarer: Design Case Study of a Mixed Reality Rehabilitation Video Game (MG, VL, PR, LLH, ICP, FF, DT, MJM), pp. 699–710.
DUXU-TMT-2014-GoodeLSGB #approach #research- A Mixed-Method Approach for In-Depth Contextual User Research (AWG, CL, AS, RG, VB), pp. 86–95.
HCI-AIMT-2014-Tallig #artificial reality #interactive- Robotic Border Crosser TNG — Creating an Interactive Mixed Reality (AT), pp. 697–706.
ICML-c2-2014-YiCS #linear- Alternating Minimization for Mixed Linear Regression (XY, CC, SS), pp. 613–621.
SIGIR-2014-GuptaBBCR #information retrieval #query- Query expansion for mixed-script information retrieval (PG, KB, REB, MC, PR), pp. 677–686.
OOPSLA-2014-KumarH #compilation #matlab #named #performance- MIX10: compiling MATLAB to X10 for high performance (VK, LJH), pp. 617–636.
REFSQ-2014-SannierB #analysis #approach #modelling #named #requirements- INCREMENT: A Mixed MDE-IR Approach for Regulatory Requirements Modeling and Analysis (NS, BB), pp. 135–151.
SMT-2014-KingBT #integer #linear #programming #smt- Leveraging Linear and Mixed Integer Programming for SMT (TK, CB, CT), p. 65.
CASE-2013-DingHMS #behaviour #collaboration #industrial- Structured collaborative behavior of industrial robots in mixed human-robot environments (HD, JH, BM, HS), pp. 1101–1106.
CASE-2013-LiF #approach #integer #linear #multi #problem #programming #scheduling- A mixed integer linear programming approach for multi-degree cyclic multi-hoist scheduling problems without overlapping (XL, RYKF), pp. 274–279.
CASE-2013-SilvaCTS #automation #linear #optimisation #programming- A mixed-integer linear programming model for automatic routing decisions in oil production optimization (TLS, EC, AFT, SS), pp. 280–285.
DAC-2013-GuCL #estimation #performance #validation- Efficient moment estimation with extremely small sample size via bayesian inference for analog/mixed-signal validation (CG, EC, XL), p. 7.
DAC-2013-HsuCHCC #design- Routability-driven placement for hierarchical mixed-size circuit designs (MKH, YFC, CCH, TCC, YWC), p. 6.
DAC-2013-WangZSLG #modelling #performance #reuse #scalability- Bayesian model fusion: large-scale performance modeling of analog and mixed-signal circuits by reusing early-stage data (FW, WZ, SS, XL, CG), p. 6.
DATE-2013-CarvajalF #framework #realtime- An open platform for mixed-criticality real-time ethernet (GC, SF), pp. 153–156.
DATE-2013-GoossensAG #memory management #policy- Conservative open-page policy for mixed time-criticality memory controllers (SG, BA, KG), pp. 525–530.
DATE-2013-SuZ #algorithm #scheduling- An elastic mixed-criticality task model and its scheduling algorithm (HS, DZ), pp. 147–152.
DATE-2013-YilmazSWO #analysis #fault #industrial #scalability #simulation- Fault analysis and simulation of large scale industrial mixed-signal circuits (EY, GS, LW, SO), pp. 565–570.
DATE-2013-ZhaoGZ #named #scheduling- PT-AMC: integrating preemption thresholds into mixed-criticality scheduling (QZ, ZG, HZ), pp. 141–146.
ICDAR-2013-Siriteerakul #classification- Mixed Thai-English Character Classification Based on Histogram of Oriented Gradient Feature (TS), pp. 847–851.
LATA-2013-EndrullisGH #sequence- Mix-Automatic Sequences (JE, CG, DH), pp. 262–274.
HIMI-D-2013-NakanoOM #3d #artificial reality #using- Leaning Origami Using 3D Mixed Reality Technique (AN, MO, HM), pp. 126–132.
HIMI-LCCB-2013-TanikawaNH #artificial reality- Mixed Reality Digital Museum Project (TT, TN, MH), pp. 248–257.
ICML-c1-2013-BengioMDR- Better Mixing via Deep Representations (YB, GM, YD, SR), pp. 552–560.
KDD-2013-AhmedS #modelling #parametricity #scalability- The dataminer’s guide to scalable mixed-membership and nonparametric bayesian models (AA, AJS), p. 1529.
KDD-2013-MorenoNK #graph #learning #modelling- Learning mixed kronecker product graph models with simulated method of moments (SM, JN, SK), pp. 1052–1060.
KDD-2013-ZhuYGM #analysis #modelling #scalability #topic- Scalable text and link analysis with mixed-topic link models (YZ, XY, LG, CM), pp. 473–481.
SEKE-2013-QiHW #combinator #concurrent #source code #testing- A Mixed-way Combinatorial Testing for Concurrent Programs (S) (XQ, JH, PW), pp. 699–702.
ECOOP-2013-TasharofiDJ #concurrent #developer #modelling #question #scala #why- Why Do Scala Developers Mix the Actor Model with other Concurrency Models? (ST, PD, REJ), pp. 302–326.
HPCA-2013-KhanAWKJ #architecture #manycore #performance #using- Improving multi-core performance using mixed-cell cache architecture (SMK, ARA, CW, JK, DAJ), pp. 119–130.
CASE-2012-YangHTLSL #automation #process- A vacuum-pumped microfluidic device for automated in-line mixing and focusing processes (ASY, HHH, LYT, PHL, TLS, CLL), pp. 109–114.
DAC-2012-SunGR #design #nondeterminism #robust- A new uncertainty budgeting based method for robust analog/mixed-signal design (JS, PG, JMWR), pp. 529–535.
DATE-2012-GoswamiLSC #implementation- Time-triggered implementations of mixed-criticality automotive software (DG, ML, RS, SC), pp. 1227–1232.
DATE-2012-GrudnitskyBH #architecture #configuration management- Partial online-synthesis for mixed-grained reconfigurable architectures (AG, LB, JH), pp. 1555–1560.
DATE-2012-NarayananDZT #design #using #verification- Verifying jitter in an analog and mixed signal design using dynamic time warping (RN, AD, MHZ, ST), pp. 1413–1416.
DATE-2012-StripfKB #approximate #architecture- A cycle-approximate, mixed-ISA simulator for the KAHRISMA architecture (TS, RK, JB), pp. 21–26.
FoSSaCS-2012-PetersN #encoding #question- Is It a “Good” Encoding of Mixed Choice? (KP, UN), pp. 210–224.
GT-VMT-2012-HanH #modelling- Remedy of Mixed Initiative Conflicts in Model-based System Engineering (FH, PH).
CSCW-2012-TakayamaG #mobile- Mixing metaphors in mobile remote presence (LT, JG), pp. 495–504.
CIKM-2012-WongCTP #using #web- Mixed-initiative conversational system using question-answer pairs mined from the web (WW, LC, JT, LP), pp. 2707–2709.
ICML-2012-KimKO #metric #parametricity #process #random #topic- Dirichlet Process with Mixed Random Measures: A Nonparametric Topic Model for Labeled Data (DK, SK, AHO), p. 90.
ICML-2012-NaimG #algorithm #convergence- Convergence of the EM Algorithm for Gaussian Mixtures with Unbalanced Mixing Coefficients (IN, DG), p. 185.
ICML-2012-SalazarC #category theory #relational- Inferring Latent Structure From Mixed Real and Categorical Relational Data (ES, LC), p. 219.
ICML-2012-ZhouLDC- Lognormal and Gamma Mixed Negative Binomial Regression (MZ, LL, DBD, LC), p. 113.
ICPR-2012-TianC #image #video- Bayesian image enlargement for mixed-resolution video (JT, LC), pp. 3082–3085.
ICPR-2012-TsuruKO #using- Mixed-reality snapshot system using environmental depth sensors (HT, IK, YO), pp. 97–100.
KDD-2012-ShangJW #learning- Semi-supervised learning with mixed knowledge information (FS, LCJ, FW), pp. 732–740.
KDIR-2012-AbdullinN #clustering #data type #framework #learning- A Semi-supervised Learning Framework to Cluster Mixed Data Types (AA, ON), pp. 45–54.
KEOD-2012-KawtrakulMCRPNK #latency #social #social media #using- Improving Disaster Responsiveness using a Mix of Social Media and e-Government (AK, IM, HC, SR, KP, MN, VK), pp. 423–426.
