Travelled to:
1 × Australia
1 × China
1 × Portugal
1 × Sweden
1 × Turkey
Collaborated with:
K.Seki K.Uehara N.Ueda A.Fujino Y.Baba H.Kashima Y.Nohara E.Kai P.P.Ghosh R.I.Maruf A.Ahmed M.Kuroda S.Inoue T.Hiramatsu M.Kimura S.Shimizu K.Kobayashi K.Tsuda M.Sugiyama M.Kitsuregawa N.Nakashima
Talks about:
learn (2) unsupervis (1) multiclass (1) constraint (1) literatur (1) euclidean (1) sparsiti (1) scarciti (1) recognit (1) handwrit (1)
Person: Mathieu Blondel
DBLP: Blondel:Mathieu
Contributed to:
Wrote 5 papers:
- KDD-2015-BabaKNKGIAKIHKS #low cost #predict
- Predictive Approaches for Low-Cost Preventive Medicine Program in Developing Countries (YB, HK, YN, EK, PPG, RIM, AA, MK, SI, TH, MK, SS, KK, KT, MS, MB, NU, MK, NN), pp. 1681–1690.
- ICPR-2014-BlondelFU #multi #scalability
- Large-Scale Multiclass Support Vector Machine Training via Euclidean Projection onto the Simplex (MB, AF, NU), pp. 1289–1294.
- SAC-2013-BlondelSU #classification #constraints #learning #using
- Learning non-linear classifiers with a sparsity constraint using L1 regularization (MB, KS, KU), pp. 167–169.
- SIGIR-2011-BlondelSU
- Tackling class imbalance and data scarcity in literature-based gene function annotation (MB, KS, KU), pp. 1123–1124.
- ICPR-2010-BlondelSU #learning #online #recognition
- Unsupervised Learning of Stroke Tagger for Online Kanji Handwriting Recognition (MB, KS, KU), pp. 1973–1976.