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Travelled to:
1 × Australia
1 × Austria
1 × Canada
5 × USA
Collaborated with:
M.Shimura C.Nattee K.Moriyama Ken-ichi Fukui S.Kurihara B.Kijsirikul S.Morishita S.Hirose S.Sinthupinyo T.Okada Vanus Vachiratamporn Kazuki Asayama T.Nishikawa T.Sugimoto R.S.Legaspi R.Kiyohara S.Mii M.Matsumoto W.Li D.Gao R.Bhatti I.Narang H.Matsuzawa M.Ohkawa T.Fukuda
Talks about:
learn (4) program (3) data (3) base (3) construct (2) method (2) logic (2) adapt (2) game (2) non (2)

Person: Masayuki Numao

DBLP DBLP: Numao:Masayuki

Contributed to:

HCI p2 20092009
SAC 20092009
VLDB 20072007
ICML 20042004
ICDAR 20012001
ML 19911991
ML 19891989
ICLP 19871987
CIG 20142014
CIG 20152015

Wrote 10 papers:

HCI-NIMT-2009-NumaoNSKL #adaptation #user interface
Constructive Adaptive User Interfaces Based on Brain Waves (MN, TN, TS, SK, RSL), pp. 596–605.
SAC-2009-KiyoharaMMNK #embedded #performance
Method for fast compression of program codes for remote updates in embedded systems (RK, SM, MM, MN, SK), pp. 1683–1684.
Deadline and QoS Aware Data Warehouse (WSL, DG, RB, IN, HM, MN, MO, TF), pp. 1418–1421.
ICML-2004-NatteeSNO #first-order #learning #mining #multi
Learning first-order rules from data with multiple parts: applications on mining chemical compound data (CN, SS, MN, TO).
ICDAR-2001-NatteeN #classification #comprehension #documentation #geometry #machine learning #online #using
Geometric Method for Document Understanding and Classification Using On-line Machine Learning (CN, MN), pp. 602–606.
ML-1991-KijsirikulNS #learning #logic programming #performance #source code
Efficient Learning of Logic Programs with Non-determinant, Non-discriminating Literals (BK, MN, MS), pp. 417–421.
ML-1989-NumaoS #learning #similarity
Explanation-Based Acceleration of Similarity-Based Learning (MN, MS), pp. 58–60.
ICLP-1987-MorishitaNH87 #logic programming
Symbolical Construction of Truth Value Domain for Logic Program (SM, MN, SH), pp. 533–555.
CIG-2014-VachiratampornMFN #adaptation #game studies #implementation
An implementation of affective adaptation in survival horror games (VV, KM, KiF, MN), pp. 1–8.
CIG-2015-AsayamaMFN #game studies #performance #predict #realtime #video
Prediction as faster perception in a real-time fighting video game (KA, KM, KiF, MN), pp. 517–522.

Bibliography of Software Language Engineering in Generated Hypertext (BibSLEIGH) is created and maintained by Dr. Vadim Zaytsev.
Hosted as a part of SLEBOK on GitHub.