KR-2012-LiuJN #integer #programming #set- Answer Set Programming via Mixed Integer Programming (GL, TJ, IN).
MLDM-2012-NguyenF #programming- A General Lp-norm Support Vector Machine via Mixed 0-1 Programming (HTN, KF), pp. 40–49.
BX-2012-JohnsonR #lens- Lens put-put laws: monotonic and mixed (MJ, RDR), pp. 55–67.
ASE-2011-KhalekNK #constraints #generative- Mixed constraints for test input generation — An initial exploration (SAK, VPN, SK), pp. 548–551.
CASE-2011-DingRGS #programming- Mixed-integer programming for optimal path planning of robotic manipulators (HD, GR, DG, OS), pp. 133–138.
DAC-2011-YounKH #analysis #convergence- Global convergence analysis of mixed-signal systems (SY, JK, MH), pp. 498–503.
DATE-2011-BalasubramanianSMNDKMPPVT #low cost #power management #robust- Circuit and DFT techniques for robust and low cost qualification of a mixed-signal SoC with integrated power management system (LB, PS, RKM, PN, RKD, ADK, SM, SP, HP, RCV, ST), pp. 551–554.
DATE-2011-BeserraMSC #modelling #network- System-level modeling of a mixed-signal System on Chip for Wireless Sensor Networks (GSB, JEGdM, AMS, JCdC), pp. 1500–1504.
DATE-2011-HashempourDTKHBX #fault #industrial #reduction #testing- Test time reduction in analogue/mixed-signal devices by defect oriented testing: An industrial example (HH, JD, BT, BK, CH, MvB, YX), pp. 371–376.
DATE-2011-RoyBC- Waste-aware dilution and mixing of biochemical samples with digital microfluidic biochips (SR, BBB, KC), pp. 1059–1064.
DATE-2011-ShanbhagS #design- System-assisted analog mixed-signal design (NRS, ACS), pp. 1491–1496.
DATE-2011-ZhaoK #component #distributed- An extension to SystemC-A to support mixed-technology systems with distributed components (CZ, TJK), pp. 1278–1284.
ICDAR-2011-MalleronE #analysis #approach #documentation- A Mixed Approach for Handwritten Documents Structural Analysis (VM, VE), pp. 269–273.
ICDAR-2011-Suwa #image- Color-Mixing Correction of Overlapped Colors in Scanner Images (MS), pp. 217–221.
ICDAR-2011-WinderAS #algorithm #documentation #segmentation- Extending Page Segmentation Algorithms for Mixed-Layout Document Processing (AW, TLA, EHBS), pp. 1245–1249.
ICALP-v1-2011-BordewichK #agile #bound #graph #set- Rapid Mixing of Subset Glauber Dynamics on Graphs of Bounded Tree-Width (MB, RJK), pp. 533–544.
CSCW-2011-CheokKPF #artificial reality #research- Mixed reality lab Singapore: a genealogy of lab projects employing the blue sky innovation research methodology (ADC, JTKVK, RLP, ONNF), pp. 17–24.
CSCW-2011-ONeillCRHJD #artificial reality #collaboration- From ethnographic study to mixed reality: a remote collaborative troubleshooting system (JO, SC, FR, NH, CJ, LD), pp. 225–234.
HCI-DDA-2011-DattaH #design #formal method #interactive- A Formal Model of Mixed-Initiative Interaction in Design Exploration (SD, MH), pp. 185–193.
AdaEurope-2011-BaruahB #ada #implementation- Implementing Mixed Criticality Systems in Ada (SKB, AB), pp. 174–188.
ICEIS-v1-2011-ShanZ #convergence #network- Mixed Convergence Pattern for Intelligence Negotiation Support Systems of High-tech Network Organization (ZdS, JlZ), pp. 396–399.
ECIR-2011-OhCM #classification #modelling #scalability #taxonomy #using- Text Classification for a Large-Scale Taxonomy Using Dynamically Mixed Local and Global Models for a Node (HSO, YC, SHM), pp. 7–18.
KDIR-2011-ClariziaCSGN #graph #novel #query- A Novel Query Expansion Technique based on a Mixed Graph of Terms (FC, FC, MDS, LG, PN), pp. 84–93.
KDIR-2011-DoquireV #approach #category theory #feature model #hybrid- An Hybrid Approach to Feature Selection for Mixed Categorical and Continuous Data (GD, MV), pp. 394–401.
ISSTA-2011-PasareanuRV #execution #symbolic computation- Symbolic execution with mixed concrete-symbolic solving (CSP, NR, WV), pp. 34–44.
CASE-2010-BraunS #approach #constraints #logic #predict- A Mixed Logical Dynamic Model Predictive Control approach for handling industrially relevant transportation constraints (MWB, JS), pp. 966–971.
CASE-2010-ParkK- Vision inspection system for holograms with mixed patterns (THP, HJK), pp. 563–567.
CASE-2010-YuanZ #video- Micro-mixing of highly viscous bio-samples observed with a miniature wireless video sensor (LY, YFZ), pp. 180–185.
DAC-2010-HsuPH #approach #data flow #modelling #physics #simulation- A mixed-mode vector-based dataflow approach for modeling and simulating LTE physical layer (CJH, JLP, FJH), pp. 18–23.
DAC-2010-LimKH #functional #generative #modelling #performance- An efficient test vector generation for checking analog/mixed-signal functional models (BL, JK, MAH), pp. 767–772.
DATE-2010-HsuYC #architecture #framework #refinement- An accurate system architecture refinement methodology with mixed abstraction-level virtual platform (ZMH, JCY, IYC), pp. 568–573.
DATE-2010-MaricauG #complexity #reliability #simulation #variability- Variability-aware reliability simulation of mixed-signal ICs with quasi-linear complexity (EM, GGEG), pp. 1094–1099.
DATE-2010-TajalliL #design #framework #power management #using- Ultra-low power mixed-signal design platform using subthreshold source-coupled circuits (AT, YL), pp. 711–716.
PLDI-2010-KhooCF #execution #symbolic computation #type checking- Mixing type checking and symbolic execution (YPK, BYEC, JSF), pp. 436–447.
CSCW-2010-CollierH #multi #peer-to-peer- Sending mixed signals: multilevel reputation effects in peer-to-peer lending markets (BCC, RH), pp. 197–206.
ICEIS-SAIC-2010-MatCS #approach #collaboration #network- Selecting Partners for Collaborative Networks — Mixed Methods Approach (NACM, YC, HS), pp. 122–128.
CIKM-2010-WongWWC #database #scalability- Pattern discovery for large mixed-mode database (AKCW, BW, GPKW, KCCC), pp. 859–868.
ECIR-2010-Shi #information retrieval #mining #web- Mining OOV Translations from Mixed-Language Web Pages for Cross Language Information Retrieval (LS), pp. 471–482.
ICML-2010-KimSD #algorithm #scalability- A scalable trust-region algorithm with application to mixed-norm regression (DK, SS, ISD), pp. 519–526.
ICML-2010-MackeyWJ #matrix- Mixed Membership Matrix Factorization (LWM, DJW, MIJ), pp. 711–718.
ICPR-2010-PengSGS #classification #documentation #using- Text Separation from Mixed Documents Using a Tree-Structured Classifier (XP, SS, VG, RS), pp. 241–244.
ICPR-2010-ZhangSQ10a #automation #keyword- Automatic Pronunciation Transliteration for Chinese-English Mixed Language Keyword Spotting (SZ, ZS, YQ), pp. 1610–1613.
SAC-2010-SkopikSD #interactive- Trustworthy interaction balancing in mixed service-oriented systems (FS, DS, SD), pp. 799–806.
SLE-2010-BakCW #metamodelling- Feature and Meta-Models in Clafer: Mixed, Specialized, and Coupled (KB, KC, AW), pp. 102–122.
CGO-2010-KochBF #code generation- Integrated instruction selection and register allocation for compact code generation exploiting freeform mixing of 16- and 32-bit instructions (TJKEvK, IB, BF), pp. 180–189.
SAT-2010-NamasivayamT- Simple but Hard Mixed Horn Formulas (GN, MT), pp. 382–387.
CASE-2009-YuanZ #using- Micro-mixing of highly viscous bio-samples using orbital shaking (LY, YFZ), pp. 579–584.
DAC-2009-KimRH #analysis #probability- Stochastic steady-state and AC analyses of mixed-signal systems (JK, JR, MAH), pp. 376–381.
DAC-2009-YanVC #scalability- Handling complexities in modern large-scale mixed-size placement (JZY, NV, CC), pp. 436–441.
DAC-2009-YingKKGGOTW #how #question- Guess, solder, measure, repeat: how do I get my mixed-signal chip right? (GY, AK, KSK, GGEG, EG, MO, ST, WW), pp. 520–521.
DATE-2009-KirchnerBG #simulation #using- Analogue mixed signal simulation using spice and SystemC (TK, NB, CG), pp. 284–287.
DATE-2009-MullerWJSM #approach #linear #modelling #testing- An approach to linear model-based testing for nonlinear cascaded mixed-signal systems (RM, CW, HJJ, SS, HM), pp. 1662–1667.
ICDAR-2009-LinsSSFSST #classification #documentation #image #quality- Image Classification to Improve Printing Quality of Mixed-Type Documents (RDL, GPeS, SJS, JF, MQS, PS, MT), pp. 1106–1110.
ICDAR-2009-WangJW #identification #performance- High Performance Chinese/English Mixed OCR with Character Level Language Identification (KW, JJ, QW), pp. 406–410.
PODS-2009-DeHaan #equivalence #query #semantics- Equivalence of nested queries with mixed semantics (DD), pp. 207–216.
VLDB-2009-KrompassKWWDK- A Testbed for Managing Dynamic Mixed Workloads (SK, HAK, JLW, KW, UD, AK), pp. 1562–1565.
STOC-2009-MartinelliS- Mixing time for the solid-on-solid model (FM, AS), pp. 571–580.
ICALP-v1-2009-KavithaMN- Popular Mixed Matchings (TK, JM, MN), pp. 574–584.
CHI-2009-HansenG #recommendation- Mixing it up: recommending collections of items (DLH, JG), pp. 1217–1226.
CHI-2009-HoffmannAPWFW #community #information management- Amplifying community content creation with mixed initiative information extraction (RH, SA, KP, FW, JF, DSW), pp. 1849–1858.
HCD-2009-CaratozzoloMPZ #analysis- Caring and Curing by Mixing Information and Emotions in Orphan Diseases Websites: A Twofold Analysis (MCC, EM, OP, MZ), pp. 661–670.
HCI-AUII-2009-Kratky- Mixed Realities — Virtual Object Lessons (AK), pp. 440–445.
HIMI-DIE-2009-DumanHG #adaptation #clustering #visual notation- Adaptive Visual Clustering for Mixed-Initiative Information Structuring (HD, AH, RAGH), pp. 384–393.
HIMI-DIE-2009-Ehnes #artificial reality #automation #interface- A Tangible Mixed Reality Interface for the AMI Automated Meeting Assistant (JE), pp. 485–494.
HIMI-II-2009-LeeHH09a #development #mobile- Location-Based Mixed-Map Application Development for Mobile Devices (HHL, KRH, KSH), pp. 403–412.
HIMI-II-2009-SchwarzlerRWR #modelling #using #visual notation- Using Graphical Models for an Intelligent Mixed-Initiative Dialog Management System (SS, GR, FW, GR), pp. 201–209.
ICEIS-J-2009-Ehnes #artificial reality #automation #interface- An Automated Meeting Assistant: A Tangible Mixed Reality Interface for the AMIDA Automatic Content Linking Device (JE), pp. 952–962.
ICML-2009-FuSX #evolution #network- Dynamic mixed membership blockmodel for evolving networks (WF, LS, EPX), pp. 329–336.
ICML-2009-KowalskiSR #kernel #learning #multi- Multiple indefinite kernel learning with mixed norm regularization (MK, MS, LR), pp. 545–552.
OOPSLA-2009-LeeHGM #debugging- Debug all your code: portable mixed-environment debugging (BL, MH, RG, KSM), pp. 207–226.
ASPLOS-2009-WellsCS #manycore #reliability- Mixed-mode multicore reliability (PMW, KC, GSS), pp. 169–180.
CAV-2009-Kim #performance #verification- Mixed-Signal System Verification: A High-Speed Link Example (JK), p. 16.
CAV-2009-KitchenK #constraints #integer #markov #monte carlo- A Markov Chain Monte Carlo Sampler for Mixed Boolean/Integer Constraints (NK, AK), pp. 446–461.
SAT-2009-PorschenSS #aspect-oriented #on the- On Some Aspects of Mixed Horn Formulas (SP, TS, ES), pp. 86–100.
VMCAI-2009-WeiGC #revisited- Mixed Transition Systems Revisited (OW, AG, MC), pp. 349–365.
CASE-2008-BittonG #algorithm #framework #named- Hydra: A framework and algorithms for mixed-initiative UAV-assisted search and rescue (EB, KG), pp. 61–66.
CASE-2008-YuanZC #automation- Automatic mixing of highly viscous bio-samples (LY, YFZ, WC), pp. 900–905.
DAC-2008-GinsburgC #energy #parallel- The mixed signal optimum energy point: voltage and parallelism (BPG, APC), pp. 244–249.
DAC-2008-JiangSC #design #scalability- Routability-driven analytical placement by net overlapping removal for large-scale mixed-size designs (ZWJ, BYS, YWC), pp. 167–172.
DAC-2008-LiL #modelling #performance #statistics- Statistical regression for efficient high-dimensional modeling of analog and mixed-signal performance variations (XL, HL), pp. 38–43.
DATE-2008-NuzzoNSFP #design- Mixed-Signal Design Space Exploration of Time-Interleaved A/D Converters for Ultra-Wide Band Applications (PN, CN, SS, LF, GVdP), pp. 1390–1393.
DATE-2008-WangKABT #approach #energy #modelling #optimisation #performance- Integrated approach to energy harvester mixed technology modelling and performance optimisation (LW, TJK, BMAH, SPB, RNT), pp. 704–709.
DocEng-2008-ConcolatoF #documentation #multi- Playback of mixed multimedia document (CC, JLF), pp. 219–220.
DRR-2008-GaoT #approach- A mixed approach to book splitting (LG, ZT), p. 68150.
DRR-2008-GaoTQ #approach #detection- A mixed approach to auto-detection of page body (LG, ZT, RQ), p. 68150.
FoSSaCS-2008-AntonikHLNW #complexity #problem #specification- Complexity of Decision Problems for Mixed and Modal Specifications (AA, MH, KGL, UN, AW), pp. 112–126.
CHI-2008-LohrB #interactive #speech #user interface #visual notation- Mixed-initiative dialog management for speech-based interaction with graphical user interfaces (AL, BB), pp. 979–988.
KDD-2008-SongJRG #linear- A bayesian mixture model with linear regression mixing proportions (XS, CJ, SR, JG), pp. 659–667.
SEKE-2008-XiPLH #component #repository- A Goal-oriented Mixed-granularity Component Selection Method for Huge Component Repositories (XX, JP, JL, SH), pp. 573–576.
OOPSLA-2008-KatsBV #bytecode #compilation #normalisation- Mixing source and bytecode: a case for compilation by normalization (LCLK, MB, EV), pp. 91–108.
HPDC-2008-AidaC #scheduling- Scheduling mixed-parallel applications with advance reservations (KA, HC), pp. 65–74.
CSL-2008-Eisinger #automaton #bound #integer #linear- Upper Bounds on the Automata Size for Integer and Mixed Real and Integer Linear Arithmetic (Extended Abstract) (JE), pp. 431–445.
CSL-2008-PiskacK #bound #linear- Fractional Collections with Cardinality Bounds, and Mixed Linear Arithmetic with Stars (RP, VK), pp. 124–138.
CASE-2007-YuanZCC #automation #using- Automatic Mixing of Bio-Samples Using Micro-Channel and Centrifugation (LY, YFZ, WC, MC), pp. 634–639.
CASE-2007-ZuHT #coordination #generative #integer #linear #programming #using- Trajectory Generation in Relative Velocity Coordinates Using Mixed Integer Linear Programming with IHDR Guidance (DZ, JH, DT), pp. 1125–1130.
DAC-2007-ChenYCHL #algorithm #design #metaprogramming #named- MP-trees: A Packing-Based Macro Placement Algorithm for Mixed-Size Designs (TCC, PHY, YWC, FJH, DL), pp. 447–452.
DATE-2007-Al-SammaneZT #design #verification- A symbolic methodology for the verification of analog and mixed signal designs (GAS, MHZ, ST), pp. 249–254.
DATE-2007-CrepaldiCGZ #design #effectiveness #top-down- An effective AMS top-down methodology applied to the design of a mixed-signal UWB system-on-chip (MC, MRC, MG, MZ), pp. 1424–1429.
DATE-2007-EeckelaertSGSS #performance #synthesis- An efficient methodology for hierarchical synthesis of mixed-signal systems with fully integrated building block topology selection (TE, RS, GGEG, MS, WMCS), pp. 81–86.
DATE-2007-WittmannVWNKFM #question- Life begins at 65: unless you are mixed signal? (RW, MV, HJW, NN, JK, JEdF, CM), pp. 936–941.
DATE-2007-ZjajoAG #interactive #monitoring #parametricity #process- Interactive presentation: BIST method for die-level process parameter variation monitoring in analog/mixed-signal integrated circuits (AZ, MJBA, JPdG), pp. 1301–1306.
ICDAR-2007-XiaXWD #documentation #recognition #segmentation- Integrated Segmentation and Recognition of Mixed Chinese/English Document (YX, BX, CHW, RD), pp. 704–708.
ICALP-2007-AdidaW #online- Offline/Online Mixing (BA, DW), pp. 484–495.
CHI-2007-ButlerZEBHK #case study #design- Work-centered design: a case study of a mixed-initiative scheduler (KAB, JZ, CE, AB, RH, DEK), pp. 747–756.
CHI-2007-ReillyI #evaluation #visualisation- White rooms and morphing don’t mix: setting and the evaluation of visualization techniques (DFR, KMI), pp. 111–120.
CHI-2007-WoodruffAF #automation- Sabbath day home automation: “it’s like mixing technology and religion” (AW, SA, BEF), pp. 527–536.
CHI-2007-ZimmermanTSHMCM #approach #automation #learning #named- Vio: a mixed-initiative approach to learning and automating procedural update tasks (JZ, AT, IS, IH, KM, JC, RMM), pp. 1445–1454.
HCI-AS-2007-HongJ #algorithm #design #development #education #mobile- Design and Development of Mixed Mobile Education System Based on SIFT Algorithm (KH, KJ), pp. 255–263.
HCI-IDU-2007-ResterPWHMPO #evaluation #interactive- Mixing Evaluation Methods for Assessing the Utility of an Interactive InfoVis Technique (MR, MP, SW, KH, SM, CP, SO), pp. 604–613.
HCI-IPT-2007-OtsukiKNST #artificial reality #interactive #novel- RealSound Interaction: A Novel Interaction Method with Mixed Reality Space by Localizing Sound Events in Real World (MO, AK, TN, FS, HT), pp. 653–662.
HCI-IPT-2007-SantosSGPAJBJPWCABPHM #artificial reality #design #effectiveness #interactive #named- IMPROVE: Designing Effective Interaction for Virtual and Mixed Reality Environments (PS, AS, TG, AP, BA, RJ, LCB, JAJ, JMP, MW, GC, RdA, IB, CP, MH, DM), pp. 689–699.
CASE-2006-ShrinivasR- Optimal advertisement-innovation mix for maximizing the discounted flow of profit (PS, NRSR), pp. 562–567.
DATE-2006-BuhlerKBHSSPR #design #process- DFM/DFY design for manufacturability and yield — influence of process variations in digital, analog and mixed-signal circuit design (MB, JK, JB, JH, US, RS, MP, AR), pp. 387–392.
DATE-2006-MartensE #synthesis #top-down- Top-down heterogeneous synthesis of analog and mixed-signal systems (EM, GGEG), pp. 275–280.
DATE-DF-2006-BonfiniCMP #verification- A mixed-signal verification kit for verification of analogue-digital circuits (GB, MC, RM, EP), pp. 88–93.
DATE-DF-2006-ChengL #multi- A fast-lock mixed-mode DLL with wide-range operation and multiphase outputs (KHC, YLL), pp. 178–182.
DATE-DF-2006-Daglio #design #embedded #verification- A complete and fully qualified design flow for verification of mixed-signal SoC with embedded flash memories (PD), pp. 94–99.
DATE-DF-2006-SaponaraT #design- Mixed-signal design of a digital input power amplifier for automotive audio applications (SS, PT), pp. 212–216.
ICALP-v2-2006-WikstromG #adaptation- An Adaptively Secure Mix-Net Without Erasures (DW, JG), pp. 276–287.
CHI-2006-McCurdyCPKV #prototype- Breaking the fidelity barrier: an examination of our current characterization of prototypes and an example of a mixed-fidelity success (MM, CC, GP, BK, AHV), pp. 1233–1242.
CIKM-2006-AnhM #query- Pruning strategies for mixed-mode querying (VNA, AM), pp. 190–197.
ICPR-v1-2006-MiaoQS #composition #principle #using- Unsupervised Decomposition of Mixed Pixels Using the Maximum Entropy Principle (LM, HQ, HS), pp. 1067–1070.
ICPR-v2-2006-FarooqSG #documentation #identification- Identifying Handwritten Text in Mixed Documents (FF, KS, VG), pp. 1142–1145.
ICPR-v2-2006-ZouL #learning #performance #sequence- The Generalization Performance of Learning Machine Based on Phi-mixing Sequence (BZ, LL), pp. 548–551.
ICPR-v3-2006-PlotzFHKLMMSSS #automation #detection #modelling #music #probability #using- Automatic Detection of Song Changes in Music Mixes Using Stochastic Models (TP, GAF, PH, SK, KL, TM, MM, LS, MS, HS), pp. 665–668.
ICPR-v4-2006-JunejoCF06a #artificial reality #configuration management- Configuring Mixed Reality Environment (INJ, XC, HF), pp. 884–887.
ICPR-v4-2006-WhiteW #graph- Mixing spectral representations of graphs (DHW, RCW), pp. 140–144.
CGO-2006-ChenGSUWZLZ #execution #framework #java- Java JNI Bridge: A Framework for Mixed Native ISA Execution (MC, SG, SS, VU, YW, QZ, EL, YZ), pp. 65–75.
HPDC-2006-SilbersteinGSL #execution #grid #multi #scheduling- Scheduling Mixed Workloads in Multi-grids: The Grid Execution Hierarchy (MS, DG, AS, ML), pp. 291–302.
IJCAR-2006-Chaieb #quantifier #verification- Verifying Mixed Real-Integer Quantifier Elimination (AC), pp. 528–540.
DAC-2005-BernardinisNV #design- Mixed signal design space exploration through analog platforms (FDB, PN, ALSV), pp. 875–880.
DATE-2005-NoguchiN #monitoring #multi- On-Chip Multi-Channel Waveform Monitoring for Diagnostics of Mixed-Signal VLSI Circuits (KN, MN), pp. 146–151.
DATE-2005-SehgalLOC #testing- Test Planning for Mixed-Signal SOCs with Wrapped Analog Cores (AS, FL, SO, KC), pp. 50–55.
DATE-2005-SomaniCP #contest #design #optimisation #search-based- Mixing Global and Local Competition in Genetic Optimization based Design Space Exploration of Analog Circuits (AS, PPC, AP), pp. 1064–1069.
ICDAR-2005-AminW #detection #documentation #robust- Robust Skew Detection in mixed Text/Graphics Documents (AA, SW), pp. 247–251.
ICDAR-2005-LuoZPLX #mobile- Camera based mixed-lingual card reader for mobile device (XPL, LXZ, GP, JL, BHX), pp. 665–669.
ICDAR-2005-RinglstetterSML #fault- The Same is Not The same — Post Correction of Alphabet Confusion Errors in Mixed-Alphabet OCR Recognation (CR, KUS, SM, KL), pp. 406–410.
VLDB-2005-ChoKS #metadata #named #xml- MIX: A Meta-data Indexing System for XML (SC, NK, DS), pp. 1326–1329.
VLDB-2005-JinKLT #approximate #retrieval- Indexing Mixed Types for Approximate Retrieval (LJ, NK, CL, AKHT), pp. 793–804.
STOC-2005-Morris- The mixing time of the Thorp shuffle (BM), pp. 403–412.
ICALP-2005-GairingLMT #equilibrium #nash- Nash Equilibria, the Price of Anarchy and the Fully Mixed Nash Equilibrium Conjecture (MG, TL, BM, KT), pp. 51–65.
AdaEurope-2005-AmeyCW #certification- Smart Certification of Mixed Criticality Systems (PA, RC, NW), pp. 144–155.
ICEIS-v5-2005-LeR #learning #named- LINC: A Web-Based Learning Tool for Mixed-Mode Learning (THL, JR), pp. 154–160.
ICLP-2005-RochaSC #evaluation #logic programming #source code- Dynamic Mixed-Strategy Evaluation of Tabled Logic Programs (RR, FMAS, VSC), pp. 250–264.
DAC-2004-JerkeLS #design #layout- Reliability-driven layout decompaction for electromigration failure avoidance in complex mixed-signal IC designs (GJ, JL, JS), pp. 181–184.
DATE-v1-2004-GrimmHW #refinement- Refinement of Mixed-Signal Systems with Affine Arithmetic (CG, WH, KW), pp. 372–377.
DATE-v1-2004-LeveugleA #fault #injection- Early SEU Fault Injection in Digital, Analog and Mixed Signal Circuits: A Global Flow (RL, AA), pp. 590–595.
DATE-v1-2004-MartensG #architecture #design- A Phase-Frequency Transfer Description of Analog and Mixed-Signal Front-End Architectures for System-Level Design (EM, GGEG), pp. 436–441.
DATE-v1-2004-VazquezLHRH #parametricity #self- A Method for Parameter Extraction of Analog Sine-Wave Signals for Mixed-Signal Built-In-Self-Test Applications (DV, GL, GH, AR, JLH), pp. 298–305.
DATE-v1-2004-WilsonRBKB #behaviour #modelling #performance- Efficient Mixed-Domain Behavioural Modeling of Ferromagnetic Hysteresis Implemented in VHDL-AMS (PRW, JNR, ADB, TJK, JB), pp. 742–743.
DATE-v2-2004-LanD #analysis #modelling #synthesis- Synthesized Compact Models (SCM) of Substrate Noise Coupling Analysis and Synthesis in Mixed-Signal ICs (HL, RWD), pp. 836–843.
DATE-v2-2004-MineKKWA #hybrid #linear #performance #reduction #simulation- Hybrid Reduction Technique for Efficient Simulation of Linear/Nonlinear Mixed Circuits (TM, HK, AK, TW, HA), pp. 1327–1333.
DATE-v2-2004-ReedLBMC #algorithm #parallel #simulation- An Application of Parallel Discrete Event Simulation Algorithms to Mixed Domain System Simulation (DKR, SPL, JB, JAM, DMC), pp. 1356–1357.
DRR-2004-WangD #segmentation- Comprehensive printed Tibetan/English mixed text segmentation method (HW, XD), pp. 136–146.
HT-2004-PetersenG #hypermedia- Domestic hypermedia: mixed media in the home (MGP, KG), pp. 108–109.
ICALP-2004-HooryMMR #permutation- Simple Permutations Mix Well (SH, AM, SM, CR), pp. 770–781.
CHI-2004-CrabtreeBRGFADARTS #artificial reality #game studies- Orchestrating a mixed reality game “on the ground” (AC, SB, TR, CG, MF, RA, AD, MA, JRF, NT, AS), pp. 391–398.
AdaEurope-2004-MinguetFGB #ada #policy #scheduling- Mixing Scheduling Policies in Ada (AEM, AGF, VLG, ATB), pp. 273–282.
ICPR-v3-2004-IwahoriWKF #artificial reality #modelling #network- Neural Network Based Modeling and Color Rendering for Mixed Reality (YI, RJW, HK, KF), pp. 198–201.
DAC-2003-RutenbarHJKMRS- Mixed signals on mixed-signal: the right next technology (RAR, DLH, KJ, PK, THYM, RR, JS), pp. 278–279.
DAC-2003-SengerMMGKGB- A 16-bit mixed-signal microsystem with integrated CMOS-MEMS clock reference (RMS, EDM, MSM, FHG, KLK, MRG, RBB), pp. 520–525.
DAC-2003-VasudevanR #using- Computation of noise spectral density in switched capacitor circuits using the mixed-frequency-time technique (VV, MR), pp. 538–541.
DATE-2003-CorsiMM #approach #classification #pseudo #random testing #testing- An Approach to the Classification of Mixed-Signal Circuits in a Pseudorandom Testing Scheme (FC, CM, GM), pp. 11178–11179.
DATE-2003-DaglioR #bottom-up #design #top-down- A Fully Qualified Top-Down and Bottom-Up Mixed-Signal Design Flow for Non Volatile Memories Technologies (PD, CR), pp. 20274–20279.
DATE-2003-EberleVWDGM #automation #behaviour #modelling #simulation- Behavioral Modeling and Simulation of a Mixed Analog/Digital Automatic Gain Control Loop in a 5 GHz WLAN Receiver (WE, GV, PW, SD, GGEG, HDM), pp. 10642–10649.
DATE-2003-GrimmMHW #refinement- Refinement of Mixed-Signal Systems with SystemC (CG, CM, WH, KW), pp. 11170–11171.
DATE-2003-LoKWH #design #identification #standard- A Custom-Cell Identification Method for High-Performance Mixed Standard/Custom-Cell Designs (JYLL, WAK, ACHW, TH), pp. 11102–11103.
DATE-2003-SayintaCPAD #abstraction #case study #using #verification- A Mixed Abstraction Level Co-Simulation Case Study Using SystemC for System on Chip Verification (AS, GC, MP, AA, WD), pp. 20095–20100.
HT-2003-GronbaekKOE #hypermedia #physics #quote- “Physical hypermedia”: organising collections of mixed physical and digital material (KG, JFK, PØ, MAE), pp. 10–19.
HT-2003-RomeroC #artificial reality #hypermedia #named- HyperReal: a hypermedia model for mixed reality (LR, NC), pp. 2–9.
VLDB-2003-DeutschT #named #xml- MARS: A System for Publishing XML from Mixed and Redundant Storage (AD, VT), pp. 201–212.
VLDB-2003-HalversonBKKRTVWND #query #xml- Mixed Mode XML Query Processing (AH, JB, LG, AK, RK, ANR, FT, SV, YW, JFN, DJD), pp. 225–236.
TACAS-2003-BerezinGD #linear #online- An Online Proof-Producing Decision Procedure for Mixed-Integer Linear Arithmetic (SB, VG, DLD), pp. 521–536.
STOC-2003-BobkovT- Modified log-sobolev inequalities, mixing and hypercontractivity (SB, PT), pp. 287–296.
CHI-2003-BrownMCGRS #artificial reality #collaboration #lessons learnt- Lessons from the lighthouse: collaboration in a shared mixed reality system (BB, IM, MC, AG, CR, AS), pp. 577–584.
CHI-2003-FlinthamBAHCGTAR #artificial reality #case study #experience #game studies #mobile #online- Where on-line meets on the streets: experiences with mobile mixed reality games (MF, SB, RA, TH, AC, CG, NT, MA, JRF), pp. 569–576.
CHI-2003-VenoliaN #comprehension #email #sequence #visualisation- Understanding sequence and reply relationships within email conversations: a mixed-model visualization (GDV, CN), pp. 361–368.
SEKE-2003-Agren #concept #database #named #performance- CHiC: A Fast Concept Hierarchy Constructor for Discrete or Mixed Mode Databases (OÅ), pp. 250–258.
LDTA-2003-Hufflen #bibliography- Mixing Two Bibliography Style Languages (JMH), pp. 628–642.
DAC-2002-KoukabDD #analysis #named #performance- HSpeedEx: a high-speed extractor for substrate noise analysis in complex mixed signal SOC (AK, CD, MJD), pp. 767–770.
DAC-2002-Pogge #challenge #effectiveness- The next chip challenge: effective methods for viable mixed technology SoCs (HBP), pp. 84–87.
DATE-2002-BrandtnerW #network #power management #simulation- Hierarchical Simulation of Substrate Coupling in Mixed-Signal ICs Considering the Power Supply Network (TB, RW), pp. 1028–1032.
DATE-2002-DoboliV #co-evolution #design #functional #specification- A Functional Specification Notation for Co-Design of Mixed Analog-Digital Systems (AD, RV), pp. 760–767.
DATE-2002-GinesPRSM #behaviour #design #modelling #parametricity #reuse- A Mixed-Signal Design Reuse Methodology Based on Parametric Behavioural Models with Non-Ideal Effects (AJG, EJP, AR, RS, NMM), pp. 310–314.
DATE-2002-GorenZGGLASW #approach #design- An Interconnect-Aware Methodology for Analog and Mixed Signal Design, Based on High Bandwidth (Over 40 Ghz) On-Chip Transmission Line Approach (DG, MZ, TCG, RG, BL, AA, AS, IAW), pp. 804–811.
DATE-2002-Hoffmann #design #generative #testing- A New Design Flow and Testability Measure for the Generation of a Structural Test and BIST for Analogue and Mixed-Signal Circuits (CH), pp. 197–204.
DATE-2002-LechugaMMB #detection #fault- Built-In Dynamic Current Sensor for Hard-to-Detect Faults in Mixed-Signal Ics (YL, RM, MM, SB), pp. 205–211.
DATE-2002-SommerRHGMMECSN #design #layout #specification #top-down- From System Specification To Layout: Seamless Top-Down Design Methods for Analog and Mixed-Signal Applications (RS, IRH, EH, UG, PM, FM, KE, CC, PS, GN), pp. 884–891.
PEPM-2002-RamakrishnanCP #interactive- Mixed-initiative interaction = mixed computation (NR, RC, MAPQ), pp. 119–130.
FLOPS-2002-Garcia-DiazN #constraints #quantifier- Solving Mixed Quantified Constraints over a Domain Based on Real Numbers and Herbrand Terms (MGD, SN), pp. 103–118.
CHI-2002-SchnadelbachKFFICFBGR #artificial reality #interface- The augurscope: a mixed reality interface for outdoors (HS, BK, MF, MF, SI, PC, MF, SB, CG, TR), pp. 9–16.
CSCW-2002-PrinceCFWJBK #3d #artificial reality #interactive #realtime- 3-D live: real time interaction for mixed reality (SP, ADC, FF, TW, NJ, MB, HK), pp. 364–371.
ICPR-v3-2002-Kitamoto #analysis #component- Fractional Component Analysis (FCA) for Mixed Signals (AK), pp. 383–386.
ICPR-v3-2002-TerebesLBB- Mixed Anisotropic Diffusion (RT, OL, PB, MB), pp. 760–763.
ICPR-v4-2002-StephensonMB #automation #network #recognition #speech- Mixed Bayesian Networks with Auxiliary Variables for Automatic Speech Recognition (TAS, MMD, HB), p. 293–?.
CAV-2002-CabodiNQ #traversal #verification- Mixing Forward and Backward Traversals in Guided-Prioritized BDD-Based Verification (GC, SN, SQ), pp. 471–484.
SAT-2002-Kullmann #adaptation #branch #database #encryption #normalisation #random #satisfiability #standard #towards #using- Towards an adaptive density based branching rule for SAT solvers, using a database for mixed random conjunctive normal forms built upon the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) (OK), p. 8.
DAC-2001-ChelceaN #interface #protocol #robust- Robust Interfaces for Mixed-Timing Systems with Application to Latency-Insensitive Protocols (TC, SMN), pp. 21–26.
DAC-2001-GanesanV #behaviour #clustering #synthesis- Behavioral Partitioning in the Synthesis of Mixed Analog-Digital Systems (SG, RV), pp. 133–138.
DATE-2001-Castro-LopezFDR- Retargeting of mixed-signal blocks for SoCs (RCL, FVF, MDR, ÁRV), pp. 772–775.
DATE-2001-GielenSCMR #challenge #design- Design challenges and emerging EDA solutions in mixed-signal IC design (GGEG, BS, HC, PM, JR), pp. 694–695.
DATE-2001-MadridPAR #design #modelling #reuse- Analog/mixed-signal IP modeling for design reuse (NMM, EJP, AJA, AR), pp. 766–767.
DATE-2001-NicolescuYJ #communication #design #refinement- Mixed-level cosimulation for fine gradual refinement of communication in SoC design (GN, SY, AAJ), pp. 754–759.
DATE-2001-SiegmundM #communication #design #interface #modelling #multi #named- SystemCSV — an extension of SystemC for mixed multi-level communication modeling and interface-based system design (RS, DM), pp. 26–33.
FASE-2001-ChoppyPR #specification #uml #visual notation- Specification of Mixed Systems in KORRIGAN with the Support of a UML-Inspired Graphical Notation (CC, PP, JCR), pp. 124–139.
STOC-2001-MontenegroS #agile #geometry #markov- Edge isoperimetry and rapid mixing on matroids and geometric Markov chains (RM, JBS), pp. 704–711.
CHI-2001-GongL #performance #speech- Shall we mix synthetic speech and human speech?: impact on users’ performance, perception, and attitude (LG, JL), pp. 158–165.
CHI-2001-KolevaTBFGSLHRA #artificial reality #performance- Orchestrating a mixed reality performance (BK, IT, SB, MF, CG, HS, DvL, CH, JRF, MA), pp. 38–45.
CHI-2001-RekimotoUO #composition #framework #interactive #named #physics #visual notation- DataTiles: a modular platform for mixed physical and graphical interactions (JR, BU, HO), pp. 269–276.
KDD-2001-ChiuFCWJ #algorithm #clustering #database #robust #scalability- A robust and scalable clustering algorithm for mixed type attributes in large database environment (TC, DF, JC, YW, CJ), pp. 263–268.
ASE-2000-HillL #analysis- Non-Interference Analysis for Mixed Criticality Code in Avionics Systems (MGH, TWL), pp. 257–260.
DAC-2000-CortadellaKLMMPWS #embedded #generative #scheduling- Task generation and compile-time scheduling for mixed data-control embedded software (JC, AK, LL, MM, SM, CP, YW, ALSV), pp. 489–494.
DAC-2000-TsaiK #performance #reduction #simulation- Fast temperature calculation for transient electrothermal simulation by mixed frequency/time domain thermal model reduction (CHT, SMK), pp. 750–755.
DAC-2000-VandersteenWRDDEB #data flow #performance #simulation- A methodology for efficient high-level dataflow simulation of mixed-signal front-ends of digital telecom transceivers (GV, PW, YR, PD, SD, ME, IB), pp. 440–445.
DATE-2000-CarroSNJF #component- Non-Linear Components for Mixed Circuits Analog Front-End (LC, AAdSJ, MN, GPJ, DTF), pp. 544–549.
DATE-2000-OzevBO #synthesis- Test Synthesis for Mixed-Signal SOC Paths (SO, IB, AO), pp. 128–133.
DATE-2000-SilvaDM #configuration management #correlation #hardware #using- Mixed-Signal BIST Using Correlation and Reconfigurable Hardware (JMdS, JSD, JSM), p. 744.
DATE-2000-WegenerK #modelling #testing- Incorporation of Hard-Fault-Coverage in Model-Based Testing of Mixed-Signal ICs (CW, MPK), p. 765.
DATE-2000-YangC #logic #synthesis- Synthesis for Mixed CMOS/PTl Logic (CY, MJC), p. 750.
CSEET-2000-HanlonSP #case study #distance #education #project management- Mixing Project Management and Distance Education: A Case Study (DH, MS, PP), p. 176–?.
PEPM-2000-SumiiK #approach #partial evaluation- Online-and-Offline Partial Evaluation: A Mixed Approach (Extended Abstract) (ES, NK), pp. 12–21.
STOC-2000-AmbainisSV- Computing with highly mixed states (extended abstract) (AA, LJS, UVV), pp. 697–704.
STOC-2000-GurvitsS #algorithm #approximate #polynomial- A deterministic polynomial-time algorithm for approximating mixed discriminant and mixed volume (LG, AS), pp. 48–57.
CAiSE-2000-Tsichritzis #named- BIO/COM: Mixing Water with Fire (DT), pp. 1–6.
ICPR-v1-2000-AllezardDJ #3d #modelling #recognition- Recognition of 3D Textured Objects by Mixing View-Based and Model-Based Representations (NA, MD, FJ), pp. 1960–1963.
ICPR-v3-2000-CamilleriP #bound #refinement- Spectral Unmixing of Mixed Pixels for Texture Boundary Refinement (KPC, MP), pp. 7096–7099.
ICPR-v4-2000-OkumaSTY #artificial reality #estimation #image #parametricity #realtime- Real-Time Camera Parameter Estimation from Images for a Mixed Reality System (TO, KS, HT, NY), pp. 4482–4486.
SAC-2000-OrlandoPP #coordination #parallel #source code- Coordinating HPF Programs to Mix Task and Data Parallelism (SO, PP, RP), pp. 240–247.
HPCA-2000-YumVDS- Investigating QoS Support for Traffic Mixes with the MediaWorm Router (KHY, ASV, CRD, AS), pp. 97–106.
DAC-1999-ChinosiZG #clustering #parallel #simulation- Parallel Mixed-Level Power Simulation Based on Spatio-Temporal Circuit Partitioning (MC, RZ, CG), pp. 562–567.
DAC-1999-FengPNKW #approach #performance- Efficient Computation of Quasi-Periodic Circuit Operating Conditions via a Mixed Frequency/Time Approach (DF, JRP, KN, KSK, JW), pp. 635–640.
DAC-1999-WeiCRYD #design #power management- Mixed-Vth (MVT) CMOS Circuit Design Methodology for Low Power Applications (LW, ZC, KR, YY, VD), pp. 430–435.
DATE-1999-CostaSC #modelling #performance- Efficient Techniques for Accurate Extraction and Modeling of Substrate Coupling in Mixed-Signal IC’s (JPC, LMS, MC), pp. 396–400.
DATE-1999-DabrowskiP #case study #experience #modelling- Experiences with Modeling of Analog and Mixed A/D Systems Based on PWL Technique (JD, AP), pp. 790–791.
DATE-1999-MartinolleDCF #user interface- Interoperability of Verilog/VHDL Procedural Language Interfaces to Build a Mixed Language GUI (FM, CD, DC, MF), pp. 788–789.
DATE-1999-RayaneVN #detection #embedded- A One-Bit-Signature BIST for Embedded Operational Amplifiers in Mixed-Signal Circuits Based on the Slew-Rate Detection (IR, JVM, MN), p. 792–?.
DATE-1999-SantosT #fault #simulation #using- Defect-Oriented Mixed-Level Fault Simulation of Digital Systems-on-a-Chip Using HDL (MBS, JPT), p. 549–?.
HT-1999-RutledgeHOB #hypermedia- Mix’n’match: Exchangeable Modules of Hypermedia Style (LR, LH, JvO, DCAB), pp. 179–188.
ICDAR-1999-WangT #documentation #image #recognition- A New Method of Character Line Extraction from Mixed-unformatted Document Image for Japanese Mail Address Recognition (XW, TT), pp. 769–772.
SIGMOD-1999-BaruGLMPVC #xml- XML-Based Information Mediation with MIX (CKB, AG, BL, RM, YP, PV, VC), pp. 597–599.
ICSM-1999-LapierreMSAFT #automation #execution #generative #linear #programming #testing #using- Automatic Unit Test Data Generation Using Mixed-Integer Linear Programming and Execution Trees (SL, EM, GS, GA, RF, PT), pp. 189–198.
STOC-1999-ChenLP #markov- Lifting Markov Chains to Speed up Mixing (FC, LL, IP), pp. 275–281.
STOC-1999-LovaszK #performance- Faster Mixing via Average Conductance (LL, RK), pp. 282–287.
ICALP-1999-Clote #markov- Protein Folding, the Levinthal Paradox and Rapidly Mixing Markov Chains (PC), pp. 240–249.
FM-v2-1999-SmarandacheGG #calculus #constraints #realtime #validation- Validation of Mixed SIGNAL-ALPHA Real-Time Systems through Affine Calculus on Clock Synchronisation Constraints (IMS, TG, PLG), pp. 1364–1383.
IFM-1999-He #framework #hardware- A Common Framework for Mixed Hardware/Software Systems (JH), pp. 3–25.
CHI-1999-Horvitz #user interface- Principles of Mixed-Initiative User Interfaces (EH), pp. 159–166.
UML-1999-KentH #constraints #visual notation- Mixing Visual and Textual Constraint Languages (SK, JH), pp. 384–398.
SAC-1999-RauberR #coordination #parallel #source code- A Coordination Language for Mixed Task and and Data Parallel Programs (TR, GR), pp. 146–155.
DAC-1998-ChouW #equation #multi #parametricity- Multilevel Integral Equation Methods for the Extraction of Substrate Coupling Parameters in Mixed-Signal IC’s (MC, JW), pp. 20–25.
DAC-1998-MarquesKWS #3d #modelling #performance- A Mixed Nodal-Mesh Formulation for Efficient Extraction and Passive Reduced-Order Modeling of 3D Interconnects (NAM, MK, JW, LMS), pp. 297–302.
DATE-1998-CostaCS #modelling #performance #simulation- Efficient Techniques for Accurate Modeling and Simulation of Substrate Coupling in Mixed-Signal IC’s (JPC, MC, LMS), pp. 892–898.
DATE-1998-Kazmierski98a #interface #simulation- Fuzzy-logic digital-analogue interfaces for accurate mixed-signal simulation (TJK), pp. 941–944.
STOC-1998-AharonovKN #quantum- Quantum Circuits with Mixed States (DA, AK, NN), pp. 20–30.
ICPR-1998-IshiiMT #detection #image #realtime #using #video- Detection of foreign substances mixed in a plastic bottle of medicinal solution using real-time video image processing (AI, TM, ST), pp. 1646–1650.
ICRE-1998-LecoeucheMR #elicitation #framework #requirements- A Framework for Requirements Elicitation through Mixed-Initiative Dialogue (RL, CM, DSR), p. 190–?.
SAC-1998-Konstam #algorithm #classification #programming #search-based #using- Group classification using a mix of genetic programming and genetic algorithms (AHK), pp. 308–312.
EDTC-1997-FauraHKCAI #integration #programmable- A new field programmable system-on-a-chip for mixed signal integration (JF, CH, BK, JC, MAA, JMI), p. 610.
EDTC-1997-GrotkerSM #data flow #modelling #named- PCC: a modeling technique for mixed control/data flow systems (TG, RS, HM), pp. 482–486.
EDTC-1997-HendricxC #approach #verification- A symbolic core approach to the formal verification of integrated mixed-mode applications (SH, LJMC), pp. 432–436.
EDTC-1997-Lee #configuration management- Reconfigurable data converter as a building block for mixed-signal test (EKFL), pp. 359–363.
EDTC-1997-MignotteP #scheduling #using- Scheduling using mixed arithmetic: an ILP formulation (AM, OP), p. 621.
EDTC-1997-OlbrichGARC #estimation #quality- A new quality estimation methodology for mixed-signal and analogue ICs (TO, IAG, YEA, AMDR, JC), pp. 573–580.
ICDAR-1997-SabourinDW #matrix #verification- Shape Matrices as a Mixed Shape Factor for Off-line Signature Verification (RS, JPD, ESW), pp. 661–666.
SAS-1997-FahndrichA #constraints #program analysis #set #using- Program Analysis Using Mixed Term and Set Constraints (MF, AA), pp. 114–126.
STOC-1997-GoreJ #process- The Swendsen-Wang Process Does Not Always Mix Rapidly (VG, MJ), pp. 674–681.
DLT-1997-Kudlek- Mix Operation with Catenation and Shuffle (MK), pp. 387–398.
HCI-CC-1997-KameiMSH #integration- Creating a Source and Target Language Mixed Stage for Integration of Human Knowledge into Machine Translation (SiK, KM, KS, KH), pp. 825–828.
CSL-1997-Hofmann #linear #recursion #λ-calculus- A Mixed Modal/Linear λ Calculus with Applications to Bellantoni-Cook Safe Recursion (MH0), pp. 275–294.
DAC-1996-AdamsT #design #hardware- The Design of Mixed Hardware/Software Systems (JKA, DET), pp. 515–520.
DAC-1996-CarleyGRS #synthesis #tool support- Synthesis Tools for Mixed-Signal ICs: Progress on Frontend and Backend Strategies (LRC, GGEG, RAR, WMCS), pp. 298–303.
DAC-1996-MiliozziVCMS #design #modelling- Use of Sensitivities and Generalized Substrate Models in Mixed-Signal IC Design (PM, IV, EC, EM, ALSV), pp. 227–232.
DAC-1996-TodescoM #named #parallel #simulation- Symphony: A Simulation Backplane for Parallel Mixed-Mode Co-Simulation of VLSI Systems (ARWT, THYM), pp. 149–154.
ICPR-1996-BergerSPW #image #synthesis #video- Mixing synthesis and video images of outdoor environments: application to the bridges of Paris (MOB, GS, SP, BWD), pp. 90–94.
ICPR-1996-HeA #approach #clustering #documentation #string- A clustering-based approach to the separation of text strings from mixed text/graphics documents (SH, NA), pp. 706–710.
ICPR-1996-KalviainenBPK #classification #random- Mixed pixel classification with the randomized Hough transform (HK, PB, MP, JK), pp. 576–580.
ICPR-1996-ParodiP #documentation #image #performance #preprocessor- An efficient pre-processing of mixed-content document images for OCR systems (PP, GP), pp. 778–782.
KR-1996-LeeG #parallel #reasoning #relational #transitive- Parallel Transitive Reasoning in Mixed Relational Hierarchies (YL, JG), pp. 576–587.
DAC-1995-ChouKW #3d #approach #simulation #using- Transient Simulations of Three-Dimensional Integrated Circuit Interconnect Using a Mixed Surface-Volume Approach (MC, TK, JW), pp. 485–490.
DAC-1995-WempleY #analysis #megamodelling #using- Mixed-Signal Switching Noise Analysis Using Voronoi-Tessellated Substrate Macromodels (ILW, ATY), pp. 439–444.
ICDAR-v2-1995-WehbiOLP #recognition #segmentation- Numeral characters and capital letters segmentation recognition in mixed handwriting context (HW, HO, JL, EP), pp. 878–881.
PEPM-1995-Jones #years after- Special Address: MIX ten years after (NDJ), pp. 24–38.
CHI-1995-OlsonOM #design #question #realtime #video #what- What Mix of Video and Audio is Useful for Small Groups Doing Remote Real-Time Design Work? (JSO, GMO, DKM), pp. 362–368.
AdaEurope-1995-TaurisanoW #ada- Ada in Mixed Language Applications (GT, IW), pp. 58–70.
SAC-1995-FiedlerLDL #using- Optimal initialization of mixed-layer model using the adjoint technique (RF, SL, SKD, JML), pp. 91–95.
EDAC-1994-DonnaySGSKL #automation #design- A Methodology for Analog Design Automation in Mixed-Signal ASICs (SD, KS, GGEG, WMCS, WK, DL), pp. 530–534.
EDAC-1994-WuTWL #behaviour #synthesis- A Synthesis Method for Mixed Synchronous / Asynchronous Behavior (TYW, TCT, ACHW, YLL), pp. 277–281.
CADE-1994-Beckert- A Completion-Based Method for Mixed Universal and Rigid E-Unification (BB), pp. 678–692.
DAC-1993-YuanPR #component #evaluation #logic #simulation- Evaluation of Parts by Mixed-Level DC-Connected Components in Logic Simulation (DCY, LTP, JTR), pp. 367–372.
ICDAR-1993-BelaidA #approach #documentation- A labeling approach for mixed document blocks (AB, OTA), pp. 749–752.
ICDAR-1993-HonesL #documentation #string- Text string extraction within mixed-mode documents (FH, JL), pp. 655–659.
ICDAR-1993-ImadeTW #classification #documentation #image #network #segmentation #using- Segmentation and classification for mixed text/image documents using neural network (SI, ST, TW), pp. 930–934.
ICDAR-1993-KuoW #segmentation- A new method for the segmentation of mixed handprinted Chinese/English characters (HHK, JFW), pp. 810–813.
INTERCHI-1993-MonkNGMM #case study #communication- Mixing oil and water?: Ethnography versus experimental psychology in the study of computer-mediated communication (AFM, BAN, NG, MMM, JCM), pp. 3–6.
DAC-1992-MaulikCR #approach #programming #synthesis- A Mixed-Integer Nonlinear Programming Approach to Analog Circuit Synthesis (PCM, LRC, RAR), pp. 698–703.
DAC-1992-NouraniP #automation #scheduling #synthesis- Move Frame Scheduling and Mixed Scheduling-Allocation for the Automated Synthesis of Digital Systems (MN, CAP), pp. 99–105.
LICS-1992-Fribourg #recursion- Mixing List Recursion and Arithmetic (LF), pp. 419–429.
PODS-1991-Jakobsson #algorithm #transitive- Mixed-Approach Algorithms for Transitive Closure (HJ), pp. 199–205.
DAC-1990-HwangLSW #fault #parallel- A Parallel Pattern Mixed-Level Fault Simulator (TSH, CLL, WZS, CPW), pp. 716–719.
DAC-1990-UptonSS #design #metaprogramming #standard- Integrated Placement for Mixed Macro Cell and Standard Cell Designs (MU, KS, SS), pp. 32–35.
OOPSLA-ECOOP-1990-Freeman-Benson #constraints #imperative #named #programming- Kaleidoscope: Mixing Objects, Constraints and Imperative Programming (BNFB), pp. 77–88.
ICSE-1990-ChoppyK #development #prototype #specification- Mixing Abstract and Concrete Modules: Specification, Development and Prototyping (CC, SK), pp. 173–184.
CC-1990-LammelF #attribute grammar- Mixed Dialogue Control Defined by an Attribute Grammar (Abstract) (UL, PF), pp. 219–221.
DAC-1989-RumseyS #simulation- An ASIC Methodology for Mixed Analog-Digital Simulation (MR, JS), pp. 618–621.
DAC-1988-HelliwellP #algorithm #multi #performance- A Fast Algorithm to Minimize Multi-Output Mixed-Polarity Generalized Reed-Muller Forms (MH, MAP), pp. 427–432.
DAC-1988-WeyC #named- PLAYGROUND: Minimization of PLAs with Mixed Ground True Outputs (CLW, TYC), pp. 421–426.
VLDB-1988-PonsV #concurrent #database #distributed- Mixed concurrency control: Dealing with heterogeneity in distributed database systems (JFP, JFV), pp. 445–456.
STOC-1988-JerrumS #agile #approximate #markov- Conductance and the Rapid Mixing Property for Markov Chains: the Approximation of the Permanent Resolved (Preliminary Version) (MJ, AS), pp. 235–244.
DAC-1986-MaS #estimation #fault- Mixed-level fault coverage estimation (HKTM, ALSV), pp. 553–559.
DAC-1986-OdrynaNC- A workstation-mixed model circuit simulator (PO, KN, CC), pp. 186–192.
DAC-1986-TakasakiSNIK #hardware #logic #simulation- HAL II: a mixed level hardware logic simulation system (ST, TS, NN, HI, NK), pp. 581–587.
SLP-1986-SterlingB86 #incremental- Incremental Flavor-Mixing of Meta-Interpreters for Expert System Construction (LS, RDB), pp. 20–27.
DAC-1985-LathropK #functional #object-oriented #simulation- An extensible object-oriented mixed-mod functional simulation system (RHL, RSK), pp. 630–636.
DAC-1985-TeraiHK #array #metaprogramming #standard- A routing procedure for mixed array of custom macros and standard cells (HT, MH, TK), pp. 503–508.
DAC-1984-ChenLNS #generative- The second generation motis mixed-mode simulator (CFC, CYL, HNN, PS), pp. 10–17.
DAC-1984-DoshiSS #interactive #logic #multi- THEMIS logic simulator — a mix mode, multi-level, hierarchical, interactive digital circuit simulator (MHD, RBS, DMS), pp. 24–31.
SIGIR-1984-Christodoulakis #development #framework- Framework for the Development of an Experimental Mixed-Mode Message System (SC), pp. 1–20.
DAC-1983-LiaoW #algorithm #constraints #layout- An algorithm to compact a VLSI symbolic layout with mixed constraints (YZL, CKW), pp. 107–112.
LFP-1982-White #bound #constant- Constant Time Interpretation for Shallow-bound Variables in the Presence of Mixed SPECIAL/LOCAL Declarations (JLW), pp. 196–200.
DAC-1980-AgrawalBKNP- A mixed-mode simulator (VDA, AKB, PK, HNN, EPS), pp. 618–625.
DAC-1980-SasakiYKNTN #logic #named #scalability #verification- MIXS: A mixed level simulator for large digital system logic verification (TS, AY, SK, TN, KT, NN), pp. 626–633.